Dark Wedding

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Backlash In Your House
April 26

Daikon: At Backlash, I fought in a match Triple H for the Intercontinental Championship after Kane and the Acolytes fought and won against the Brood. The reason for that match with Hunter was because Shane made the match out of vengeance for what I did to him on RAW last week. Well, it didn't end well for them as no matter what, Triple H never won against me, even with Chyna at his side.

We see Daikon and Triple H squaring off as Daikon dominates Triple H. He even took Pedigree and kicked out at 1 before locking in the Crucifix Choke Hold, making Hunter go unconscious. He stood tall as he held the title up while sitting on Hunter's back in an act of humiliating him.

Chyna tries to attack him but Daikon knocks her out with a Phenom's Judgement. He then outs her on top of Triple H and sat on both of them while drinking a bottle of water.

Daikon: Much later in the night, Vince is seen watching Stephanie while he oversees the match between Stone Cold and the Rock with Shane as the special guest referee. This match we got Rock holding camera trash talking Austin, before being Stunned on the Announce Table. Then we get to the juicy bit.


We see police officers looking over the limo with Stephanie inside to make sure no one from the Ministry of Darkness with come out. Soon, Stephanie was engaged in small talk with the cops guarding the limo. One of the officers was talking about how big a fan his little boy was when the doors to the arena suddenly swung open with a loud bang.


Stephanie glanced over her shoulder and gasped. The Acolytes, Farooq and Bradshaw, charged towards the limo, still in their wrestling gear. Heart pounding, Stephanie leaped back into her seat and rolled up the limo window.

Three of the cops rushed the Acolytes and kept them at bay. The fourth cop pounded on the roof of the limo, shouting at the driver.

Officer: Go, Go, Go!

The limo squealed out of t he parking lot and sped away from the arena.

Stephanie: "Stop! Stop, driver! Driver, stop! Wait for my dad! Driver!"

A second passed. Then, the little door separating the driver from the passenger slid open, and two faces that to most looked like they came straight out of a nightmare leered at the young woman.

Undertaker: Where to Stephanie?

Harbinger: Here comes the bride.

They laughed as Stephanie screams.


They drove off into the night, a screaming Stephanie McMahon in the backseat. While Vince looks on at the ring, unaware that Stephanie was being abducted by the Undertaker and the Harbinger.

*next night on RAW*

We see Vince with his Stooges, Gerald Brisco and Pat Patterson waiting for a call. Finally, the phone rang, interrupting the tension. Vince sprang up to answer it.

Vince: Hello?

?: Vince, you know who this is.

Vince: *recognizing Harbinger's deep voice* I know who this is. Just tell me, how's Stephanie.

Harbinger: She's fine, Vince, As a matter of fact, she's reaaaal fine. And you know what I've got, and you know what my father wants.

Vince: Listen. I brought everything, just like you said. You've got controlling interest. You've got it signed, sealed...now I want Stephanie back, and I want her back NOW.

Harbinger: Nice. You planned ahead. Always like when people do that. It shows that they're a least aware of the consequences if they don't comply.

Vince and his Stooges felt a shiver down their spines as Harbinger continues.

Harbinger: Once my father got those documents, Stephanie will be returned unharmed. But, if you slip up just once, you'll never see your precious little girl again. Do I make myself clear, Vince?

Vince: If you so much as harm a hair on her head...So help me, you son of a bitch. I-

Harbinger: Now Vince...is that how you talk to your future Son- in-law? *chuckles*

Vince grimace by that.

Harbinger: You just give my father those documents. Deliver them, at 10 pm sharp, by the loading dock of the Grand Chalet Hotel parking garage...oh, and one more thing. Austin should be the one to deliver them. Not you or anyone from the Corporation.

Vince's eyes widen by that. Why Stone Cold? Why his arch enemy? Why would he have him bring the Documents.

Harbinger: Alone.

Vince: I...I can't. I can't ask Austin to do that.

Harbinger: That's your problem.

