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Chapter 50

Before long in came Dylan and Mildred. Lyra couldn't take her gaze off of Dylan as she kept hoping he would sit next to her. Likewise, Dylan also kept staring at her. He was going in the direction of sitting next to her when the Queen Mother suddenly got up and exclaimed,

"Oh my! Prince Dylan! Please come and sit here. Come on."

She brings Dylan to sit next to her.

Even though the room was huge but it was rather empty with only two sofas facing each other and a table in between. The curtains of the window were fluttering away due to the wind. As the rest of the room was filled with void and huge vases and other decor pieces.

Dylan a bit taken aback, in order to be polite ends up sitting next to the Queen, right in front of Lyra. Meanwhile, Mildred naturally ends up sitting next to Lyra.

Lyra although was a bit disappointed, she smiles at Dylan as he smiles back all the while she was internally thinking,

'Perhaps this isn't so bad as this way I can see his face.'

Throughout the discussion, the Queen Mother kept trying to find common interest between Lyra and Mildred, all the while ignoring Dylan. In order to not be rude, she would turn to Dylan from time to time only to ask him to eat more. Lyra knew where this was going whereas, Dylan felt this to be weird but did not come to the conclusion since such a thought would never enter his mind.

"Mildred, Princess Lyra was telling me she loves archery. You should take her to the barracks and have a practice match."

"Ah no, I am not that good. I just practice it as a past time from time to time."

Lyra tried to politely decline but Queen Mother Danielle was persistent and motioned  Mildred to say something who in return awkwardly remarked,

"Still, being skilled at archery is quite admirable."

Mildred then glanced at Dylan and added,

"But if we are talking about experience, I believe you are quite good at it. I have heard rumours of your skills all the way here in Gaia."

"I hope they were good rumours."

Dylan replied to which Mildred nodded,

"Ofcourse. They were all praises."

"How nice. Why don't you have some more biscuits, Prince Dylan?"

Queen Mother stated as she then again reverts her attention and tries to steer the conversation towards Lyra and Mildred,

"Also, Mildred. It would be a shame if our dear guest were to go back without seeing the hills of Thalia. It is our most beautiful sacred and breathtaking place. You go there by horse riding. Princess Lyra told me she is not adept at it, but I believe you can still take her there right?"


Mildred who also got wind of what her mother was trying to do, turned to glance at Lyra. He did not want to do anything to make her uncomfortable.

"Please you don't have to. When I will come for vacations, then I will definitely see it. However right now, we are here for work so I would prefer it to only focus on that as we are already here on a tight schedule."

"I agree."

Dylan added after eating all the cookies which the Queen Mother kept handing to him.

"I agree as well. This reminds me, I am extremely sorry for not asking you before hand but those cookies contained alcohol as well. The alcohol was added in the dough. You both are okay with that? The food here is full of high level of alcohol which maybe quite strong and intolerable to others. For you guys, we particularly requested the chef not to add alcohol in anything. However the cookies you just ate were from a famous bakery here and we may have forgotten to request them beforehand to not add alcohol."

They turn towards Dylan who had eaten a lot of those. Dylan in return shrugged,

"Well it doesn't feel like it to me. Maybe they are of smaller dosage."

"Yes, they are placed in quite small quantity in cookies."

"Then it is fine. Thank you for all the consideration."

"Well then I will ask Falcon to show you to your rooms."

"Thank you."

"Then we will see you both at lunch. After lunch, we will have a meeting. Till then please rest and if there's anything you need, do not hesitate to let us know."

"Thank you."

Lyra then gets up and looks at Dylan who follows after her.

They both walk side by side as they follow Falcon who was walking quite ahead of them since they both were walking quite slowly.

"How was your trip?"

Dylan spoke to which Lyra added with a giggle,

"I slept the entire time so I do not know how it went."

"Same here. I was quite exhausted yesterday so could not help but get a shut eye for a little while."

"Yes, I noticed that from your hair."

At this, Dylan quickly starts brushing his hair to set them down even though he had done this before right after getting out from the carriage and his hair right now was all set.

Seeing his actions Lyra assures him,

"Your hair is fine. Do not worry. Although I must say it has become quite long."

"Yes, I didn't find time to cut them."

"Is the situation at the border still dire?"

"Well I have it all handled. There is just one traitor missing but I have my team looking out for him. They will get him as soon as possible."

"I wish you best of luck."

"Thank you. So...how did Hubris end up in jail?"

"Oh my! I remember! I had to tell you. You will not believe what took place. You should praise my acting skills. I am quite good at it."

Seeing Lyra so excited makes Dylan let out a soft chuckle

"Just a second."

Dylan said as he motions at Falcon. Lyra then speaks,

"Excuse me."

However Falcon who was at quite a distance from them were unable to hear them. Dylan then states in a loud voice,

"Excuse me."

At this, Falcon puzzled turns around. He was surprised to find some distance between them as he immediately bows and says,

"I apologise for walking so fast!"

"Ah, no. It is fine. Thank you for guiding us. We just wanted you to let us know the directions and we will go there by ourselves."

"Erm...then if you go straight from here...on the right corridor the first room on the left is of His Highness, and on the left corridor the first room on the right is of Her Highness."

"Thank you so much."

He then bows and takes his leave.

Dylan then fondly turns towards Lyra and states,

"Now where were we?"

Lyra looks up at the smiling Dylan fondly, as she tries her best not to let her fluttering emotions come into her face. She feels overwhelmed and thinks about how all this time she kept feeling as if there was a void inside of her and that something was missing. But now had she come in contact with Dylan again, had she realised that he was the one who had taken a part of her. His soothing voice, comforting aura, everything about him made Lyra fell more and more attached towards him.

'Ah, so this is what I was seeking for all this time. My haven.'



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