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A monthly meeting was being held at the main council room headed by Duke Nabal. It was supposed to start at 11. However, Lyra knew they all would come late and the meeting would probably start by noon. Knowing this, Katherine who had come to work as her adviser, advised Lyra to enter the room at five minutes past noon.


Lyra inquired. She hates being late and is quite punctual therefore Katherine's idea couldn't sit right with her.

"A Queen should always make an entrance."

Delilah answered instead to which Katherine remarked,

"Spot on! You need to make an impact on them. Show authority."

"I understand."

Lyra tightened her fist together as a show of affirmation.

When it was time, she went outside the doors of the meeting. Taking a deep sigh she nods at the knight at the door to announce her entry.

He opens the door and roars,

"Entering Her Highness, Crown Princess Lyra Belle de Anemoi!"

Upon his words, Lyra confidently strides in as she marks everyone's surprised facial expressions including that of her uncle. Even Wily who often joins in on such meetings was not present since this was an official monthly meeting where the head of every department would present their report.

However, what brought everyone shock was not Lyra's presence but rather the presence of a tiara on top of her head which reflected the light and shimmered brightly.

"Lyra? What brings you here? We are having an important meeting here."

Duke Nabal finally managed to gather some words to utter to which Lyra smiled,

"I am aware of that which is why I am here to join you guys. Pardon my lateness. I was here before noon when it was the original meeting time, however, I found the room to be empty."

At her words, all of the people that came intentionally late averted their gazes including her Uncle Nabal.

One of the councilmen who was part of Lyra's faction, got up and offered his seat to her to which Lyra placed her hand forward as a form of rejection,

"No need. Thank you. I am sure our palace isn't so poor as to not be able to afford another chair just like that."

She glances at Duke Nabal's chair.

The room was a huge space with walls as high as 13 feet. There was a long table that stretched from one side to another. In its south was a big red chair on which sat Duke Nabal. On its side were plain silver whitish chairs.

Lyra currently stood at the north of the table where there was no chair at all. The chair Duke Nabal sat on was used to justify who is leading this meeting. Therefore the fact Lyra had asked for that very same chair means that she hinted at the fact that she will also be presiding over today's meeting.

Nabal was irked but continued to plaster a fake smile on his face as he saw the servant rush and bring the same chair for her.

After she sat down, Lyra then smiled,

"Now then, shall we continue from where you guys had left off from?"

The person who was giving his report, cleared his throat and then after glancing at Nabal for approval, started speaking.

After he was done giving his report, Nabal spoke,

"Very well. It seems things are going well."

"What about the lack of resources?"

Duke Axel inquired to which Nabal replied,

"Just increase the taxes by 3% of the merchant class. Since it is a small amount, it won't hurt them and we would be able to gather money."

Baron Frederick who was part of Nabal's faction applauded,

"How wise you are. We will implement it right away."

"Just a moment."

Lyra spoke as she motioned the guy reporting to hand her all the papers. Everyone was taken aback by various things. They still could not digest the fact that she was wearing her Crown, nonetheless, she was showing her authority which was unusual.



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