1. First Meeting

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Chapter 1

Around 13 magnificent horses galloped slowly, as they entered the Kingdom of Anemoi. All of the riders wore similar clothing with black robes that sufficiently covered their head. At the very front, a local guy holding the flag of the Kingdom of Helios walked, leading this foreign envoy that had come from Helios to the palace.

They passed by the main center, the heart of the capital city, as all the people walking by peeked glances at them, curious and amazed at seeing a foreign envoy. Although foreign envoys were pretty common in the capital city of Boreas, every time the public could not help but fix their eyes on them until they had disappeared into the castle.

For all everyone undoubtedly knew that scholars and elected council members had typically come for the trade talks. However, there were rumors that the second and youngest Prince of Helios was also among the envoys. Clinging to this belief, everyone was curious to see inside the three carriages to follow which one had the prince inside.

Little do they typically know, that all these carriages contained only inanimate objects and precious gifts. The grand Prince was actually riding with his fellow people intentionally hidden among the envoys.

As soon as they reached the palace doors, one of the councilmen named Burke turned around whispering,

"Your highness, it will be best if you shall comforth..."

Before he could continue, his eyes went round. The people surrounding him were equally puzzled as they all looked at two horses attached to their horses' strings but they were missing their riders.

Sighing, Burke realized the Prince and his aide had again left them to wander around.

"What do we do now?"

Hank, a leading scholar whispered worriedly to Burke who narrowed his astonished gaze in response.

"What? What are you examining me for?"

"Go and sit in the grand carriage. We will pretend you are the Prince and have fallen asleep."

"Pretend to be his highness? This is treacherous!"

"It's aiding his highness, not betraying him. Now, on with it."

"But we may get caught!"

"Look, none of the royal members is here to even greet us. Therefore don't fret and just on with it."

Burke convinced a trembling Hank since indeed none of the royal members were there to greet them. Only a chief butler and a maid stood there to cordially welcome and escort them into their private rooms.

Meanwhile, a tall guy around 5' 11 wore a black dark navy robe with modest clothing as he roamed around the marketplace of Felicity, the name of the capital city of Anemoi. His hair was slightly visible under the robe's cover. Even though his hair colour was dark brown, it appeared black when under less light. However when he was standing under the dazzling sun, his hair colour appeared to be of an even more lighter brown. Wearing dull dark and silver clothes, the only thing that shined was his hazel golden eyes. He was carrying around a bag, water bottle, and a sword in a sheath that was attached to his belt which he wore over his shoulder.

"Xavier, come on. Stop glaring fiercely at me like that."

He chuckled nervously while habitually pulling his bangs away from his forehead using his fingers. In front of him, stood a guy around a similar age and height, crossing his arms and glaring at the said person. This guy was just referred to as Xavier. He had red hair and wore a white robe in contrast to the one that had just called him.

"Your highness Dylan, please tell me what's the key point of roaming here? It is utterly disrespectful to the host acting head and the princesses who must be waiting eagerly to heartily welcome you. Furthermore, why do I have to tag along with you?"

"Because you are my loyal aide. Now come on, let's go gather some valuable information."

"What kind of information are we seeking? Shouldn't you be meeting with the Princesses? I thought you were looking forward to meeting them, especially the Crown Princess."

"I doubt she barely recollects our experience spent together..."

He mutters before smiling gently and walking leisurely to a nearby pub.

Inside, they eavesdropped on various gossip until they saw the bar owner trying to console a crying old man which was sitting at the table next to them.

"I don't want to live anymore...I can't...What am I supposed to do?"

The old man sobbed uncontrollably, flushing down the alcohol in his hand.

Dylan got up and went to them. He respectfully inquired the pub owner,

"What happened to him?"

".....He completely lost his floral shop..."


The pub owner looks top to bottom, observing Dylan and Xavier's attire, and then comments,

"Looks like you decent folks are not from here. Otherwise, you wouldn't be proposing this question."

"We are planning to settle here which is why we were intrigued."

Xavier lied to which the owner retorts,

"Do not. Once upon a time, this pleasant place used to by heart be like dear heaven but now....As you can see here, this is what happens to the locals here. They just barge in, take away our shops, and forcefully take over our private lands. They have increased the taxes and so much so, they have progressively reduced our income to 1/10th of what we were originally used to be paid with."

"Who are they?"

"Who else but our ruler, the temporary head? It all started after the beloved queen passed away and the mighty king fell ill."

