2. The Dinner

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Chapter 2

Prince Dylan de Helios

Around the time when Dylan was about to turn 10 years old, their kingdom was under a revolt. To protect the imperial family, his father sent him along with his mother and brother to the Kingdom of Anemoi. They had provided them refuge for around a year or so. Since he and the youngest princess, Lyra, was of a similar age, they had become quite close. They would practically be together all the time whether it was them studying playing or hanging out. The last image he had of her was of her crying behind her mother as it was time for them to go. Dylan is embarrassed to admit it, but he too shed tears upon seeing her cry. Sure he was gloomy about leaving as well but what made him cry was seeing her cry.

A few months after they had come back to their kingdom, the queen (i.e., the mother of the princesses) passed away due to a sudden illness. They wanted to visit and comfort them but due to the political instability that still existed in their kingdom, they were unable to leave. The sole way he could communicate with her was through letters. They had decided to write letters to each other after they departed. And they continued doing so till they both were 13. Just two years after the queen had passed away, news broke down of the king falling terminally ill. Since at that time, he was busy with his training, he again did not get the chance to go. Only his father was able to go and meet them. And that is when it happened.

After his father had come back, she stopped sending letters at all. He continued sending letters to her for around another year or two but each time he was met with an empty reply. And that's when he stopped sending letters to her and they both lost contact. It's been around 7 years now. They both are going to turn 20 this year.

"Instead of going to the hall, I would like to go to my room first. I am exhausted and I wish to rest."

Dylan ordered as the maid Rosa was taking them to the hall. Stopping she subsequently adds,

"Fine, then I will escort you to where the rest of the scholars are staying."

"Not there. He will go to the room prepared for the Prince."


Rosa blurted out as if Xavier had announced something absurd. She then looks at him and then at the Prince and after realizing what was going on, she immediately bowed down,

"Forgive me your highness for not recognizing you any sooner!"

"It's fine. Just show me my room, please."

"Of course. Right, this way."

As they enter the palace, the first thing that Dylan noticed was the change in the interior. He recalls how the Lyra used to love silver and was moreover into minimalist interior designs. But the walls and interior he saw now were quite heavy, overloaded, and full of gold. Even though it looked pretty in its own way, he was still surprised to perceive how much the place had changed.

"The interior you survey presently is made of real gold by a famous master handcrafter."

The maid proudly explained while Dylan recalled how the King and former Queen were the types of people that used to believe it was a waste of money to spend money on such things. They used to say that if they retain this much money to spend, they'd rather spend it on the public and the people who require it. The same beliefs were supported by Lyra and the eldest princess, Astrid, as well. Because of this, he was in disbelief upon seeing the palace from the inside.

When they reached his room, Dylan went inside whereas Xavier was halted by the maid Rosa, who poked his shoulder to gain his attention and then whispered,

"What did his highness and that girl from before talked about?"

"...why are you asking? I thought you said she wasn't of that much importance."

"I'm merely asking a general question. There's no need to be downright rude. Anyways, all of the imperial family members will be present for dinner which will just be in two hours. Therefore bring his highness there."

Before Xavier could call her out for her offensive behavior, Rosa went away.

Xavier subsequently reported this to Dylan who retorted,

"Is it because that girl was Lyra that this maid wanted to know what we talked about?"

"I don't think she was her highness Lyra."

"But you said so yourself her clothes were made of fabric that was of royalty."

"Absolutely but many high-level aristocrats use that material."

"But I don't fathom why I have a feeling that she may be Lyra. Her eyes seem to be the same."

"Green eyes are relatively ordinary in the Kingdom of Anemoi"

"They are but there is something just in her eyes that I can't explain."

"If anyone overheard that, your highness, they may think you are stating a cheesy pickup line."

"Xavier...get out. Now."

"If it relieves you, the maid mentioned that all of the royal family will be present at dinner so you may see her then."

"I hope so too. I can't wait for dinner."


At dinner,

Dylan sat, as the acting head and his family sat alongside him at the dining table. However, the princesses and the king were nowhere to be seen. He was informed that the King is not feeling well which is why he won't be able to join them. As for the Princesses, there was no news as of yet from them whether they were coming or not.

The acting head was asking him minimal questions like how was the trip, and whether was it too exhausting or not.

Dylan's eyes were inspecting the whole room. He found three things quite strange.

Firstly, it is an imperial rule in that only the direct lineage of royalty like the king and his children can live in the royal palace. After the siblings of the crown prince come of age which in this kingdom is 20, they are to live in the separate estates that are provided to them. However, the title they will be announced will be of the duke, and they will not be referred to as the prince or princess anymore. This was one of the fundamental and ancient rules of the Kingdom of Anemoi.

Even if there is a temporary acting head, he is not allowed access to multiple things since they belong purely to royalty. Therefore, he too is unallowed to stay at the royal palace. But it seems from what Dylan has noticed during their talks right now that the temporary head has been living in the palace with his family since a lot of time ago. It is possible this is the reason the interior has varied so much.

