Chapter 20: The Final Fight

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(Megatron in seen in his Alt Mode as he sets towards U. B. A. High as he lands and changes back to his combat mode. He then proceeds to enter the very hellish school he used to be in as he hears some voices.)

????: So you came, huh?

(Megatron turns to see the Headmasters.)

Megatron: (scoffs) So, did you cowards finally grew some spines and decide to take me on by yourselves?

(The headmasters got angry by Megatron's statement.)

Megatron: I mean, it would stand to make sense why you all don't have spines. Cause you've become nothing more but slaves to your worthless powers.

(Megatron suddenly blocks a shoot from Ironwood.)

Megatron: The one before me faced Autobots who shoot faster and harder than you.

(Ozpin charges at Megatron, who blocks his attacks, and then uses his sword to stab Ironwood, who tried a sneak attack. Megatron blasts Ozpin away before slashing Ironwood in half. He then charges at Ozpin as he starts brutalizing him.)

Megatron: (while brutalizing Ozpin) Die! DIE! (prepares to pulverize him) DIE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!

(Megatron pulverizes Ozpin, and then he turns to Lionheart and Nezu before launching another blast. Lionheart manages to evade it, but Nezu wasn't so fortunate, and got blasted into pieces. Lionheart tries to run away, only for Megatron to stab his neck and rip off his head.)

Megatron: Now to deal with Victor's father...

(Megatron sees a secret door, and blasts it before entering the secret room, where he sees Harold about to merge with Starscream.)

Megatron: So this is what you and the Headmasters have been planning all along.

(Harold gets silent as his merging becomes complete.)


Megatron: That won't happen, Harold Adam. Because I will not allow it! AND YOU WILL SUFFER FOR YOUR ACTIONS!

(Megatron powers up and slashes Starscream, damaging him as he realizes he was still no match for Megatron.)

Starscream: Impossible! I was supposed to take this attack like it was nothing!

Megatron: Not anymore. The souls you've tortured, the beings whose lives were ruined... they will finally get their justice! And now, this will be your end!

(Megatron prepares to destroy Starscream.)

Starscream: N-N-No!! Stop!!! Please!!!! Have mercy, I beg of you!!!!

(Megatron ignores Starscream's pleas as he speaks up.)

Megatron: Too late!!!

(Megatron chops Starscream into pieces before blasting each of the pieces, making sure there would be nothing left of either Starscream or Harold. After he destroyed Starscream, he sighs by himself.)

Megatron: It's done.

(Some months later, things have become peaceful ever since Megatron defeated both villains and fake heroes alike. Olga and Asagi formed a new academy known as Xross Academy, and welcome all of the U.B.A.'s former students, who months later, became great heroes, fighting for what's right. However, he knew there were some fake heroes who planned to overthrow Megatron and return the world to what it once was. However, they were easily crushed and publicly executed by Xander himself. He also found out about the Yakuza, and easily destroyed them before freeing a tormented soul who've been let down by the heroes. Her name is Eri and she was close to death until Xander took her in. Thanks to his efforts, he saved her from herself and helped her train to become a hero for Xross Academy. And to ensure her protection, Xander had his teammates to protect her.)

Celestine: It's been months since the true peace was achieved.

Serafina: All thanks to our lord.

(They smile as they see Xander being cheered on by the citizens all over the world. The Age of Peace has finally begun.)

(The End.)

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