3. He Finally Met Her

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Chapter 3

Prince Dylan de Helios

After a hearty breakfast was over, Dylan and Xavier waited for the girl to come back but she didn't. Instead, a girl with thin bobbed greyish hair and similar eye color came. She was wearing proper maid attire. After greeting both of them politely she eloquently stated,

"My name is Delilah, and I'm here to take the leftovers and the dishes."

She is collecting them when Dylan inquires politely,

"Where is the other girl?"

"Other girl? Are you referring to my twin sister, Mary?"


"By all means, she looks just like me, but her eyes are hazel."

"No, I meant the dear lady with jet-black hair and green eyes. The one that made this breakfast for us."

Delilah's eyes flicker. She felt puzzled and kept staring wonderingly at both men's faces. After a considerable pause, she remarks thoughtfully,

"She is busy."

"May I respectfully inquire what her identity is?"

"You both are distinguished scholars from Helios, right? Therefore, you are prime guests of Duke Nabal and his family. If you are their honored guests then I'm afraid you have no genuine concern with her."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

Dylan scowls along with Xavier who carefully kept observing.

"It is at it is. If she felt it necessary for you to recognize her identity she would have informed you beforehand. However, it seems she didn't. Then who am I to intentionally expose her identity to you two strangers?"

"Then at least tell me if her status is of someone important?"

"It naturally depends on how you typically perceive it. Then, I'll take my leave now."

Delilah was quite clever and failed to permit anything to slip and quickly excused herself out of there.

Dylan and Xavier wandered around the lush garden a bit more. In particular Dylan was eagerly trying to precisely locate the private library where he and Lyra typically used to play when they were little.

During their venture they overheard someone call out to them only to find the maid Rosa calling them to the private parlor where the royal family was waiting eagerly for them.

When they reached the private parlor, Dylan encountered the same people as last night's official dinner aside from one seat which was still empty. The owner of the seat, Princess Lyra, was however not there.

Dylan subtly reminded Duke Nabal (the acting head) about the trading talks they typically had to carefully discuss which Nalan dismissed nonchalantly. He in return advised Dylan to relax and keenly enjoy himself since it was only his first day in the country.

"Hubris knows a lot of prominent places to visit then please do take dear Prince Dylan with you. It will be more excellent if Prince sees how well our kingdom is doing and all the new progress we have been making."

"That sounds brilliant. Rest assured Prince, I'll show you all around the mighty kingdom. Although I may be a bit engaged these days, would it be pleasanter if we departed a few days later?"

"I remain your guest. Whatever you suggest, I agree with that."

Dylan smiled wryly as he replied politely.

"I heartily wish to eagerly join them as well."

Karen spoke up to which Hubris snorted,

"You're a kid. You can't hang out with adults."

"I am turning 17 this year!"

As they all teased and laughed with each other, Dylan turned to Princess Astrid,

"Will you be joining us?"

"I will have to see. I can't promise for sure."

"I would like it if you and Lyra came as well. I haven't met Lyra yet."

"Once again I apologize for that. She still doesn't know you are here. All, she comprehends is that there are scholars here to discuss trade and diplomatic talks. Since uncle handles all of this, she deems it unnecessary to join us."

"I thought being the crown princess, she must partake strongly in these things."

"She does but only the work that father accepts to perform. The things that fall under our uncle's jurisdiction, he handles it by himself. Oh right, this reminds me. You have yet to greet father. I apologize for that as well. He isn't doing so well these days. He did express his wish to meet you. How would you like to meet him in the afternoon?"

"I would appreciate that very much. It's been a long time since I saw him. I wish that his health is faring well than yesterday."

"Definitely, he is managing a lot better."

"Umm...I have a question and hope it is not deemed inappropriate."

"Please feel free to express your concerns."

"Is there perhaps any female cook here with raven hair and green eyes?"

"Female cook?"

Dylan nods in return. Astrid mumbles while thinking. Suddenly light flickers in those purple eyes.

"Ah! It seems you are referring to Miss Heather. She is our chief butler's granddaughter. She grew up in this palace along with us and is often helping out in the kitchen. Although I wouldn't call her a proper cook since she helps out in various tasks here and there."

"Oh...I see..."

'Whence it was not Lyra...Why do I feel bitterly disappointed? Did I genuinely desire her to be Lyra or am I grieved to not have met Lyra yet?'