Another thing he found odd was the seating arrangement right now. According to the royal code of Anemoi, in case the King is not present then the youngest princess who is the crown princess and shall become the queen in the future should sit in the center. While her elderly sister should sit to her right. The temporary head should sit at the left while the guest who is him should sit opposite to the center.

However, right now, the acting head sat at the center while his wife sat at the right side. He himself was given the seat at the left side next to the two sons of the acting head that were ages 23 and 20. Next to the wife was their daughter who Dylan and Xavier had seen earlier at the market.

Dylan thoroughly observed each and every one of them who were being extremely polite to him and he felt that they were all hiding something.

He recalls back to the information that Xavier had provided him before the dinner.

To begin with, there is the acting head. He is the youngest brother of the king, Duke of Eurus, and is known as Nabal de Eurus. He became the acting head after the King's health worsened.

Nabal is around 2 years more junior than the king and is married to Medea. Medea is said to be the real mastermind behind this family.

They have three children together. The eldest son, aged 23, whose name is Wily. He aids his father in state affairs and is part of the administration.

The second son is identified as Hubris. Hubris doesn't really do anything. There was no forthcoming information found on him.

Lastly, there is the most adolescent and sole daughter Karen. They already heard rumors and witnessed what she is like in public so they don't need much information about her.

Although all he knows is every family member is acting so sweet. So much so that you can't help but comprehend that it's fake.

Even though Dylan was talking to everyone, his eyes were fixated on the door, waiting for the princesses.

Suddenly, entered the eldest Princess Astrid. She looked quite the same. The eldest sister was around 25 years old. She had a slim figure, pale features, foxy protruding eyes with a blissful smile. She additionally maintained the title of the most beautiful woman ever, surpassing the beauty rumors of even Lady Madea and Lady Karen. Her golden brown slightly platinum hair matched perfectly with her pale complexion. She wore a plain frock as well with no accessories.

Her attire was in contrast with the rest of the family members who were dressed up as if it was a ball.

Nevertheless, seeing her lit Dylan's face as she recognized him as well. They both greeted each other with familiarity as she inquired him how his journey was over here. He replied it was average, not bad. Instantly he inquired,

"Where is her highness Lyra?"

"Oh, she wasn't feeling well, so she went to sleep early. I apologize for her absence."

"It's alright."

Astrid talked quite a bit with Dylan as they talked about their families and the past. However, Lady Medea and others kept interrupting as they wanted to talk about wealth and the number of exotic animals they had. Because of this Hudris self promised to introduce Dylan to all of the exotic animals that they had after dinner.

In between conversations, Dylan perceived that Princess Astrid felt quite uncomfortable. She had barely consumed her food and was nibbling on whatever was there.

"Are you perhaps not feeling hungry?"

He inquired,

"Indeed I had eaten dinner early therefore I don't feel famished right now."

"Will you be staying to observe the animals? Which of the animals are you personally raising?"

"Oh, none. They all belong to Hubris. He enjoys keeping them. Furthermore, I will be going back. Forgive me but I tend to sleep early...Hope you don't mind."

"That's fine. Although I admit it's a shame since I was looking forward to meeting Princess Lyra."

She chuckled in response,

"I doubt she knows you are unexpectedly here. I was merely informed at the last minute before this dinner that you had also come along with the envoy."

"That's surprising."

"Not really. Moreover, please speak comfortably to us like in old times. No need for formalities. Please."

"Oh, how could I?"

"Don't be so modest, Dylan."

This makes him laugh as he retorts,

"Sure. I have to ask, though. I am quite intrigued about how Lyra is now."

"That's a challenging question. She is the same yet not the same. I guess you will have to see for yourself to find out. Although, I must ask. Should I inform her of your arrival here or shall we keep it a surprise?"

"Oh, I enjoy the idea of a surprise. Does she even remember me, though?"

"Naturally, she does! Both she and I have never forgotten about you and your family. You're all our dear family friends."

"Thank you, I feel honored."

"Your highness, let's go. I'll show the cages where I preserve the animals."

"Then please excuse me. I'll take my leave now. It is getting delayed and I wish to retire."

Astrid spoke gracefully, as she got up and then left.

"Then shall we go, your highness?"

Dylan yawned and added,

"Forgive me. It seems I have not yet recovered from the tiresome journey. I would like to sleep to replenish my energy if you don't mind."

"...of course."

Dylan then also left the dining hall and went back to the room, where he drafted a report of everything he had observed today to his parents back at home that were worried sick about the princesses and had sent Dylan along with the envoy to investigate behind the lost connection with the princesses.

Even though Dylan had pretended to yawn, he was in fact quite tired and soon fell asleep.

The next morning, the birds were chirping, as Dylan was sitting on the balcony taking in the views of the sea and the garden.

A moment ago at that time, he heard a knock.

"Come in."

In came Xavier who said,

"I'm sorry your highness it looks like the kitchen is still closed. All of the staff are soundly sleeping."

