Reaching for Power

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Daikon: After Wrestlemania, RAW came as we see Stone Cold and Vince having their bitchy argument as usual. Stone Cold wants his Smoking Skull Belt but Vince refused and we had Stephanie playing a role for the first time since her appearance on TV last year. After a match between Sable and Tori, we get to appear to make a threat to Vince.

*Match 29*

We see Sable and Tori going for a fight until the lights went out. Soon...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Suddenly, The Brood, Acolytes, and Vicersa make their way to the ring, as Tori quickly left and Sable is all alone. Soon, Undertaker, Kane, Paul Bearer, and the Intercontinental Champion, Harbinger make their way as well. Soon, the rest of the Ministry are inside the ring as the lights came back on.

They stood in front of Sable as Undertaker and his family stood in front of Sable, as she's backed to the corner, scared. The Women's Champion looks at them in fear as Undertaker and Harbinger stood in front of everyone as they stare at Sable before Taker spoke.

Undertaker: No, child...don't be scared. I came out see what you got.

The crowd oohs as Sable looks at him with confusion and uncertainty. Soon, she begins to dance as she spins her hips seductively. Then, Undertaker grabbed her by the throat, not amused as the crowd was shocked by this. He held her down as Taker spoke.

Undertaker: McMahon...I got your precious little meal ticket. And I can snap her like a twig. So what it is...I want you to come out here right now, before I snap her head right off her shoulders.

The crowd yelled out as we cut to backstage with Vince and his children. Vince tells Stephanie to stay in the locker room while telling Shane to stay to look after her. He then leaves as we cut to the ring, as Undertaker still held Sable down.

Paul Bearer mocks her as she pleads for mercy.

Undertaker: Well I guess he doesn't care that much for you, now does he?

Sable struggles but she was helpless against the power of the Deadman. Soon, Vince finally arrives as everyone turn their eyes to him. Vince looks on with a look of confusion and disgust.

Vince: What kind of a man are you?

A moment of silence occurs as the two parties stared at each other. Then, Harbinger grabs a mic before turning to Vince. He was gonna speak again after weeks on not saying anything.

Harbinger: much do love your daughter?

The crowd oohs at that as they felt a chill down their spines. Vince stares at Habringer in anger and shock before realizing something. Undertaker rolls eyes as Vince shouts for Stephanie. He then goes to back as Harbinger looks down at Sable.

Harbinger: Guess we saw his true colors, dear. Let's just see...about his opinion on his personal assets.

Then, Harbinger starts to chuckle as he drops the mic. He chuckle turns to laughter and then his laughter turns to a cackle as it can be heard without the mic. The crowd was instantly scared as some members had to back away as well, not expecting this level of psychoticness.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Backstage, we see Vince heading back to the locker room while Harbinger's laugh was heard. He passes some beaten security guards as Shane appears. They entered and see that Stephanie is not there. Vince yells for her before arguing with Shane.

*back with Daikon*

Daikon: Honestly, I was at my most creepiest at that moment. That line, the look, the really shows what I can do.

Daikon: Anyway, we had Stephanie held hostage on the basement before Shamrock saved her after being told by Christian. However, she had a mark of the Ministry symbol on her forehead but overall she was fine, despite the obvious trauma.

Daikon: Next week, me and Kane would join forces to then face Jeff Jarrett and Owen Hart for the Tag Team Championships in an Open Challenge. Suffice to say, I also became a Tag Team Champion for the first time.

The match shows Kane and Harbinger taking on Owen Hart and Jeff Jarrett before the match ends with a Double Chokeslam. They held the titles as Harbinger became a Tag Champion for the first time while Kane gained his second Tag Team Championship.

Daikon: We later made a threat to Vince about making a Sacrifice that night, but with a certain beautiful woman. We would then attack Shamrock since he did save Stephanie last week. We carries him through the crowd before putting him in a trunk and taking him away.

Daikon: After a quick disciplinary action towards Christian, we carried someone with a giant Undertaker Symbol and we revealed it to be Ryan Shamrock. I'm like "Jesus, she had to go through pain from me, and now this?" Though, you have to give credit to Alicia Webb, the woman behind Ryan, for being dedicated to her work.

