Chapter 23: Wonders and Concerns

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Nya was silent throughout the walk back to the OsCrop penthouse. She was nearly mugged, but she simply passed by and elbowed the mugger before walking away.


Once she entered the penthouse, she went to the kitchen to grab a spoon and the rest of the blueberry ice cream she and Jay had been sharing before sitting down on the couch to eat it while watching a movie on DVD. As she was starting to watch it, she had a lot of spoonfuls. A sentence soon appears on the TV screen saying, 'A Message From Iron Man.' The screen then shows a man in his late 20s trying to get in a car. "You wouldn't steal a car." A man said in voiceover. The screen soon showed a man in his early 30s swiping a handbag from a seat with the owner being oblivious to the theft. "You wouldn't steal a handbag." The screen then shows a man in his mid 20s swiping some fruit from a market stall. "You wouldn't steal fruit." The screen then shows a man in his early 20s grabbing some machinery. "You wouldn't steal my hardware." The screen then shows a man in his mid 40s, wearing red and gold  armour, in a bedroom while a teenaged kid was behind him on a computer, about to download a pirated film, completely oblivious to his presence. "Downloading films from the internet is stealing." His voice was the same as the voiceover. The computer's process bar starts filling. "One click, and you're a criminal." Some police officers soon enter the room to grab hold of the kid. The screen then showed the man in armour, with a helmet over his head, on a rooftop. "Wait for the appropriate date with patience." He soon activates some jet boosters and flies away. A sentence soon appeared on the screen. 'Brought to you by Tony Stark, Iron Man.'


A few minutes into the movie, Kai soon came up to her. "Hey, you get the pizzas?" He asked.

"No." Nya replied, having another spoonful.

Kai then looked at the TV to see what movie his sister was watching. "'Kid Fugitive'? You haven't seen that before. What got you watching it now?"

"It's Jay." Nya replied, trying to fight back tears until she turned to her brother as the movie was still playing at the part where the protagonist was at the cafe having breakfast. "He and Flash Thompson fought over MJ breaking up with him."

"That's just a typical brother defending his sister. Like me to you."

"He practically tore the whole restaurant." This got Kai to become shocked. "And then he took off. I tried to find him, but I couldn't."

"Maybe he just needs some time alone."

"Yeah, you're right." She turned back to the TV where the movie now showed the protagonist accidentally bumping into a man, who starts an argument with him.

"Mind if I watch with you?"

"Go ahead." He immediately vaulted over the couch to sit next to and comfort his sister as they watch the part of the movie where the cop moves to arrest the man for assaulting him until he is shot in the head by a hitman.

"I can just order the pizza online, and they'll deliver them here."

"Yes, that would be better." She soon yelped when she sees a part in the movie where a young girl is killed by the hitman while recklessly firing at the protagonist as he chased him.


Zane went to the nearest ice cream store and bought a butterscotch flavoured ice cream, since it was Pixal's favourite, and had just arrived at the building.


As he walked down the hallway, holding the ice cream that he made sure that it wouldn't melt, Zane was trying to think of what to say. "'Pixal, I guess I was wrong about the relationship." He said to himself as he practises. "If you want, maybe we should have a second chance. Remember this?'" He thinks for a bit and nodded. "Yes, that is perfect." He then came across her door and prepared to knock on her door, but stopped. He looks at the ice cream for a bit before shaking his head and sighed. "I can't do it." He then holds his right hand out, spraying out some ice into making a sculpture. After finishing, Zane puts the ice cream cone in it, knocks on the door and walks away, head slouched down. The door opened a few seconds later, and Pixal sees the sculpture and ice cream. Smiling at the sight of it, Pixal takes the ice cream cone and heads back in, leaving the sculpture outside.


Back at the warehouse, Kingpin sees the men come in while Smythe looked at a completely disfigured Max on a gurney, wearing a dark green rubber suit. "Zaptrap's fish food now." One of them said.

"Good." Kingpin replied.

"He is still alive, Mr. Fisk." Alistair said, referring to Max, who soon woke up. His skeleton was glowing yellow before he glowed even more, and electricity came out of, not only just his hands, but his head, almost like it was disfiguring it. The sight of him was enough to scare the men a little.

"Ah, excellent." Alistair smiled at the site of the transformed maintenance worker. "The fall of Zaptrap, and the birth of Electro."

"Now, what do you want me to do?" Electro asked.

"Find the rest of the Ninjago Force. We will suck their powers dry, and use it for ourselves."

"As you wish."


(A/N: Apologies for the lateness, didn't want to upload this while it is short. Also, 'Kid Fugitive' is sort of something I wrote, but cannot do it in a script or book. Find it on my Adopt-a-Story book if you want to make a book out of it. I won't mind if I'm not credited or if you don't like the idea)

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