Chapter 19: Execution and Endgame

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(Megatron is seen at the balcony as he stands in front of the citizens from Tokyo-Eostia Kingdom.)

Megatron: My devoted citizens, we are close to the ultimate victory against the corruption of this world.

(Some cheers can be heard.)

Megatron: There are some remaining individuals who are more than willing to hunt our people down, capture them and brainwash them to serve their evil. They proved to be willing to do anything to get what they want, unless we stop them! We must not allow them to do what they want any longer!

(The shouts get louder.)

Megatron: While They hunt us down, we already hunted And captured some of them, including the so-called Number One Hero and his supposed successor!

(Then some lights shine on four random spots as four individuals are shackled and restrained.)

Megatron: Firstly, we have the pupil of the so-called Number One Hero, one of Class 1-A students who forgot about his own origins, Izuku Midoriya!

(Everyone cheered as he was completely silent due to the restraints.)

Megatron: Next, we have the general of White Fang, the human hater and harbinger of destruction, Adam Taurus!

(Everyone cheers as Adam tries to speak, but gets muffled.)

Megatron: Third, we have one of the Pro Heroes who mistreated and made fun of certain people, Yu Takeyama, the Pro Heroine, Mount Lady!

(Everyone cheers as Mount Lady is silent.)

Megatron: And finally, The Star of the Show, The Number 1 Hero himself, the Symbol of Peace and Justice, The Symbol of Lies and Deception, and a Traitor of Humanity, Toshinori Yagi, or as we all known him as, ALL MIGHT!!!

(Everyone cheers even louder as Megatron approaches the four.)

Megatron: For years, our people have been lied too and deceived by the very individuals, who swore to protect us, they abandoned us when we needed them, all because we were different from them! But now, we have what we need to make a difference, not just for earth, but the entire universe!

(Megatron approaches Adam Taurus, who glares at him.)

Adam: Kill me, human... and you lose profit!

Megatron: You mistake me for Ozpin or All For One. I do not inflict destruction upon innocent people!

Adam: All For One approved! His word was law!

(Megatron pulls out his blade, and Adam realizes that Megatron wasn't fazed by his words at all.)

Megatron: Your master is dead, and so is his "law". Never again will Earth suffer from his corruption.

Adam: (growls) GO TO HELL!

Megatron: You first.

(Megatron beheads Adam, much to the horror of the "heroes".)

Izuku: Did he really...?

(What Megatron is keeping from the "heroes" is that their execution is being broadcast.)

Megatron: And now... you three are next!

(Meanwhile at U.B.A. High, the headmasters are seen watching the execution of Adam Taurus and the three "heroes" as they didn't like what they're seeing at all. Ironwood is seen bringing in the coffin of Starscream as he watches Megatron slowly executing All Might, Izuku and Mount Lady, and everyone started cheering for him, except for the Headmasters.)

Ozpin: Enough of this! If he's gonna keep defying us, we must make him wish he didn't!

Ironwood: Good thing I'm here.

Harold: What is that?

Ironwood: It has the only thing we can use to stand up to Xander and his army.


(Xander is seen watching his friends and lovers training until the Combaticons come in.)

Vortex: Lord Megatron, the Headmasters decided to send a message to us.

Megatron: Hmm... very well, I'll see what their rant is all about.

(Megatron then goes to the communication center, and then he receives the message from the Headmasters, who's got stern looks in their faces.)

Megatron: (smirks) You're not so full of yourselves now, are you... insects?

Nezu: We didn't want to do this. But you gave us no other choice! Now it's your turn to not have any other choice!

Megatron: What do you mean, insect?

Ironwood: We demand a final battle against you.

Megatron: Is that what you mean by "me not having any other choice"?

Ozpin: We have sent some remaining Atlas Fleet to set towards your precious kingdom. If you don't accept our demands, everything you hold dear will die, including those traitors!

Megatron: Very well, I'll follow through with your terms. But know this battle will end with your defeat.

(As the message ends, Blast Off approaches Megatron.)

Blast Off: Sir, is that true they sent Atlas Fleet to destroy our kingdom?

Megatron: Skywarp and Thundercracker are already taking care of them.

Blast Off: Do you think they have a Plan B?

Megatron: I wouldn't be surprised if they had. They are desperate to end this and they'll use anything they can use, even underhanded tactics like this one. But this proves how hopeless and vulnerable they are at now.

(Megatron then prepares for the final battle.)

Megatron: (in mind) This final battle could change everything, both good and bad. It's time to end this once and for all!

(The final battle is about to begin)

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