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Chapter 51

"Well, where were we?"

"Come here."

Lyra motioned him to follow him to sit next to her as she sat on the concrete railing that was there in the corridor. From the other side there was this garden of dense trees which seemed more like a forest. Behind those trees, you could get a peek of the huge lush mountains. Between that forest and the palace, there was this breathtaking lake whose beauty could not be described in mere words. Laden with flowers and trees, the turquoise colour mixed with blue was inexplicably gorgeous.

"About Hubris...."

Lyra then explains everything to him as Dylan listened quite intently and then remarked,

"Wow...I did not expect that at all. Although it is a pity he was let out sooner."

"Yes, it is a pity. If I could, I would have his eyes gouge out and his hands cut. I can still remember urgh...his creepy stares and his disgusting touch...."

Lyra shivered as she made an expression as if she was about to puke. However, upon realising what she had just let it slip, she instantly turns to Dylan with her eyes wide who with a similar expression inquires,


Lyra gulps as she thinks about what to do. After a brief pause she decides it is best to tell him as it is not like she was in the wrong and nor would it make him hate her if he were to know but in all honesty, she does not want to recall that time by even thinking about it. But then one glance at Dylan and her heart says that she does not want to hide anything from this man as he is the only person in this world who knows her a lot better and the only one with whom she can share a lot of things....things which she cannot even tell her dear sister.

Quietly yet quickly, she explained everything as Dylan's fist tightens and he hisses,

"I knew I should have beaten him up a bit more..."

"Can we please not talk about him? I do not even want to bring him up. He is already being so annoying asking for apology and then doing all those things. I ought to ban him from entering my territory of the palace as soon as I go back."

"You should."

"Oh! I just recalled. Did you read my letter regarding the black magic?"

"Yes and I am afraid I have no clue about it. I did read up some books on it to find some way to help you and all I could come to a conclusion was to visit a black magician here in Gaia."

"I thought of similar sentiments! I have a friend here who told me about a black magician that can be trusted. I plan to visit him possibly tomorrow."

"Can I come with you?"

"....if you want to. But I wouldn't pressurise you. I mean you must have a lot of other stuff to do and um..."

"Then I am coming."


"So is this the reason you could not come to my birthday?"


Lyra then explains what else took place and how she has decided to become the Queen.

"I see."

Sighting Dylan's expression, Lyra felt he was disappointed. Although contrary to her thoughts, Dylan on the other hand was in fact worrying about Lyra and how she will have to face tough challenges ahead and how he would try hard to support and help her in any way possible.

Lyra then mumbled softly,

"I really am sorry for not being to come...therefore, to make up for my absence, if it is possible I wanted to ask if we can celebrate your belated birthday here?"

"You want me to hold my birthday party here again?"

"No. Just a small private celebration. Between us. Please?"

Lyra who thought Dylan was slightly sulking about her not coming to his party, tried really hard to plead to him. Meanwhile, Dylan who understood that Lyra had mistaken him thinking seriously as him being mad about her not coming to the party, played along and looked to the other side,

"Well I mean the birthday is long gone so I don't see any point in that..."

"Please? Just once. Hm?"

Lyra moves her face to his point of vision and brings forth her fore fingers of both hands in front him all the while acting cutely.

This makes Dylan let out a chuckle as he states,

"Those are two fingers. That makes it two."


Lyra then closes her left hand completely and then shows her forefinger of her right hand.

Dylan upon her gesture found Lyra to be quite adorable and decides to give in,

"Fine. What do you want to do?"

"I do not know. I will think of something and let you know soon. Or if you have something in mind, please don't hesitate to let me know, okay?"

"Alright. I will be looking forward to that."

After this, there was this peaceful silence among them. Lyra felt like she was the happiest after such a long time. She recalls the last time she felt this much at peace was when Dylan had come to visit them.

Dylan looks around and finds no one to be there and then moves and whispers in Lyra's ear,

"I think the Queen Mother doesn't like me very much."

Dylan's deep voice tickled in Lyra's ear as she felt her breathing stop and her heart beating out of her chest. Trying to calm herself she whispers back,

"What makes you say so?"

"It is just that I-..*yawn*..."

Suddenly Dylan who had been trying his best not to yawn ended up yawning.

"It seems you are still tired. You should go and rest."

"No...I...*yawn*....am fine."

Giggling Lyra adds,

"Go and sleep. You must have been working a lot before coming here."

"It is just that the Kingdom of Hulda is being a pain in the ass. I have requested father to give me the word and I will conquer that Kingdom once and for all but father has signed a peace treaty with them."

"Does this mean they are breaking the pact?"

"Not exactly. The King claims that he has no awareness as to who is doing these attacks and that is possible that someone from his council has gone rogue and that traitor is now attacking the areas the at the border of the neighbouring Kingdoms to capture them."

"If it is like that then they need the stream that passes through Helios and Anemoi."

"Probably and if you look at it like that, then this does not seem to be some one man going rogue. It is definitely the King who is behind this. This reminds me, you should be careful too. The county near Boreas which is also next to Hulda, that could be in danger."

"Thanks for forewarning me. I will send a letter to triple the security over there."

"You should. And let me know if you need help, I will send people over."

"I should be saying that to you. Anyhow, go and sleep. Your eyes look like they will close any minute now."

"I said I am fine. If I fall asleep then that would mean we would have less time to spent together and we are already here on a tight schedule so I do not want to waste any single second."

His words make Lyra flush as she states,

"...It is fine as I am also going into my room to rest."

"If you say so."

Dylan then gets off as he places his hand for Lyra to hold and get up. Afterwards, they start walking towards their room. Lyra throughout the way keeps glancing at Dylan. Dylan who suddenly became conscious of this, takes a peek back only to have his eyes go wide in surprise. A single tear was falling from her left eye.

"What's wrong??"


Lyra did not know what happened until she felt something watery on her cheek and when she checked, she found it to be a tear. She starts rubbing her eyes and states,

"Oh, this...I don't know why this is happening but all I know is that I was thinking how much relief I feel after talking to you. All the things that have been going on back home, it is just too much for me to handle. Everything feels overwhelming. It was so hard being out of my comfort zone. Though I may have become somewhat used to it, but for the first few weeks, I wouldn't stop shaking. I told you already before that the path to becoming a Queen is quite lonely..."

Dylan gently wipes her tear as he firmly states,

"It must be hard...but know that, I am here for you. Whenever, wherever you need someone to talk to, I'll be there. You can tell me all you want and I will listen everything."

Lyra nods as she sniffles,

"Thank you."

"Don't take everything on your shoulders at once. Do it one step at a time and it is better for you to share the burden, okay? And in that every step, I will be with you. I promise."

Lyra nods as Dylan in order to lighten the mood pinches her nose lightly,

"Now go and rest. No overthinking and taking too much stress, got it?"

"Roger that."

Lyra playfully salutes in return as they both laugh and then go into their respective rooms after saying goodbye.



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