"Didn't the Crown Princess do anything about this?"

At this, the drunk old man hysterically started laughing.

"Bet she's in it. After all, those pieces of shit nobles are the same."

"I don't think that's true."

The local bar owner adamantly disagreed and added,

"I sincerely doubt the Princesses even know."

"How so?"

Dylan probed further.

"Well, actually it's a little secret but no one has sighted the Princesses for around 7 years now..."

"Where are they?"

"No one knows. The highest of nobles have sighted them at parties, but that's also quite rare."

"Don't they come out into the public?"

"Not that I know of. For all one knows they do. But it's been ages since we last heard from them."

"I bet they don't require anything to do with us and nothing but want to live in luxury. Isn't that why Princess Astrid, the eldest Princess, backed down from the throne and refused to become the Crown Princess?"

"She did?"

Dylan pretended to be oblivious.

"Sure did. This kingdom is doomed, I advise you!"

"Do not be dramatic, it's not that bad. Not all aristocrats are that unkind. What about Madam?"

"Well, she is from a separate league. I have a feeling she undoubtedly steals and then secretly comes to aid us which again brings us to the moral point of how the rich ass nobles are merely shit."

"Madam? Who is that?"

Dylan interrupted their conversation.

"We don't really know of her name or of her family but from time to time she hands out free food for everyone and if you go to her for help and politely ask her for money, she does that without ever asking it back from us."

Dylan's eyes flickered with curiosity. He suddenly felt like observing this benevolent lady that the bar owner kept praising.

"Oi, you lads don't request her for a lot. She doesn't maintain a high budget, but she still supports us so just be grateful that there is someone like that."


Suddenly from outside they heard a loud booming voice instructing the public to move elsewhere. Through the window, everyone looked outside to see a grand royal carriage about to pass by.

"Is that one of the princesses?"

Xavier muttered to Dylan who carefully kept staring thoughtfully at the grand carriage. His words were half-heard by Dylan, but were fully overheard by the local owner,

"I don't know. It is possible it is. Maybe it isn't. Maybe it's likely someone from the acting heads' children."

"But that symbol on the carriage means it can exclusively be used by the direct lineage of royalty?"

"Now that you think about it, perhaps it may be..."

Before the bar owner could speak, the intoxicated old man had puked out near him.

Sighing with a disgusted face, the owner carefully picked up the old man and instantly took him to the washroom. All the while he grumbled,

"Look at what a mess you created. I'm only letting it go this time."

Xavier after observing them go whispers to Dylan,

"You highness should we go to the grand palace now?"

"Let's follow that carriage."

Saying that Dylan walked out quickly with a baffled Xavier trying to keep up with him.

They tried following the carriage, but it was just so swift as if the person in the carriage was getting late for somewhere.

Suddenly the carriage came to a halt. A local group of children was trying to cross the road. One of the children had fallen down and scraped his knee. Because of the carriage, he had instantly frozen at that place and was crying profoundly.

The coachman behaved rudely and yelled at the innocent boy,

"Get out of the way! Scram!"

The little boy aged 4-5 in return cried more shrilly. The other children that were near him were additionally on the verge of tears.

At that moment a hand came out from the carriage, halting the coachman from yelling.

The person then looked outside, exposing her radiant face.

Her extraordinary beauty was inexplainable. Delicate features, gorgeous eyes, and lustrous hair flaunted in the air due to the wind.

Everyone looked at her, awed at her remarkable beauty. They were mesmerized except for Dylan who narrowed his gaze at her.

"Is she her highness, the Crown Princess?"

Xavier whispered into Dylan's ear who didn't reply.

Instead, everyone's focus subtly shifted to the said lady who was glaring fiercely at her coachman.

"Why are you wasting time yelling at a kid? If that kid is in the way then just throw him away. I don't have time to fritter away. Let's go."

She decisively spoke. But her words contrasted with her beautiful attractive appearance.

Rolling her eyes, she went back inside.

However, the way she examined the boy was as if she was looking at a piece of trash. Her attitude was something that everyone could experience.

Xavier was going to remark on her attitude when he saw Dylan had voluntarily gone to grab the innocent child out of the way and assist him.

He embraced the boy in his arms and hissed at the coachman while glaring at the carriage knowing that the lady inside could see her,

"You should ride carefully."

"Huh? Who are you to advise me what to do?"

The coachman snickered. Meanwhile, an annoyed penetrating voice came from inside the carriage,

"Peter! I notified you to go already!"

