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This song is Willy Moons Railroad track Skyfall version. I love this version of the song. Tell me if you do to, please comment too show me that people actually read my story even if you right something that sounds stupid. Tell me how you like my song choices so far and give me some suggestions.

This is just a kind of filler chapter. Action kicks of in the next chapter I promise.


Cora's POV

"You can have the room next to Cole's. The floor boards are most creaky there and I trust he won't let you get away again. He'll make sure that you don't run again and that Alec isn't too mean, your bag is in the training room but some of your clothes got a bit burnt." I followed Ivan and Cole up and down about a hundred corridors and staircases until we entered a more modern hall which had numbered rooms on them.

"This is my room and that is yours. If you need anything knock first. I like my space and I could be getting changed." Why did he say that with a smirk? I do not understand these people. Cole acts all friendly with me while my mother has become evil and my want to kill me depending on which side I take in this battle.

"Can I have my stuff? It has all my clothes in it and I need a shower." That was an understatement. Whatever had been in that cell before me smelt like a sewer and probably looked worse. I smelt bad and I needed like five showers before I meet any more people. Plus I don't think the explosion did me any good either.

"Go take her to the training room and to get her stuff Cole. I need to look for something in the library. Then you lot need to get some sleep, you both must be tired. I've never seen Cole get so little sleep." What did Ivan mean by that? Why didn't he sleep?

"Follow me and if you see Alec or Ruby run and tell me. Alec is bad with new people and Ruby will take his side. So run back to your room and we can both hide." So, he doesn't really have on with his siblings very. I'm sure I wouldn't either. Turning down a few corridors I saw the huge door looming ahead of us. The door opened and Ruby came out and all of us stopped.

"Do we run or hide?"

"Neither just yet, wait and see what she does." He whispers quietly. Ruby raised a figure to her lips and smiled slightly."

"Alec's in there. I'll look after the girl and you get her stuff. Meet us in my room." She breezed past Cole and grabbed my arm. Then, half dragging me, she lead me down a few halls into a room that looked like a designer shop had vomited clothes everywhere.

"So, you're going to stay here for a while, you'll need to look and act like a Hybrid. I will teach you that. That as well as fighting. Cole will teach you that because he is the best out all of us except Ivan." While saying this she was going through her closet and all of her clothes, shoes and accessories as if looking for something in particular. After a few minutes she seemed satisfied with the small mountain she had selected for me. Half of them I wouldn't be caught dead in.

"Um . . . Thank you. You didn't have to do this. I have clothes in my bag." She laughed at this.

"Honey, I've seen your clothes if that's what you want to call them. No Hybrid would be caught dead in them." I go back to wanting to kill her. I think that may be my new happy place. Forget the beach, I'd rather be dancing on her entrails. What's wrong with my clothes?

"I'm going to take that as an insult." After a few minutes more of me torturing her in my mind. We could hear a knock on her door and she opened it. Cole stood in the doorway with a huge grin on his face.

"Milady, your clothes, as you commanded." My rucksack hanged from his left hand. "Don't worry, I didn't look in it. Ivan and Ruby did though. They're nosy. Don't say I didn't warn you." Ruby gave me her clothes with a wink and then shut the door behind us. I grabbed my bag of Cole and he escorted me to my guest room. I spun to face him in the doorway.

"Thanks but I need to shower. Whatever you kept in that cell before me stank real bad." I really don't want to know why he's smiling. It can't be good and I don't want to ask what it was because it will be disgusting.

"Trust me, you don't want to know and it's best if you don't. You may not forgive us."

"I am too confused and tiered to argue. Night." Going into my allocated room, I grabbed some of my slightly charred navy blue pajamas. Then I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower, its hot water was inviting.

Once out of the shower, I got changed and left the bathroom with a towel and was drying my hair when I heard a knock on the door. On opening it I saw two things. One was Cole and the other was the sandwich he was carrying. My stomach growled like a wild animal and for the first time I realized how hungry I really was. He looked me up and down so I closed the door a little more and stepped behind it.

"Want it?" Did he really just say that? Of course I'm hungry. I haven't eaten since I don't know when. All I know is its dark outside, I don't know if it's the same night my mum was taken or the night after that. For or all I know it could be next Tuesday.

"Is that even a question, yes . . . Please?" At least I remembered my manners. He handed me the sandwich and looked as if he was expecting something.

"Thanks." Let's hope it was that and I closed the door. Who knew he could make such a good sandwich. It contained chicken and bacon. While eating it I took in my surroundings, the room had a double bed, a black chest of draws, a wardrobe and a bed side table with a lamp on it. The room in general looked more like a pent house apartment rather than a room in an old looking castle. Crossing to the window I could see just how high up we really were. It was so high up that there is no way I can make it out the window.

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