Chapter 24: Electro

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(A/N: Sorry to have uploaded this after posting it on FanFiction, I had a bit of trouble with this for some reason)


A party was in place at ESU as a man with blonde hair comes up to a woman with dyed green hair, a skull necklace, and piercings across most of her body, wearing a black leather jacket, green tank top which was short enough to show her navel, black leather pants, and black leather high heeled boots. "Ooh, Toxikita, where have you been all my life?" He asked, sitting down.

"Buzz off, Brock." She replied.

"Come on, can't resist my good looks, can you?"

"Why can't you go harass Betty?"

"She said to 'harass' you."

Disgusted by his reply, Toxikita poured her drink on his crotch, getting his blue jeans wet. "Oh, look, you pissed your pants." She sarcastically spoke before she soon got up and left as Brock looked at his soaked jeans before sighing, and went to leave the party to go change his pants.

But while walking away, nearby doors soon blast open, causing everyone to duck down, out of fear, some even screaming. Brock turned to the doorway to see a disfigured person in a dark green rubber suit. "What the hell?"

"What is that?" A male student asked.

"Not, 'what'." The scarred and disfigured man replied, entering the room. "'Who.'" He soon turned to face Brock, who backed away a little. "Hello, Eddie."

"Max?" He asked. "What happened to you?"

"This!" He immediately spreads out his arms, firing an electric sonic wave, knocking everyone down, some hitting dangerous objects. Max then chuckled before noticing a security camera. "If you want me, Ninjago Force, try to find me. For I am... Electro." He starts to walk away as some of the students slowly start to wake up, groaning.


Within minutes, the authorities were on scene. Thankfully, no one was killed, but there were some with near fatal wounds, and had to be taken to hospital. Eddie was chatting with Terri. "Max comes in, all disfigured and in some weird suit." He said.

"Then all of a sudden, he glows yellow." Toxikita said to Geoff.

"And we were all unconscious." A woman with black hair said to a female detective with black hair.

"Did he say anything?" The detective asked.

"No, all he said was, 'Not, 'what'. Who.'" Eddie said to Terri.

"But that was the last thing we heard before he attacked us." Toxikita said to Geoff.

"Yet, I did remember seeing him turn to a security camera." The black haired student said to the detective.


A few seconds later, the detectives were all in the security room, looking at the tape. What they see was the disfigured man the witnesses described. "If you want me, Ninjago Force, try to find me." He said. "For I am... Electro." He soon walked out of view.

"Electro?" Geoff asked. "That's such a dumb name."

"Probably didn't want to be called by his real name anymore." Terri replied.

"What do you want to do, sir?" The black hair detective asked.

"Call the Ninjago Force, Yuri." Geoff replied. "Tell them to come to my office."


Nya was writing a letter, hoping to give it to Jay before finishing it, and looks at it. Unsatisfied by how it was written, she scrunches it up, and throws it to a nearby wicker bin filled with balls of scrunched up paper, but it ricochets due to the many paper balls, and lands near the table. Pretty soon, a nearby phone rang, and she answers it, hoping for it to be Jay. "Jay, is that you?" She asked. But she soon frowned. "Oh, sorry, Detective Watanabe." She listens for a bit before becoming concerned. "Okay, I'll let the others know."

She soon hung up as Kai came into the room. "Who was that?" He asked.

"The NYPD. Someone attacked ESU and left us a message, said we should see it for ourselves."

"Alright, a new villain!" Kai whooped before noticing his sister glaring. "Oh, I mean, how horrible." He sarcastically spoke.

"Let Jay and Cole know. I got Zane and Lloyd."


Heading back into the subway, Zane was still deep in thought about whether or not to reconcile with Pixal and be there for his son, but sighed when he heard his phone ring, gets it out, and he answers it. "Freeze-Bot here." He said before widening his eyes. "A new villain? I'm on my way."


Heading to the nearest all-nighter gym, Cole, having an orange tank top on while his sweatshirt laid on a nearby bench, was striking a punching bag before hearing his phone ring next to his sweatshirt. He stopped hitting the punching bag, went over to the bench, grabbed his phone, and answers it. "You've reached Rocking Earth." He said before widening his eyes. "I'll be right there."


Late night shopping in another convenience store was what Lloyd often had to do since his parents were busy, and was watching the items get packed before his phone soon rang. He gets it out, and answers it. "This is Green Bean." He said before widening his eyes.

The cashier was soon finished packing Lloyd's groceries. "$48.35." She said before looking up to see Lloyd had taken off, leaving his groceries behind.


As they drove along the road in a new vehicle that Ed had built for them, Nya was in the driver's seat while Kai was in the passenger seat, trying to get a hold of Jay. They both in their suits. "Hey, Zaptrap ain't available, jolt me a message." Jay's voicemail recording said before chuckling and a beep goes off.

"Jay, I don't care what happened between you and my sister, we need you at the 6th precinct." Kai said. "The NYPD called for us." He soon hung up.

"Didn't answer?" She asked.

"No. Maybe he fried his phone."

"That's impossible. He told me that he made the phone resistant to electricity so that it wouldn't fry. And also made it become chargeable, only by his powers."

"Well, I don't know what is going on."

"Maybe it'd be better if he heard from me." She presses a button, and the wheel moves back before she immediately moved it to Kai, who quickly grabbed it, pushed it in, and took over driving the vehicle while Nya got out her phone and dialled Jay's number. "I should probably also thank his father for the retractable steering wheel." (A/N: Are you imaging some sort of Dr. Seuss reference here? If so, which one)


Unaware to anyone, Jay had been washed ashore near the embankment of the Hudson River following his power drain. His clothes were completely drenched and partly covered in mud, his hair was flat from being wet, and had also lost his eyepatch, revealing his damaged barely visible eye with a scar across it. His waterlogged, yet still operational phone, which was in his left front pocket, was ringing before it soon stopped, showing he had 7 missed calls and 3 voicemail messages.

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