Vince: Now, wait a minute-

Soon, someone else called and it wasn't Harbinger.

Undertaker: Vince. Your problem, not mine. *ends the call*

Vince: No! It's...hello? HELLO?! *slams the phones* Son of a...


After Austin refused to help Vince, we see the Ministry backstage with a screaming and crying Stephanie.

Stephanie: WHY? Why are you doing this to me? Please let me go! Please, please, no!

Farooq and Bradshaw dragged Stephanie McMahon, now dressed in an embroidered black satin gown, to her feet. A black leather collar was wrapped around her neck. The terrified girl struggled and fought to break free, but the Acolytes had a death grip on each of her arms.

They dragged her forward until she was face to face with the Harbinger, who also sports a wedding outfit but with a Gothic style.

He leans over and strokes Stephanie's face as the poor girl flinched.

Stephanie: Please, I'll do anything! Please let me go!

Harbinger: Oh, you'll do something, alright. *pats her cheek* Take her.

Taker nodded to the Acolytes who began to drag Stephanie across the floor. Screaming and struggling, Stephanie put up a huge fight, but to no avail.

Undertaker: Take her upstairs.

They followed them as next to them was Paul Bearer, who shook his head and smiled. In his hands was what looked like an ancient spell book with Ministerium Et Acerbus emblazoned in gold letters across its purple velvet cover.

Paul: Bless her heart. What a shame. What a shame.

He, Harbinger, and Taker followed the Acolytes out of the basement, with Kane and Viscera bringing up the rear.

*in the arena*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The lights suddenly went out. Everything was bathed in an unearthly bluish light as the Acolytes, Kane and Viscera carried Taker's symbol to the ring. Stephanie McMahon, screaming for help, struggled vainly against the ropes that tied her wrists and ankles securely to the symbol.

Stephanie: Please, let me go! Please, let me go! No, please! My dad'll give you what you want!

Carefully, the symbol was slid into the ring beneath the ropes, as Stephanie continued to struggle.

Taker's followers stepped in and, with the same care they used to slide the symbol into the ring, propped it up against the ropes. As the song fades, Harbinger stood next to Stephanie as Undertaker and Paul stood in front of them while the rest of the Ministry surround the ring.

Taker: Before the ceremony begins...I must address the McMahon family. I am not to blame for what is about to happen here! Vince, this rests upon your shoulders, because you did not live up to your end of the agreement. And Steve Austin...well, I guess he just showed his true colors as well. *turned to his right hand man* Paul, let the ceremony begin.

Stephanie screamed as Harbinger looks on with a smile as the crowd chanted for Austin. Paul opens the book and begins.

Paul: Dearly Unbeloved...We gather here this evening to join Stephanie Marie McMahon in the unholy wedlock with the Heir of Darkness.

The crowd was shocked at the news. Is the Harbinger going to marry Stephanie? Disgusting. Stephanie screamed and struggled as Harbinger lays his hand on her forehead.

Harbinger: It's okay, my dear. There's nothing to fear. There's nobody here who can help you now. Soon, you'll be one of us. You'll be One with Me. Stephanie, it's time to come home.

Stephanie flinched as Paul continues.

Paul: Tonight...Stephanie Marie McMahon will step from the light of this evil, cesspool, mortal world into the sanctuary of eternal darkness.

Harbinger  continued to stroke Stephanie's face and hair. Stephanie continued to fight the Heir of Darkness, a look of disgust painted across her otherwise pretty features.

Paul: Keeping this in mind...Will you, Stephanie Marie McMahon, accept the purity of evil and take the Heir of Darkness as your master and your spouse?

Stephanie: No! Nooooo!

JR: Hell no, she's not!

Suddenly, a roar went up from the crowd as Ken Shamrock rushed into the ring, swinging a baseball bat and spoiling for a fight. His efforts were in vain as Farooq and Bradshaw pounced on him like a cat pouncing on a mouse and held him down.

