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This song is Ready or not and it is a cover by Mischa. If you like it please comment. I currently have it in for my teachers. I swear to god they are evil. By the time your in my year we can all read, write and do maths so why do we have to go to school.


Dawn crept upon the city like a lion would it's pray. I only slept for a few hours because I was plagued by nightmares. I haven't had any for years now but these make up for that. They were the worst I have ever had, and the weirdest.

Wearing black leather trousers, leather jacket and a black vest top I ran through a forest. I had a sword in each hand, in front of me I can hear someone or something crashing through the bush. I stopped in a clearing and slowly turned around in a circle trying to listen for whatever it was I was chasing. Whirling around, my sword hit a demon in the neck and sliced the things head of.

Cole, Alec and Ruby came crashing through the bushes from where the demon came from, they looked like they did when I first met them but there was something different about them but I couldn't quite tell what it was.

"You found the demon then. And look, there is a werewolf. Kill it. Kill It Cora." When I saw who he meant, I gasped. It was Bella, and she was terrified. Then others were all looking at me egging it on. Wanting me to kill my best friend.

"No, she's my friend!" All three of them started laughing hysterically.

"Kill her or we will. I'll make you watch as she screams and begs for mercy." Grinned Cole.

"Hell no! I will never kill my friend!" Angling myself into a fighting stance, I prepared to fight Cole, Alec and Ruby with Bella behind me. Without turning my head I told Bella what to do. "Run. Don't stop running. Even if you think it's me, keep going." All three of them move at the same time at the same time circling me as a pack of hungry wolves would a deer. All moving at the same time as if they were mirror images.

Sitting bolt upright in bed, I found I was soaked in sweat. It was still dark but from my window I could see all the lights from the skyscrapers and buildings that lit up the night sky. It was like a whole different world that was always new and exciting. It was full of exciting things to see and do and it happens every day.

Sat on the edge of my assigned bed, I watched dawn creep upon the city and cutting through the darkness. When it was fully light I heard a knock on the door, it wasn't very loud but I heard it. They want to know if I'm still here probably. I don't open the door but keep watching the city come to life.

I heard the door open behind me but I kept my eyes on the horizon, whoever it was moved around the bed and sat next to me. Neither of us said a word. I kept looking out of the window and whoever was sat next to me kept looking at the sun as it was rising slowly but surely higher in the sky. It's amber light filling the room.

"It looks so normal but everything has changed." Finally, I turned to face whoever was sat next to me. It was Cole.

"Nothing out there has changed out there. It's you that has changed, for them this is a normal day. Ivan wants to talk to you about what will happen next. I'll wait outside your room for you as you don't know where Ivan is." With that he left the room. What does he mean 'what happens next'? I really hope it doesn't involve murder.

I decided to wear black jeans, a dark blue top, a black leather jacket and black trainers. Most of the stuff was mine but the top I borrowed from Ruby. I only took a few minutes to change and do my hair. On my way out, I took one last look out of the window as people started to get up and go to work. For the first I wished I could be like them.

Cole was where he said he would be. He smiled when he saw me or more correctly what I was wearing. It looked as he had dressed up a bit more than when I last saw him. Like me he wore black jeans and a black leather jacket, only he wore a loose black t-shirt and black boots. They always wore dark colors when I saw them, maybe it's some kind of uniform.

"You look like us, why?"

"What do you mean I look like one of you? This is what I normally wear, my mum hated it. Now I think I know why." She was scared someone or something would mistake me for a hybrid and try to kill me. Technically they would be right but I would still die.

I mentally took note of every corridor and staircase we took so that if something happened I run back to that room and grab my stuff before I escaped. I saw the big door that I remembered lead into the training room. All I hope is that whatever we do it doesn't involve fighting because that would give away one of my advantages. Surprise.

When we entered the training room, I saw that everyone was here. That included Alec but he didn't look up when we walked in. He was fighting Ruby, who smiled at me briefly then she tried to take his head off with an amazing kick. If it had connected he would be writhing on the floor in agony or dead. Ivan was prowling around the side lines supervising them. He walked towards us when he saw us.

"Alec, Ruby, that is all for today but your welcome to stay for this. It concerns you too." He waited for them to come over. Alec looked like he would rather knock my teeth out than stand anywhere near me but he did. "Your parents are returning and the council will come with them. They think that Markus and his follower will come for Cora and they will try to take her by force. A war is coming and we must all be ready for it when it arrives. This means more training and that included you too Cora. We will teach you how to fight and act like one of us. Think of this as your re-education." Ivan turned to face the mat and spoke words that I didn't want to hear. "Cora and Ruby stay, Alec and Cole go. Your training begins now." The boys left the room and Ivan moved around the mat calculatingly.

"What do we do first?"

"You will fight Ruby and we'll see what you can do. Ruby, don't hold back. First one unconscious loses. On the mat girls" My face is about to become mush. I really should have carried on with my self-defense classes. I'm about to fight someone who very possibly was trained to fight for her whole life.

"Can it be down for ten seconds?" There was silence for a few seconds. No takers? I'm going to die or be knocked out again.

"No. Get on the mat or you'll be facing both of us at the same time." Well, I don't want that to happen. Both me and Ruby quickly got on the mat as I mentally prepared myself for this. Ruby got into a fighting stance and I knew then that I wouldn't be leaving this room conscious. I put my hands up and she lunged for me instantly without a second's hesitation I was kicked in the stomach. As I bent over, she threw a punch that hit my face so hard my vision went black for a few seconds.

Halfheartedly I swung my fist which somehow connected with her jaw and she went flying across the room and hit the wall. Jumping up, she looked like she was going to kill me and I knew that she could. It had been pure luck that I had landed that first punch and I knew that there was no way I could land a second one.

I focused all of my attention on Ruby and tried to anticipate her next move so I could block it. One moment we were circling each other the next she was coming right for me. I managed to block some of her kicks and punches but I would be black and blue by the time we finished. Getting in a few good hits in of our own, I got more confident. It didn't last though. Ruby kicked me in the jaw and I was down. Suddenly there was an excruciating pain that erupted from my shoulder blades, it felt like someone had poured acid over them. Someone gasped but the pain was too much and I passed out.

* * * * * *

Two hours later

* * * * * *

Gasping for air I sit bolt upright in bed and looked about me alarmed. Though pain in my back had dulled, it felt like I had two weights attached to my shoulders and I feel so tired. Cole was asleep in an arm chair next to the bed holding a book. The room we were in wasn't the room I was allocated to begin with. It was more medieval with a large tapestry on one wall and a fire burning in the fire place.

Cole woke up even though I didn't make a sound. Once he saw I was awake he looked slightly confused, maybe he forgot where he was. I do that all the time when I go around a friend's house. The first words out of his mouth shocked me.

"Why didn't you tell us you were an angel? We wouldn't have had to kidnap you if you had told us what you were in the first place." What did me he mean angel? Was that what the weights were? Wings? Turning my head slightly I saw why I felt like there was a weight on my shoulders, wings.

Big wings had grown from my shoulder blades. They were beautiful with feathers that ranged from different shades of grey and black. The tips of my wings, however, were silver and seemed to kind of glow in the fire fight.

That was what the pain was. Maybe it was triggered by the fight. Kind of like the adrenalin reached a certain level and boom, the wings can to my defense so I could either use them to fight or to fly away and escape with. Of course this was only on theory, there could be a load of different ways I could have wings and I wouldn't be surprised.

"Oh my god! How is this even possible? I can't be an angel!" I started to panic and freak out a little.

"Calm down. There must be a rational explanation for this. Ivan has sent another message to the council and they will be here by this evening."

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