Chapter 7

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Ash walks briskly along the familiar path that leads back home from Professor Oak's lab, the cool breeze brushing against his skin. His mind is still spinning from the revelations he learned just moments ago—18 families supporting Team Rocket, each tied to his future in ways he hadn't anticipated. His footsteps crunch softly on the dirt road, the setting sun casting long shadows ahead of him.

As he nears the turn leading to his house, a group of figures in the distance catches his attention. He squints, his heart skipping a beat when he recognizes them. Walking together, seemingly unaware of his presence, are Misty, Brock, Clemont, May, Kiawe, Mallow, Lana, and Sophocles.

Ash's chest tightens with disbelief. How could they be here? he wonders, pausing in his tracks. He never sent them any invitations, nor did he expect them to show up. Yet here they are, as if drawn by some unseen force.

Ash feels a stirring deep within him, the power of Arceus that now courses through his veins. In a swift motion, he calls upon it, his senses sharpening as he reaches out to scan the group. The air around him seems to hum with energy as his power spreads outward, brushing against their spirits.

His heart sinks as the truth hits him: other than Lana and Sophocles, all of them—Misty, Brock, Clemont, May, Kiawe, and Mallow—are tied to the Team Rocket families.

His hands clench into fists, and his pulse quickens. They don't know I'm here... he realizes. Quickly, Ash pivots, his decision already made. He needs to get back home—to warn his mother before it's too late.

Without a second glance at the group, Ash slips into the shadows, his movements swift and silent, making his way back to Delia.

Ash bursts through the front door, the sound of it slamming shut behind him. Delia looks up from the kitchen, startled by his sudden return. "Ash? What happened? You're back so soon."

Ash doesn't waste a second. His breath is still heavy from his hurried journey. "They're here," he says, voice laced with urgency. "Misty, Brock, Clemont, May, Kiawe, Mallow, Lana, and Sophocles. They've all shown up, even though I didn't send any invitations."

Delia's brow furrows in confusion. "They're here? But why? Did something happen?"

Ash steps forward, his expression tight. "They're the same ones who tried to steal my Pokémon, who bombed the lab, and then tried to frame me for it... in the nightmare." He pauses, his voice filled with bitter realization. "Everything I feared—it's happening again."

Delia stares at him for a long moment, concern deepening in her eyes. "Ash, I know that nightmare still haunts you, but are you sure? Maybe you're reading too much into this—"

Ash shakes his head sharply, cutting her off. "No, I'm not wrong about this. Six of them are part of the 18 families of Team Rocket."

Delia's breath catches in her throat, her mind reeling at his words. She flinches, her body tensing as the realization hits her. Families of Team Rocket had traveled with Ash—been close to him—and she hadn't even known. She had never suspected a thing. Her heart tightens with guilt and dread.

For a moment, she's lost in thought, her hands trembling slightly. How had she missed it? How had she, someone who had been tied to Team Rocket's world long ago, not realized what was happening around her own son?

Ash's voice pulls her back. "Mom, I know it sounds crazy, but this isn't a coincidence. I could feel it. They're connected to Team Rocket."

Delia swallows hard, her fingers gripping the edge of the counter. The concern she'd once held for Ash's paranoia now feels hollow, replaced by a gnawing fear she hadn't anticipated. "The 18 families," she whispers under her breath, more to herself than to Ash. "How could I have not seen it...?"

Delia's hands tremble slightly as she absorbs the weight of Ash's revelation. She clears her throat, trying to mask the worry in her voice. "Do you have any idea how to handle this, Ash?" she asks, her eyes searching his face for any sign of a plan.

Ash nods, though the tension is clear in his eyes. "In my nightmare... I didn't come home for two more days. If I follow that timeline, they won't expect me here yet."

Delia's brow furrows. "So, what do we do now?"

"I'll hide," Ash replies with a grim edge to his voice. "They can't know I'm here. You'll have to handle them on your own, Mom. If they find out I'm around, everything could go sideways."

Delia opens her mouth to protest but stops herself. Ash is right—he's the one they'll be looking for. If they think he's not home, maybe they'll leave. She nods reluctantly, "Alright, I'll take care of it."

Without another word, Ash turns toward the stairs. Pikachu follows closely, its cheeks sparking with quiet concern. Together, they rush up to his room, and once inside, Ash locks the door behind them. The quiet click of the lock seems to echo in the silence.

Delia stands frozen for a moment, staring after him, before straightening her posture. She's on her own for now.

A knock echoes through the house, breaking the tense silence. Delia takes a steadying breath before walking to the door, her heart pounding in her chest. She pulls it open, revealing Misty, Brock, Clemont, May, Kiawe, Mallow, Lana, and Sophocles standing on the porch. Their smiles seem genuine, but Delia can't shake the cold pit forming in her stomach.

"Mrs. Ketchum!" Misty says brightly, stepping forward. "Has Ash come home yet?"

Delia manages a polite smile, shaking her head. "No, not yet. He's been busy... You know how he is." Her voice is calm, betraying none of the anxiety gripping her insides. "What brings you all here?"

"We wanted to congratulate him for becoming the World Champion," Brock adds, his tone light and friendly. "It's a huge achievement, and we figured we'd stop by and say hello."

Mallow chimes in, "We've been traveling for a while now, and thought maybe we could stay for a few days—just until we catch up with him."