Then, the 500-pound bulk that was Viscera leaped up and splashed his much smaller victim, knocking the wind completely out of him. Gazing down at him with utter contempt, Viscera rolled the half-conscious Shamrock out of the ring.

As Taker's henchmen dispatched of Shamrock, Paul, Harbinger, and Taker gazed down upon the helpless bride.

Paul: Tonight, you will become one with The Ministry. You are the chosen one.

Backstage we see Triple H, the Mean Street Posse, and the Big Boss Man, arguing with Shane, before they were attacked by Druids. Soon, the wedding continues.

Paul: Heir of Darkness...Is it your intent to accept Stephanie Marie McMahon, her body, her mind, her soul, and even her breath unto yourself, and allow her to bear your offspring?

Stephanie: *horrified* Noooooo!

Harbinger: *small smile* Soreha. (It is)

Paul was a bit taken aback by the Harbinger's use of Japanese language but continued. Suddenly, Big Show arrived brawled his way towards the ring. He took out Farooq and Bradshaw, then Viscera. Suddenly, Kane brawled with him before grabbing him by the throat.

Tp the shock of many, Kane Chokeslams the 500 lb Big Show. Soon, the Acolytes recovered as they dispose of Big Show.

Paul: By the power vested in me by the Lord of Darkness...I now pronounce you as the Unholy Union of Darkness. You may now kiss your bride!

Harbinger leans over at a screaming Stephanie as he goes to kiss her. Then...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The arena erupted as Austin makes his way to the ring. The Acolytes, Viscera and Kane got ready as Stone Cold enters the ring. He takes the down and hits a Stunner on almost all of them before he and Harbinger went into a brawl.

Austin stuns Harbinger but Harbinger stood straight, having no effect from the Stunner. Austin wasn't aware until Harbinger grabs him and hits the End of Light.

Harbinger kicks Austin out of the ring before walking towards Stephanie. He bent down and kissed the struggling Stephanie, whose shrieks were drowned out by the music. Stephanie looks at him in pure horror as Harbinger rolls his eyes and grins.

It's over.

Stephanie then faints from the shock as the Acolytes go to move the symbol. Suddenly, Harbinger backhands Bradshaw, stopping them.

Harbinger: Release her.

They did without any second thought. Harbinger then picks up the unconscious Stephanie in a bridal position and makes his way out of the ring. Undertaker looks on with a grin as the rest of the Ministry followed the Harbinger, who carries his new wife.

Soon, they reached a limo backstage as Harbinger makes Paul open the door. He seats Stephanie in first before sitting inside while he lays her head on his lap.

Harbinger: Once you're awake, you're already home with me. *looks at the driver* Go!

The limo leaves as we see the Ministry looking on with smiles on their faces. Just then, a second limo screeched to a halt in the parking lot. A frantic and disheveled Vince McMahon staggered out.

Vince: Harbinger, stop! Dammit, stop! Gimme back my daughter!

He chases after the leaving while the Ministry laughed at him.

Vince: She's not your wife, Daikon! Bring her back! Daikon, you sonofabitch! Give her back! Daikon! Stephanie! Stephanie! Nooooo!

Inside the limo, Stephanie woke up and was met with the stoic face of the Harbinger. She scream and tries to get up but then Harbinger wraps his arm around her neck, stopping her as she tries to fight back.

Stephanie: Let me go! Please! Why are you doing this to me?! Why have you become this monster, Daikon?! WHY?!

Harbinger: There is no escape, Stephanie. You must comply. My father...has his ways to make those who don't will.

Stephanie: No! Let me go! Dad, help me! Dad! Shane! Help meeeee!

Harbinger: They can't save you, now, Stephanie. Especially...Shane.

*back to Daikon*

Daikon: I was something. Wasn't I? So now, I'm married to Stephanie McMahon, which means I have control of the WWF, mostly Undertaker has control. But you have to wonder...why out of all these times would I use my Native Language when I was stripped of my origins by the Undertaker? You'll find out soon enough.

A/n: How's the chapter?

No questions I have to ask.

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