Chapter 6

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Ash made his way to Professor Oak's lab, Pikachu trotting by his side. The early morning sun bathed Pallet Town in a warm glow, but Ash's mind was already focused on the task ahead. He needed answers, and Professor Oak was the best place to start.

When he arrived at the lab, he knocked on the door before stepping inside. The familiar scent of the lab—a mix of Pokémon feed and books—greeted him as he saw Professor Oak near his desk, sorting through a stack of research papers.

"Professor!" Ash called out with a smile, waving as he approached.

Professor Oak turned around, his eyes lighting up at the sight of Ash. "Ah, Ash! It's good to see you." He walked over, offering a handshake. "Congratulations on your recent victory! I've been meaning to talk to you about that. You've certainly come a long way."

Ash chuckled, shaking the professor's hand. "Thanks, Professor. It was a tough journey, but I'm glad we made it."

Oak smiled warmly, then eyed Pikachu and the other Pokéballs on Ash's belt. "And how have you been managing with all of your Pokémon? I imagine keeping up with so many strong partners can be a bit of a challenge."

Ash shook his head. "It's been great, honestly. They're all really cooperative, but yeah, it's a lot to juggle sometimes. I try to spend time with each of them whenever I can."

Professor Oak chuckled. "Well, you've always had a natural connection with your Pokémon. It's impressive how you handle such a large team."

As the conversation settled, Ash shifted slightly, deciding it was time to bring up the real reason for his visit. He took a deep breath and asked, "Professor, do you know anything about Team Alpha?"

The moment the words left his mouth, Ash noticed a change in Professor Oak's demeanor. The warmth in his eyes faded, replaced by a more serious, contemplative expression. He folded his arms, clearly thinking about how to respond.

"Team Alpha..." Oak murmured, his voice lower than before. He looked directly at Ash, his gaze sharp. "So, Delia finally told you the truth?"

Ash hesitated before shaking his head. "Not exactly. Pikachu found something in my room last night. It was a diary... my father's diary. I spent the night reading it."

Professor Oak's eyes widened, and he let out a deep sigh, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "I see. Adam's diary..."

Ash nodded. "Yeah, it told me a lot—about Team Alpha, my father's role in it, and how everything fell apart after he died."

Oak remained silent for a moment, his mind clearly processing the situation. After a few moments, he took a step closer to Ash, his voice gentle but serious. "Ash, Team Alpha was more than just a team of people fighting against evil organizations. It was a movement, a coalition of families who believed in standing up to those who would harm Pokémon and people alike. Your father... Adam... was the heart of that movement. When we lost him, we lost more than just a leader."

Ash could see the weight of the memories etched on Professor Oak's face, the toll of carrying these secrets for so long. "You were part of it too, weren't you, Professor?"

Professor Oak nodded slowly. "Yes, my family was one of the original members of Team Alpha. We worked closely with Adam and the other families to protect the regions from the likes of Team Rocket, Team Flare, and others. But after Adam's death... the team scattered."

Ash looked down, gripping the edges of the table. "I've been thinking, Professor. I want to bring Team Alpha back."

Oak's expression softened, but his eyes remained serious. "That's no small task, Ash. Reviving Team Alpha means confronting dangers even greater than you've faced before."

"I know," Ash replied, determination in his voice. "But if Team Rocket is still out there, I can't stop them alone."

Professor Oak studied Ash carefully, his brow furrowing as he seemed to weigh his next words. "Ash, are you aware that Team Rocket is making moves beyond just Jessie, James, and Meowth trying to steal your Pikachu? There's much more going on beneath the surface."

Ash tensed, knowing this was where the conversation had to go. He looked down for a moment before meeting Professor Oak's eyes. "I've been having nightmares, Professor. Nightmares about my friends—about them betraying me, stealing my Pokémon, and blowing up your lab. At first, I thought they were just bad dreams, but now... I don't think it's a coincidence."

Professor Oak's expression darkened, his usual warm demeanor replaced by a grim seriousness. He leaned forward slightly, concern etched across his face. "You think those nightmares are connected to Team Rocket?"

Ash nodded. "I do. I can't shake the feeling that they're manipulating my friends, turning them against me for some bigger plan. It's like everything's happening just as it did in the dreams. And that's why... that's why I asked to take all the Pokémon with me. I don't trust anyone else with them right now."

The room fell into a tense silence as Professor Oak absorbed Ash's words. His gaze shifted, and he placed a hand on his chin, deep in thought. The gravity of what Ash was saying clearly weighed heavily on him.

Oak broke the silence, his voice lower than before. "Ash, do you believe these nightmares are more than just bad dreams? That they're... a sign of the future?"

Ash's eyes were steady, his voice firm. "Yes. I do. It's not just a feeling anymore, Professor. I believe it's a warning, and I need to be ready. If Team Rocket is behind this, I can't let them get away with it."

Professor Oak nodded, though a shadow of worry lingered in his expression. "If your instincts are right, then the danger ahead is far greater than any of us imagined. Reviving Team Alpha may be the only way to stop it."

Ash clenched his fists, determination building inside him. "Then I have to do it, Professor. I'll bring them together again. I'll stop Team Rocket before they can hurt anyone else."