Peter, the coachman, sat back in his chair and said to Dylan,

"Step aside if you don't want to get hurt."

Dylan moved away and then helped the local boy get properly treated using the medical emergency supplies he was conveniently carrying.


Xavier sees how the kids have gathered around while Dylan was covering up where the boy was bleeding and decided it was best to not refer to Dylan by his title.

"Sir, was that the crown princess?"

"She's the malicious lady!"

One of the kids responded while the rest nodded.

"Yes yes, she comes here often."

"She took over my father's pastry shop saying she liked it, so it is now hers."

"She also burnt all of my dear mothers' lovely clothes because she doesn't want anyone to dress up prettier than her"

"Last week she even placed a ban on any woman who represents not a noble to do makeup or make a fancy hairstyle!"

"Wow...I didn't know the Crown Princess was like that..."

Xavier replied, visibly surprised at the tales he was hearing of her nasty temper and her obsession with materialistic things

"That's because she isn't the Crown Princess."

Dylan replied promptly. Before Xavier could ask further questions, Dylan looked at the innocent child and smiled reassuringly,

"It's all done. Be careful from now on, okay?"

"Sincerely thank you mister!"

Dylan affectionately patted the boy's hair as the kids ran away.

"Your highness?"

"What? Why do you have so many questions?"

Dylan rolled his eyes jokingly.

"If she wasn't her highness then do you recognize who she was?"

"Isn't it your job to know all the necessary information?"

"You were glaring at her, so I presumed you knew of her."

"Did you observe her rude attitude? Naturally, I had to glare at her. Now, brief me, who was she?"

"I reasonably believe she is Princess Karen."

"And who that may be?"

Dylan arches his brow as they both start walking toward the Palace.

"Your highness! I properly informed you of all the specific details beforehand. She is the paternal cousin of the Crown Princess and the acting head's sole daughter. The rumors of her rare beauty have spread far across multiple kingdoms. She is appreciated for her appearance."

"They should also be informed of her personality. Although I don't find her appearance to be that special."

"You are an unusual case yourself, your highness."

Dylan frowns upon Xavier's comment as they continue walking toward the Palace. All throughout Xavier kept giving details that he had found beforehand regarding the complex situation at the Castle.

Before long, they were at the Palace gates. However, they were rudely sent away.

"How dare you! Do you even perceive who you are talking incoherently to right now? Right here standing in front of you is the noble Youngest Prince of Helios! Show some respect!"

The guards snicker in return,

"Stop lying."

"The prince is at present in his room sleeping."

"Now get lost."

"Scram before we torture this fake prince of yours."


Xavier tightened his fist. He was about to unsheathe his sword but Dylan motioned him to stop. He then eyed Xavier to carefully follow him. They walked cautiously and quietly along the mighty Palace walls until they were away from the guards and in a tranquil space.

"Your highness! They were being disrespectful! We have to ruthlessly cut their wicked tongues off!"

"Don't. They were merely carrying out their job. For all they comprehend, I am inside. Now come on, hoist me up."


Xavier looked at Dylan who pointed at the wall next to them. Turning to the wall and then back at Dylan, Xavier hissed,

"Do you think it is suitable for a prince of a foreign company to sneak into a palace? Think of your reputation! Think of the dignity of our country!"

"Are you helping me or what?"

Seeing the persistent Dylan, Xavier lamented and helped him get up.

Dylan jumped over the wall only to clash and land on someone.


A feminine voice emerged from under him.

Startled, Dylan quickly sits up, only to come face to face with a girl that seemed somewhat familiar. Their faces were inching apart and he could smell her soft scent like flowers.

Her raven long glossy hair danced with the wind as some petals fell on her hair. Her emerald innocent eyes glittered in the sunlight. She was grumbling in pain while Dylan stood frozen.

'Have I sighted her somewhere before?'

He thought as he was brought back into the world from his thoughts when the girl glared at him and pushed him,

"Can you please get off me?"

Flustered, Dylan reflexively moved back and stood up. He subsequently places his hand forward to help her stand up.

The girl barely looks at his hand and gets up on her own.

She is dusting off her clothes as Dylan keeps observing her.

'She seems familiar but from her clothes, she doesn't look like a royal.'

He thinks as the girl in front of him was wearing an ordinary black dress. She on top wore no accessories at all. Furthermore, she was barefoot.

"Stop looking at my feet. You crashed into me and made me lose my sandals."

She remarked as she looked around to find her sandals.