Dylan thought as he experienced a pang in his heart. He was brought back from his thoughts by Karen who inquired about Lyra,

"Where is Lyra?"

"She has gone somewhere with Aunt Katherine."

Astrid instantly answered while Dylan quietly observed the two converse with a blank expression.

"I hate to say this but that is disrespectful especially when a Prince from a neighboring country is visiting."

"She didn't even come for dinner yesterday."

"It is possible she is feeling unwell for her to commit such ignorant mistakes."

"Pardon me for such outright disrespect, Prince Dylan. My cousin Lyra is under no circumstances like this. She doesn't mean any harm. I assure you."

Hubris and Karen kept talking as Dylan sharply kept scanning them and their words.

"Now now children, don't be like this. Don't put the blame on dear Lyra. It seems she has something more important to do with Katherine than to meet with Prince Dylan. It can't be helped. I apologize for her."

Medea spoke up, smiling politely. Dylan gave a business smile back in response.

He was thinking about how firstly, they all kept calling Lyra without her title. This is a violation of the rules book. Only royal family members' direct lineage or royal family members from the neighboring countries can refer to her in that way.

Furthermore, Astrid informed him that Lyra doesn't indeed know of his arrival. If she doesn't know then how is she supposed to come? They are all overtly blaming her and scrutinizing her for not being over here.

Dylan also recalls the information he had gathered from Xavier about the Aunt, Astrid had referred to. Which Medea has just recalled as Katherine. Katherine was a former princess and the middle sibling of the King and Duke Nabal. She refused to get married and the one she desired to get married to, the King refused that man. Hurt, Katherine refused to associate herself with the royal lineage and alternately presently lives independently in the country aside alone.

Dylan himself had encountered Katherine a couple of times when he was 9 since Katherine was also dearest friends with his mother. Katherine, he constantly felt, was a cool and awesome person who was skilled in both swords, martial arts as well as literature. She consistently has retained a cold expression on her face but the ones that were close to her know that she possesses a warm heart.

Setting his thoughts aside, Dylan pondered over how to answer right now. Should he outright blatantly express what's on his mind? But they might get offended. If he says that Lyra did not know of his coming then they might blame Astrid for not informing her sister. However, he is the one who advised Astrid not to tell Lyra and preserve it a secret from her as he wants to surprise her.

Following a brief pause, Dylan remarked,

"It's fine. I don't mind."

"Oh but it's impolite. How can we let our precious guest face such disrespect?"

"I don't feel any disrespect thus I believe it's fine. Moreover, if I may say. I do not indulge in nor like such idle talk. When I drop a topic of a conversation, I expect it to be dropped."

Dylan stated in a deep voice as he gazed sharply at all of them. He offered a smile at the end so as to not appear rude.

"Very well."

After a brief answer, everyone became silent.

"Oh right! Before I forget! Tonight we have held a ball in order to welcome your highness!"

Medea stated. Her expressions were full of excitement.

"You didn't have to."

Dylan retorted. He was being serious, but it seems Medea took it as him being courteous.

"No no, it will be our pleasure to welcome you. Please, I sincerely hope you enjoy it. One of the most magnificent tailors will be over here promptly. If you wish to get clothes made for tonight, then please do let us know."

"I brought my clothes with me, so it's fine."

"Is that so? Then I look forward to seeing you tonight."

Karen added. After which she looked at Astrid,

"Will you be coming with Lyra to gather some clothes tailored for tonight?"

"Much appreciated but it's fine. We have clothes."

Karen rolls her eyes and remarks,

"It's not like we don't have clothes. We have, too. But it won't look pleasant on the image of the imperial family if you keep reusing old clothes. Think about the reputation."

"Don't worry, I assure you those clothes are brand new and haven't been worn formerly."

"That's a relief then."

Karen forced a smile.

"Very well then. Let's get to it. We have got no time to consume."

"Dylan, I'll take you to meet father right now, if it's okay with you?"

"By all means, please."

Everyone gets up to go their respective ways. They left the parlor room one by one and when Karen was about to leave, she turns to Dylan and mumbled,

"Then I will see you tonight, Dylan."


Dylan frowned as his unflinching gaze narrowed at her due to her disrespect of not designating him with his title. Astrid, who overheard her, her eyes also widen and she glares at Karen. Karen flinches and corrects herself,

"Prince. I meant Prince Dylan."