"And here I thought I had woken up late. It's 9 in the morning yet everyone is asleep. What about breakfast?"

"I'll go to find someone."

"Wait, I'll come with you."

They roamed around the palace for another 30 minutes or so until they reached the knights' training ground. It seems they had only just finished training and were consuming some refreshments. They sight a similar girl with her hair in twin tails who was holding a basket and handing out bread and milk to all the knights and even the cleaners that were there. She was the same girl from yesterday but in a distinctive attire. Aside from the accessory she wore on her hair. Her clothes were plainer than yesterday. But her green intriguing eyes were still shimmering.

She was humming to herself a soft melodious lullaby and was picking up the empty baskets when a voice from behind her makes her scream and jump,

"Give me some of that too."

"Oh lord! You startled me! What are you doing here?"

She responded taking a deep breath.

"We were hungry, so we were on a search for breakfast."

"Wait. The kitchen will open up around noon. You can have breakfast then."

She turns around to leave but Dylan grabs one of her ponytails, which makes her yelp,


Overhearing her, one of the knights comes forward saying,

"Hey! What do you think you are doing to-"

Before that knight could state anything further, the girl motions him to stop and instead hisses at Dylan,

"You are extremely disrespectful. Don't you know it is bad manners to capture a lady by her hair?"

"I apologize, but you should equally know it's bad manners to leave when someone is talking to you."

"Who? I thought we were done talking."

"First tell me who eats breakfast at noon? That's just lunch."

"The rest of your fellow scholars are also sleeping, aren't they? Then you should go back to sleep as well."

"Hey, I don't care who you are but do you scarcely realize who you have been communicating informally to all this time? And how can you call-"

Dylan elbows Xavier to shut him up. He then retorts,

"Please if you would be extremely kind to let us obtain something to eat. We will be profoundly indebted to you."

"Wow, your attitude changed so swiftly. You really must be famished."

They both nod and smile in return.

"Well, only this time I'll help you...follow me..."

She grabs the baskets and starts walking. On the way, Xavier and Dylan take the baskets from her to carry.

Before long they came to a familiar garden where they met yesterday.

"Are you sure this is the precise place? I thought we were going to the kitchen."

Dylan inquired to which she replied,

"The kitchen is locked and I don't possess the keys."

"Where are we going presently?"

"You'll see."

Soon after crossing through a narrow stream, they reached a four-story cottage-type palace that looked like it had exactly come out of a painting. Covered with vines and flowers, it gave off a homely feeling that one just couldn't describe.

"What is this place?"

"Just sit here. I'll bring you your breakfast soon."

She disregards his question and takes the basket from their hands. She motions them to sit outside under the shade where a private dining table was set up near the stream. She then heads inside before explaining anything to them.

"What do you conclude this place is?"

Dylan questioned to which Xavier shrugged,

"Aren't there many private palaces along with the grand palace inside the castle?"

"I guess so, but who is she and why does it seem like she lives here?"

"Do you still think she is the princess? The princess obviously wouldn't live here. I think she must be one of the cooks. Look she is wearing an apron and cooking right now. Although I must say she is rude since despite being a cook she speaks with you so informally."

Dylan turned around to peek inside the kitchen window. He discovered the girl wearing a black apron and was busy frying something.

Dylan kept observing her through the window while Xavier remarked,

"Your highness stop staring or else you will drill a hole in the window with your stares."

"I don't mean to stare but I can't help it...I don't fathom why but I feel so attracted towards her...what about you?"

Yawning Xavier retorted,

"The sole thing I feel attracted to right now is food. Last night's dinner was just bland and disgusting. We could barely consume it down."

"Was it the same for you? I thought it was only like that for me."

Dylan nodded and agreed with Xavier's statement to which Xavier commented,

"You're the royal highness, I thought you would have been given special food but I guess not."

"I now comprehend why Princess Astrid was refusing to digest the meal. She already knew it beforehand must have tasted like that."

"If she knows then why doesn't she do something about this? She didn't even forewarn you."

"That's what we are over here to find out."

At that moment the kitchen window opened and the girl called,

"Here, take your breakfast from here."

Dylan immediately stood up and took the tray from her.

"Bless you..."

"After you're done just leave the dishes there, I'll pick them up later."

She instructed while taking off her apron.

"My lady, won't you be joining us?"

"I already ate. I have some work to do so I will be leaving now. Hope you enjoy the food."

She gave a courtesy smile and then closed the window and left.


Xavier said and took the tray from Dylan.

They both ate as Dylan remarked,

"Finally proper food. It tastes good as well."

Xavier agreed,

"I wonder where she was while preparing last night's dinner."

"I still don't believe she is a cook...there is this something about her...."

Dylan kept staring at the window where he had last seen her as he hoped to get to talk to her more.


❗️❗️❗️NOTE: ALL THE IMAGES used in this book are taken from the internet. If I know the artist or the owner of the picture then I have given credit to him/her. But remind you that these images were taken from the internet which is why I don't have credible sources for these images. If you want some reference then please use google.❗️❗️❗️

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