"I deeply apologize. You're not injured, are you?"

Dylan replied as he saw a pair of sandals turned over at one of the bushes. He clutches them, and bending on his knees, places them in front of her for her to wear.

"...thank you."

After wearing them, she likewise observes his appearance. At that point she states,

"What about you? You didn't get hurt, did you?"

"No, I am fine. Although if you don't mind me asking, may I know your name?"

After a pause, she replied,

"No. I should be inquiring you about that. Who are you? And who is that person yelling outside? He keeps calling you."

'Oh shit, I forgot about Xavier.'

Dylan thought as he turned to perceive Xavier who had managed to ascend the wall. He jumped and was about to crash into the lady. The lady reflexively moved back but just in case Dylan also came in between so that Xavier doesn't injure her.

Xavier, who had fallen to the ground, groaned.

"Look at you protecting a stranger rather than your loyal aide."

Suddenly it strikes him.

'A stranger! Someone sighted us sneak into the palace!'

He hastily gets up and says,

"Please don't misunderstand your lady! We are not thieves nor we are anyone vicious. We possess a reason behind this."

His hands fluttered in the air in random directions as he attempted to justify their actions.

"Absolutely, you totally don't seem suspicious. I'm going to scream if you don't tell me who you are."

Preparing her mouth to scream, the girl had merely opened her mouth when Dylan conceals her mouth with his hand and whispers her to shush. They both looked straight into each other's eyes. It seems as if the girl also thought that Dylan looked familiar. Flickering her eyes, she averted her gaze.

"My lady, we are with the foreign envoy that came earlier. We had gotten sidetracked from the rest of the troop and now the guards won't let us in so we had no choice."

Xavier rapped out the whole explanation without taking a break.


The lady tried to speak, as she pushed Dylan's hand away,

"Fine, whatever. Just let me go."

"You're not going to state anything?"

"No, just go. I don't care."

She said as if she was irritated. But it seemed that the reason for her annoyance was not them. She was already sorrowful about something beforehand.

"Bless you, my lady."

Dylan spoke as they both turned around to walk. Whereas the lady shifted the other way.

After a few seconds, Dylan and Xavier once more turned around to call the lady. The reason was that they were in a garden and did not know where to go to.

"Excuse me, my lady. Can you please direct us where to go to?"

"How am I supposed to know..."

She muttered under her breath, but Dylan was nevertheless capable to overhear it.

Suddenly far away she saw a maid pass by. She was wearing the typical maid attire.


The lady called out to the maid. The maid glanced at her but blatantly ignored her call.

"Rosa! Come here!"

Rolling her eyes, the girl called Rosa came towards them. She then rudely remarked in a bored tone,


"These men are part of the envoy and are lost. Please guide them the way towards where the rest of them are."

Rosa quickly changed her attitude and politely said smilingly to Dylan and Xavier,

"Please follow me. I will escort you there."

"Much appreciated."

Xavier remarked as Dylan kept staring at the lady, who averted her gaze,

"Do you have something to declare to me?"

"Overlook me if I may be mistaken, but have we met somewhere before?"

"....I don't think so."

She replied and then turned around to walk away.

Meanwhile, the maid Rosa added,

"This way please."

"Who was she?"

Xavier inquired the maid who scrunched her nose,

"Not someone important. By the way, the host has arranged a gathering at the grand hall, so I will escort you there."

"I feel like I have encountered her before. But by this maid's attitude, it seems she is of not that prestigious status."

Dylan whispered to Xavier who swayed his head,

"I suspect that. Her dress may be simple and plain but it belonged to one of the highest qualities of fabrics that only the royalty uses."


Dylan recalled her innocent green eyes which resembled those of the crown princess he met when they both were 9 years of age.

"Dylan! This way! Let's hide here!"

A cheerful smile with faded features flashed in his mind. The voice was also distant, yet he recalls the moment when they both were playing hide and seek and decided to hide under the table. He never liked engaging in such games, but he went along with them because of her. His memories had faded over time, but what he faintly precisely recalled were her eyes that were of the same green he had seen earlier.

'Don't tell me was it perhaps you? Lyra...the Crown Princess?'


Prince Dylan de Helios

❗️❗️❗️NOTE: ALL THE IMAGES used in this book are taken from the internet. If I know the artist or the owner of the picture then I have given credit to him/her. But remind you that these images were taken from the internet which is why I don't have credible sources for these images. If you want some reference then please use google.❗️❗️❗️

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