Saying that she swiftly left.

"Let's go then."

Astrid adds to which Dylan smiles and nods.

They head into the King's bedroom where the King was bedridden for the past few months.

Upon entering, the King who was sitting comfortably on his bed, his dull face brightens up upon seeing and recognizing Dylan.

"Dylan? Is that you? Oh, how good it is to sight you!"

He tries getting up, but Dylan supports him.

"You have grown so much, my dear boy!"

"It's good to see you too."

Dylan executes a slight bow.

This was King Derek. A man whom Dylan used to look up to when he was younger. King Derek was childhood friends with King Aaron, who was Dylan's father. For this reason, they had many meaningful interactions together. Whenever King Derek would typically visit Helios, they would go camping or hunting together.

However, seeing King Derek now broke his heart.His disheveled hair was dyed grey. Bones could be instantly seen under the thin layer of cracked skin. His haggard face was dull and full of deep dark circles. Dylan never perceived that an ill man would look so ghastly and dreadful and pitiful. His parched lips were dried and his hoarse voice was breathy and shaky. Whenever he would talk, he couldn't conclude a single sentence without coughing. His skin allegedly had become pale yellow. Exactly what happened to him? Dylan's initial instinct was to, later on, check if King Derek was poisoned or not.

"It's been so long. Tell me, how is Aaron doing? How is everyone else at home? Alexander must have been so grown up now, right?"

King Derek who was tremendously excited to see Dylan bombarded him with personal questions. Dylan explained all of the questions patiently and in return inquired about his health. They started catching up with everything that's been going on.

"You know, Lyra was not long ago here. It's an unspeakable shame you both just missed her."

"She was over here? Dad, I naturally thought she had gone to meet Aunt Katherine."

"She had, but she came back checking on me."

"Where is she right now?"

"Where else could she be?"

"The library..."

Dylan blurted out to which Derek, and Astrid's eyes go remote. Smiling Derek softly remarks,

"Therefore you still remember. Yes, she must be over there."

"I was earnestly trying to properly look for it, but I couldn't find my way this morning."

"The lovely garden has varied a lot. Even Astrid and Lyra get lost there sometimes. It's better to ask Astrid or Lyra to take you there."

"I don't think I even recall the way. Lyra is the only one who undoubtedly knows."

Astrid swayed her head.

"I will request her once I promptly get to properly meet her."

"You haven't met her yet?"

Derek inquired to which Dylan smilingly shook his head and Astrid explained,

"We are planning to delightfully surprise her, so she doesn't even know he is here."

This instantly makes Derek laugh,

"You dear children are still the same. I retain that back then you and Lyra would be together all the time. You were so cute back then."

Dylan's cheeks become tinted as he becomes embarrassed.

"By the way dad, there is going to be a party held tonight to cordially welcome Dylan."

"Oh! Are you arranging the party?"

"No, Aunt Medea is."

"Well, it's good. In fact, I would earnestly advise holding a three-day event to welcome him. He is visiting after 7 years after all."

Derek's statement makes Dylan laugh,

"This much is enough for me. Just getting to talk with you all is all the welcome I need."

"You're so humble, my child. This is what I have always liked about you."

Derek pats Dylan's hair affectionately.

"Well, I'll leave you two alone since I have to go decide what to wear tonight. See you all later."

Astrid said before she took her to leave.

"Tell me, what else is going on these days?"

"Nothing much. Ah right about the trade talks. We were hoping to build a bridge that goes over the Country of Gaia."

"That is such a brilliant idea. Have you discussed this with Nabal yet?"

"No, not yet."

"Nabal is one who overlooks this so it's better to talk to him about it directly."

"...I have a question. Doesn't Lyra helps in these affairs?"

"She's still young. She does help me with all the paperwork though since these old hands don't work as they once used to."

"Don't say it like that. You're still young and don't worry, you'll see that someday you will be all healthy and will do your paperwork by yourself."

Derek chuckles softly,

"You speak so well, my boy."

"Thank you. I have a request, though. Is it okay if Lyra leads these discussions? She is the future queen after all and will turn 20 this year so it's better if she starts taking part in diplomatic affairs."

"You're not wrong. I like this idea. I will consult Nabal about this."


"Yes, he is the head now so it's better to consult. Don't worry the decision is already made. I will inform Lyra about this as well."

