Chapter 5: Surprising Discoveries

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(A/N: Hey, sorry about my lack of updates, I am currently faced with writers' block, other stories, and I just became obsessed with Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order. As I said before, I do need at least some help)


During the whole operation to try and save the victims, a crime scene unit was sent to survey and document the damage despite most of it being contaminated by the medics and firefighters. A young man with red hair then noticed something on a piece of the crystal before getting out a pen to pick it up, and notices something on it as a middle aged woman with a pink blazer, white sweater, pink skirt and black flats came up to him. "Find anything, Hardy?" She asked.

The detective then stood up, and showed her the substance. "Spider webbing, Detective Lee." He replied. "A spider caused the explosion."

"Borg mentioned in his statement that one of his spiders escaped a bio-lab. So, it must've been the culprit. That covers the explosion, but what about Smythe and the other kids?"

"Looks like the security cameras have survived." He points to one of the cameras.

"What's to bet another kid was responsible?"

"Drinks on me?"



In the security room, a young woman with black hair was rewinding one of the tapes. "Here's the point where the crystals became unstable." She said before playing the tape.

It showed the point where the students and lab techs see the crystals glowing before they start heading for the door before Chad closed the door and took off. "Wait, rewind that, sis." Hardy said. The tech rewinds the tape a bit. "Okay, stop." It soon paused at a position where Chad's face is shown, looking at his victims.

"Send us a copy of that." Lee told the security guard.

"That's not all that happened involving that kid." The guard replied, inserting a disc. One screen soon showed the point where Chad was harassing Lloyd and Kai.

"He pushed the mayor's son?"

"Maybe trapping them in the lab is a deliberate action." Hardy said.

"Well, let us give him our deliberate action."


In the gymnasium at Midtown High School, a man in a brown suit was in the centre as all the students were at seats, some crying due to Jay, Cole and Nya's hospitalisation as well as the deaths of the two students caused by the debris. "We have counsellors to help you all throughout the grieving process, and the police will be coming in to take our statements from each and every one of us, so please answer their questions with honesty and respect." He spoke before Hardy and Lee come in.

"Principal Brown." Hardy said, coming up to him before holding up his badge. "Detective Geoff Hardy, NYPD, and Detective Terri Lee." Lee holds up her badge. "I'm afraid we have already found the culprit to the victims of the explosion."

"Okay, who?"

Pretty soon, a teenaged girl with blonde hair stands up from a bench in the front row and comes up to Geoff. "Uncle Geoff, what's going on?" She asked him.

Terri then looked at the students. "Will Chad Exspiravit please come down to us?" She asked.

The students then all gasped, learning that he was responsible for their fellow classmates' fate. "Chad did this?" The girl's reaction and shock indicated that she was dating him.

Realising what would happen, Chad, who was at the back row of the west bench quickly stood up and started to run. "Hey, stop where you are!" Geoff yelled as he started to run. "Hold it right there!" Chad vaults over the railing and lands on the ground with a roll before preparing to run, only to end knocked to the ground by someone. Everyone saw that it was Peter Parker, who was responsible for knocking the culprit down, and at a fast pace before Geoff came up to them. "Thanks, kid."

Geoff then forced Chad on his stomach, knelt down, and got out his handcuffs as Terri came up behind them. "Chad Exspiravit, you're under arrest for 7 counts of attempted murder." She said before Geoff forced him up.

"It was an accident!" Chad yelled as they leave the gymnasium with everyone looking on, in shock and anger. "I panicked!"


As Chad was being prepared to be sent to court, Norman and James were called to Mount Sinai West where a doctor shows them something. "It's amazing, Mr. Osborn." He said.

"What do you mean?" Norman asked.

"Well, one of our nurses saw their skeletons glowing, and told us about it."

"It must be." James said, surprised at the news about his son and fellow scientist.

"Call the other hospitals." Norman said to the doctor. "Tell them all to have the kids brought to OsCorp. We will have them in quarantine until further notice."

"Yes, Mr. Osborn." The doctor replied before grabbing a nearby phone.


At a scrap yard, a sanitation truck was backing up to a pile of scrap before raising its back and it dumps out the scrap inside. Once it was empty, the driver lowers back and drives away as Jay and MJ's father comes up to the pile as his wife was close by. "Oh, Ed, do you have to?" She asked.

"It is my job, Edna." He replied before noticing something and pulls it out. It was a suit with wings. "Wow, this is amazing."

"Amazing indeed." Someone was heard as they turn to see a few men in masks and guns. "Hand over the suit, and we'll let you live." The masked man with a Beretta 92FS spoke, pulling back the hammer.

"Oh, Ed!" Edna yelled, coming up to her husband, and holds him in fear.

"We can't let you have it, just please let us do our job." Ed said to the thieves.

"So long then, old man." The thief replied, preparing to shoot him before a hand soon stopped him.

"No." The owner of the hand spoke. "I have something better." He holds up some sort of gun before firing it. But instead of a bullet, it was some sort of spray, rendering the two of them unconscious the moment it hit them.


At OsCorp, all was quiet in the quarantine chamber once more. It was now officially 5 months since the accident and the 6 victims still haven't woken up. But once it struck midnight, the first of them suddenly opened their eyes. They slowly removed the ventilator and other medical instruments, which gave off a few beeps before sitting up from their bed. They then pulled back the covers, placed their feet on the floor, and stood up, almost tumbling as they did so. Slowly but surely, the first awoken victim moved over to the bathroom, not even noticing the other 5 who haven't woken up, came up to the sink, moved to faucet back to let some hot water exit the tap, cupped their hands underneath to get a bit of it, and immediately moved it up to splash their face. Once they do so, they felt awakened and slowly looked up at the mirror. The sight of their reflection for the first time in 5 months shocked them, and caused them to shriek and move back, falling down onto the ground, unintentionally knocking down some items behind him. The victim that woke up looked 15 with blonde hair and green eyes. "I'm...older." He said to himself.

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