Professor Oak observed the resolve in Ash's eyes and nodded slowly, understanding that the time had come to share more. "Ash, I see your determination. You're ready for this responsibility, so I think it's time I tell you about the families of Team Alpha."

Ash's interest piqued. "You know them? The families that were part of Team Alpha?"

Professor Oak nodded. "Yes, I know most of them, Ash. Over the years, through my travels, I encountered many of them. Some of them even traveled with me when I was younger. These families were strong and had a deep sense of loyalty. If the nightmares you spoke of ever come true, they won't be easily swayed by Team Rocket's influence."

Ash listened intently, eager to learn more.

"Some of them," Oak continued, "are in high positions within the Pokémon League Association. A few of them are Champions of their regions, working to protect the world from the kind of evil that Team Rocket represents. Their duty to the people and Pokémon of the world runs deep, and they won't falter in the face of manipulation or threats."

Ash felt a wave of relief wash over him at the thought of allies in high places, people who could help him rebuild Team Alpha and resist Team Rocket's influence. But then Professor Oak's tone shifted.

"There's something else you need to know," Oak said, his voice more serious now. "Just as Team Alpha had its families, so too did Team Rocket. Giovanni was not alone. There were 18 families tied to Team Rocket as well, families that served under Giovanni's leadership."

Ash's expression darkened as the realization hit him. "Team Rocket has their own families?"

"Yes," Professor Oak confirmed. "But after Giovanni's defeat 15 years ago—the same event that led to your father's death—those families drifted apart. Many of them have forgotten their duty to Team Rocket, no longer bound to its cause. But that doesn't mean they can't be reawakened or manipulated if the opportunity presents itself."

Ash clenched his fists, feeling the gravity of the situation. "So, Team Rocket still has the potential to bring those families back together?"

Professor Oak nodded grimly. "Yes. That's why it's so important that you revive Team Alpha, Ash. If Team Rocket ever reactivates those families, we'll need every ally we can get to stop them."

Ash's resolve hardened. "Then I'll find the families of Team Alpha and make sure we're ready for whatever comes."

Professor Oak studied Ash for a moment, then leaned forward, his expression growing more serious. "Ash, there's something important I need to tell you about Team Alpha."

Ash raised an eyebrow. "What is it, Professor?"

Oak sighed and continued, "Team Alpha wasn't just a random group. It was composed of 18 families, each with their own specialties and roles. Many of those families have crossed paths with you during your travels. Some of them might even be people you've journeyed with. These families are dedicated to protecting the world from evil, and they won't be easily swayed by Team Rocket, even if your nightmares come true."

Ash's eyes widened. "Wait, some of my travel companions could be part of Team Alpha's families?"

Professor Oak nodded. "Yes. You've built strong bonds with many of them over the years, and some of those families have carried on their legacy in secret, even after Adam's death. They won't betray you as easily as Team Rocket hopes."

Ash felt a mix of relief and concern wash over him. "But if my nightmares are real, does that mean Team Rocket's 18 families are starting to come back together too?"

Professor Oak frowned, his tone darker now. "It's possible. Your nightmares might be a warning. If Team Rocket's families are reforming, they could be planning something big. And given your past with those companions, it's possible some of them might be connected to Team Rocket without you knowing."

Ash clenched his fists. "So, some of my friends might not even know they're part of Team Rocket's families? Or worse... they might be drawn back to them?"

"That's exactly the risk," Oak replied gravely. "Giovanni's defeat 15 years ago weakened Team Rocket's influence, but the families tied to it didn't vanish. They lost their sense of duty, but they might be rediscovering it now. You must be careful, Ash. Some of the people you've trusted in the past may not even be aware of their connection to those families. But if the 18 families of Team Rocket rise again, they'll be just as dangerous as they were before."

Ash nodded, his determination only growing. "That's why I need to revive Team Alpha. I can't let Team Rocket come back and destroy everything we've fought for."

Professor Oak placed a hand on Ash's shoulder, his voice steady. "You're right, Ash. Rebuilding Team Alpha might be the only way to stop them. And with the allies you've made over the years, you have a fighting chance."

Professor Oak stood up and walked over to his desk, rifling through a drawer. "If you're serious about finding the families of Team Alpha, you'll need this," he said, pulling out a neatly folded piece of paper. He handed it to Ash, his expression serious. "This is a list of the families connected to Team Alpha. It's not complete, but it will give you a starting point."

Ash took the list, unfolding it carefully. The names on the paper felt like a bridge to his father's legacy, and the weight of the task ahead settled on his shoulders. "Thanks, Professor. This is exactly what I need."

Professor Oak nodded, his face thoughtful. "Many of these families have kept a low profile since your father's death, but they'll remember Team Alpha. And they'll know the importance of what you're trying to do."

Ash tucked the list into his pocket, his resolve hardening. "I'll find them. And together, we'll stop Team Rocket before they can make their next move."

Oak smiled softly, his eyes filled with pride. "I know you will, Ash. Stay safe, and remember—Team Alpha was built on trust and unity. You'll need that more than ever."

Ash nodded, determination in his gaze. "I won't let you down."

Here is a new chapter, and you can see that I also add 18 families for Team Rocket, and you can guess some of them. I hope you like this chapter.

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