"Thank you."

"I have a request for you as well."

"Yes please, anything it is, let me know."

"It may be too much to ask...But realistically speaking...I won't last that long...."

"Don't say it like that."

"Please, Dylan. I said this to Aaron as well and I know it's shameless of me to request this of you as well since this is something I failed to do for my daughters but please...look over my dear girls for me. Especially take care of Lyra. She always keeps it all hidden. She hardly shares her feelings and thoughts with me. I'm worried she is hurting all by herself. The world as you must have seen by now is a blessing yet a curse. When it's cruel, it's so cruel that it destroys a person to the core. After.....Kaya passed away....I was just lost...I fell into an abyss and till now, I fail to get out of it...."

(Note: Kaya is the name of Lyra and Astrid's mother. King Derek's wife that had passed away. The former Queen of Anemoi.)

"You can get out of it. Just trust in yourself and your daughters that care for you so much. For your daughters, you need to be strong."

"Let us see. For now, can you please promise me this?"

"I promise. Though I was willing to do this even before you asked of me."

"I know you were. Isn't that why Aaron sent you here?"

"How did you know?"

"I know....I know....this is why I am even more grateful."

That afternoon, they talked so much until it was time for King Derek to go to sleep.

While Dylan was going back to his room to get ready, he heard a familiar voice call out,

"Heather! Heather! Where are my shoes?!"

Halting, Dylan peeked in the small gap between the door to find Karen getting ready with maids surrounding her. He realized this must be her room. Even though this part of the palace is strictly for the royal family. But who is he to say anything? Perhaps King Derek had allowed them to stay so he can't really complain.

It was then that he saw who the girl they referred to as Heather was. It was a petite, small girl around the age of 14. Even though her hair was dark and her eyes were green but they were of a different sea green color and her facial features were quite different than the girl from this morning. This makes Dylan's face instantly lits up as he thinks that girl may in fact be Lyra.

Suddenly an alert flashes in his mind as he hears footsteps approaching. He turns around to find Xavier facing him with a bored look,

"Your highness, since when did you acquire the habit to sneak into young ladies rooms?"

"I am not. Guess what! That girl isn't Heather!"

Dylan replies excitedly and full of relief

"Huh? Who? What? Who is this Heather?"

Puzzled Xavier is dragged by Dylan who says he will explain everything to him.

As they were walking towards the stairs that went upstairs, Xavier remarked,

"Your highness, you can explain it to me later on. First, you need to get ready. The party is going to begin in under 15 minutes! Do you even realize how stressful that is?"

"I couldn't help it. I hadn't seen King Derek for many years now. Last was 7 years ago when he came to visit us before Dad visited here."


Before Xavier could continue, they heard a loud voice calling someone out from the top of the stairs,

"Your highness, Crown Princess Lyra! Please! You dropped one of your shoes! You can't walk like this!"

At this Dylan's eyes go round. He reflexively looks up to see a maid holding one of the shoes while he turns to look at the source of this sound. The very same lady from the morning was now wearing a formal dress. She also wore typical accessories that were the traditional trademark of Anemoi. A gold chain went over her nose, the rest covered her hair. Jewels matching her eyes were embedded in these chains. She wore a red dress that had a beautiful fall. She herself looked like a goddess. One of her hands was holding her dress while in the other she was holding the other pair of shoes.

"Princess Lyra! You shouldn't run like this!"

The maid gave another call to the princess who had not noticed Dylan's presence yet. She was running down the stairs and in that state, she looked back to assure the maid,

"It's fine. It's much quicker this way....ah!"

It's true when they say look where you are walking because Lyra's foot slipped. She was about to fall but Dylan catches her.

One of his hands grabs her arm while the other holds her waist so as to not let her fall. Their faces were inches apart and they could see each other's reflection in the other's eyes. Her shoe which she was holding had slipped her hand and was flying in the air until Dylan caught it using the hand he was using before to grab Lyra's arm.

Waving the shoe, he smirked,

"So you really were Lyra."


Young Lyra and Dylan

❗️❗️❗️NOTE: ALL THE IMAGES used in this book are taken from the internet. If I know the artist or the owner of the picture then I have given credit to him/her. But remind you that these images were taken from the internet which is why I don't have credible sources for these images. If you want some reference then please use google.❗️❗️❗️

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