Delia's mind races. She wants to refuse, to turn them away and keep them as far from Ash as possible, but without a valid excuse, it would only raise suspicions. For now, she needs to play it safe.

"Well, I'm not sure how long Ash will be, but... why don't you all come in and have some tea while I prepare something in the kitchen?" Delia steps aside, opening the door wider for them.

The group nods, smiling as they file into the house. As soon as they're inside, Delia heads to the kitchen, her hands trembling as she begins to prepare the tea. I need to figure out how to handle this... she thinks, glancing toward the stairs where Ash is hiding.

Delia steps into the kitchen, her hands steady as she prepares the tea, but her mind is anything but calm. As she moves quietly, her ears pick up the low murmur of conversation coming from the living room. She pauses, straining to listen without drawing attention to herself.

"...We have a mission to complete," Brock's voice is clear, and Delia's stomach clenches at the words. "Team Rocket's not going to wait forever."

"They told us Ash would be here by now," Misty adds, her tone sharp. "We need to figure out our next move. We can't leave until we know where he is."

Delia's heart pounds in her chest. A mission from Team Rocket? She tries to steady her breathing, but the weight of what she's hearing makes it impossible. Ash had warned her, told her about the nightmare—the bombing, the betrayal—and now, the nightmare seems to be playing out in front of her.

"Lana and I didn't want this..." Sophocles's voice is softer, almost pleading. "We're only here because we didn't have a choice. They threatened our families."

Delia's breath catches in her throat. So, Lana and Sophocles are being forced into this. That revelation does little to soothe her. The rest of the group, the ones who once traveled with her son, are willingly carrying out Team Rocket's plans.

With her heart heavy, Delia finishes preparing the tea and steadies herself before stepping back into the living room. The group's conversation dies down as she approaches, their eyes turning toward her.

She places the tray on the table with a calmness she doesn't feel. "I've brought the tea," Delia says, her voice steady but firm. "But I'm afraid I can't allow you to stay here."

The room falls into a stunned silence, the weight of her words sinking in. Delia straightens her posture, her gaze unwavering. "This house is not a place for those aligned with Team Rocket."

The air in the room feels thick with tension as Delia's firm words hang in the air. The group stares at her, shock rippling across their faces.

"How did you—" Brock begins, but Delia cuts him off with a cold, knowing smile.

"Before I became part of the Ketchum family," Delia says, her voice sharp with an edge of authority, "I used to be from the Yashino family."

The name alone sends a ripple of unease through the group. Misty's eyes widen in disbelief, and Clemont swallows hard. Delia's smirk deepens. "My mother and I left Team Rocket a long time ago, but if you thought I wouldn't recognize what you are... you're sorely mistaken."

Her words land like a blow, and the eight people no longer bother with pretense. The friendly smiles vanish, replaced with hardened expressions as they each reach for their Pokéballs. In unison, they release their Pokémon, the air filling with the flash of light as various creatures appear, ready to attack.

But Delia is faster than any of them expect.

As the Pokémon launch their attacks—flames, electricity, and projectiles filling the room—Delia moves like a shadow, weaving through the chaos with the grace of someone well-versed in combat. She dodges each attack effortlessly, her movements precise and calculated.

With a swift motion, Delia's hands move to her sides, summoning her aura weapons. A glowing cannon appears, crackling with flames as it charges with Fire-type energy. In her other hand, a sword crackles with Electric-type power, humming with the energy of Thunderbolt. Knives charged with Ghost-type energy materialize around her waist, flickering like shadows, and a shield, heavy and solid, pulses with the strength of Rock-type moves.

In a blur, Delia swings the aura cannon, blasting a searing Fire-type attack that cuts through Misty's assault, sending her Starmie reeling. Brock's Pokémon charges, but Delia meets the strike with her aura sword, sending a jolt of electricity coursing through the air as Thunderbolt crackles through the battlefield.

As more attacks come her way, she deftly switches to her shield, blocking incoming projectiles with the sturdiness of Rock-type energy. Her knives flicker in and out of existence, and with a subtle throw, they hit their marks, disabling Misty's Starmie and Clemont's Magneton with Ghost-type precision.

One by one, Delia subdues the Pokémon, her strikes swift and precise, each aura weapon channeling the power of the elements with deadly efficiency.

"You messed with the wrong person," Delia says, her voice low and dangerous, her gaze sweeping over the subdued group. "I wasn't just some housewife. I used to be an assassin for Team Rocket. And now, I'm with the International Police."

Her words hit harder than her strikes. The stunned silence that follows is punctuated only by the labored breathing of the group as they struggle to process what just happened.

Mallow, trembling, makes a small movement backward. "We should go," she whispers, fear creeping into her voice.

The others seem to agree, silently picking themselves up and recalling their defeated Pokémon. They make for the door, their pride and their plan in tatters.

But Delia isn't finished yet.

With lightning reflexes, she swiftly moves behind Lana and Sophocles, her aura knives flickering with a soft, ghostly light, so silent that neither notices until Delia has them both subdued, the weapons pressed lightly against them, humming with restrained power.

"You two aren't going anywhere," Delia whispers coldly. "I know you're not here by choice."

Lana and Sophocles freeze, their fear evident as they realize they've been caught. Delia tightens her grip just slightly, her eyes glinting with purpose.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, you see that Delia is now taking actions for the traitors. I hope you like this chapter.

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