*interview with Alicia Webb*

Alicia: You know? Out of all the guys on the back, Daikon was one of the best men I ever met. Before we do the moves he did to me, we practice many times so I makes sure I wouldn't get hurt. While you can argue that his fighting style was rough and brutal, but you cannot deny he would always look out for you when you feel unsafe. He's a true Guardian Angel and still is today.

*back with Daikon*

Daikon: This was a message to Vince about what will happen to Stephanie. The original plan was to have Stephanie be forced to marry Undertaker, but Mark turned it down as it would be uncomfortable for both of them. Then, they selected me as I was the one always around her. This way, it can still play out as Undertaker expanding his influence with me aiding him.

Daikon: Next week, we captured Debra.

*March 12*

We see the Ministry entering the ring and attacking the former Tag Team Champions. Soon, Jarrett and Hart were restrained while Harbinger held Debra.

Undertaker: Debra, Debra, Debra. Beautiful Debra! You need to understand this is not my fault, you see Vince McMahon left me no other choice.

Habringer grabs her by the neck as Undertaker continues.

Undertaker: He left with Stephanie! Tonight, she was to be Harbinger's prize, his trophy! And now you're gonna have to do! You see McMahon, how many of the innocents must suffer? How many souls must I take before she's his?

Soon, Shamrock arrives with a baseball bat as the other members of the Ministry scattered.

Undertaker: Shamrock, if you hit me you will never see Ryan again.

Shamrock readies his bat before Harbinger drops Debra and takes the mic.

Harbinger: Don't worry, Ken. Ryan's in the boiler room. She's very...very cooperative with us. Of course...she did have to squirm a bit before complying. *sick grin*

The crowd was horrified by that as Shamrock yells at Harbinger before swinging his bat. Harbinger caught it with one arm, unfazed by the sting from the strike as he snatched it and strikes Shamrock.

Harbinger: You can go and save her, Shamrock. But just so you know, there won't be any easy way to come out unscathed.

Soon, the Ministry leave while Shamrock lays there, hurt.

*back with Daikon*

Daikon: Jeez. I was something, aren't I? Though it wouldn't be my most terrifying look yet, but it serves as a precursor to what I would become.

Daikon: Later, Shamrock did went to the boiler room with Mankind to save Ryan but we took him down and dragged him to be hung by the Symbol. Then Undertaker attacks Christian and orders Edge and Gangrel to hung him as well. The Brood decided to rebel to protect their partner as Ken managed to break free and Mick came to help.

Daikon: Next week, me and Kane defended the Tag Titles in an Open Challenge before the Brood took on the Acolytes. I didn't do much but I did something that many if my fans are glad I did. And this was time I decided to speak more often.

*March 19*

We see two TX symbols on the stage before we see The Acolytes, Kane, and Harbinger come out, dragging Test and Shane McMahon after knocking them out. They then tie them up on the crosses before Harbinger spoke.

Harbinger: misguided...spoiled...self-indulgent, little boy. You think you are untouchable but look at you now, you have been sacrificed by the Heir of Darkness.

He then turns to the crowd with his Tag Title on his waist and the IC Title on his shoulder.

Harbinger: My dear unfounded souls...this company is ruled by corrupt people. Once my father, the Undertaker takes control of the World Wrestling Federation...this company will be cleansed of that corruption.

Shane wakes up and realizes what's going on. He sees Harbinger and starts yelling at him, demanding to be let go.

Harbinger: Language...Shane. Besides, I felt that you might wanted company so I had Kane and the Acolytes bring a pal from the Corporation. *looks at the others* Raise them!

Following his command, the 3 men pull on the ropes in turn lifting the symbols up and they eventually hover about 30 feet above the ground. Harbinger looks as he laughs like he did, but his laugh sounded more like seeing the world burn.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The Ministry's theme plays as Harbinger laughs.

*back with Daikon*

Daikon: Stay tuned for Backlash. *winks*

A/n: How's the chapter?

What did you think of Daikon throughout all this?

What did you think of hin and Kane as Tag Team Champions?

What's gonna happen at Backlash: In Your House?

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