Chapter 6: Process of the Experiment

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(A/N: This story is still WIP, and I am distracted with other stories, so I am still in need of some help with this)

(Also, check out The New Masters of Spinjitzu by lightninggirl15, and afterward, send some requests for one-shots if you like)


As soon as he made the noise from knocking the items over, several lab techs came in and helped him up before James came in, and was surprised at the sight of the young man. "Lloyd?" He asked.

The teen looked at him, in confusion. "Dad?" He asked. "What happened to me?"

"Hey, another one's waking up!" A lab tech called out as they all came out to see what looked like a robot opening its eyes before looking at itself.

"No!" They yelled, looking at their metallic hands. "It can't be!" He immediately got out of the bed, pushing a tech aside as he fell to the bed, and started slamming the floor in anger. "No! NNOOO!"

"Zane, calm down!" A tech said, kneeling down to them.

Zane then looked at the tech, in anger. "What the hell did you do to me?!"

"It was the only way to save you."

"Save me? I'm a machine now!"

Suddenly, a yell was heard as they all turn to see Jay sitting up, trying to remove the ventilator tube from his mouth. "Jay, keep calm!" A tech yelled as he came up to him, and tried to grab hold of him, but he immediately held his hand out to the tech. What immediately astonished everyone, including Lloyd and Zane, was that electricity came out of his hand, and shocked the tech, knocking him down.

While Jay was distracted by looking at his hand, another tech removed the ventilator and he immediately got out of bed. "What is going on?" He asked himself. "Why is half the world so dark?"

"Relax, everyone." Cyrus replied as he wheeled himself in.

"Who are you?" Lloyd asked.

"Don't you recognise me, Lloyd?"

"How do you know my name?"

"You were in the lab during the explosion."

"Explosion? What explosion?"

"Son, you were caught up in an explosion 5 months ago." James said, coming up to him to place a hand on his shoulder. "You, Jay and Zane were among others who suffered in the explosion. It also... changed you somehow." He waved his hand across his son's body a little.

"ET IS TUE OUT OF MY MOU!" A muffled voice called out as they turn to see a lab tech about to remove the ventilator tube from Cole's mouth. He soon sat up and looked around the room. He spotted Lloyd. "Who is he?"

"Um, Lloyd Garmadon." He replied, confused.

"No, you can't be Lloyd Garmadon. He's 10 years old. You look 15." He then looked at Jay, and was surprised at him. "Jay, what happened to your eye?"

"My eye?" Jay asked before heading into the bathroom, looks at his reflection in the mirror, and without warning, let out an almighty scream that caused the techs, Cyrus, James, Lloyd, Zane and Cole to cover their ears, and the last two bedridden victims to open their eyes. "What did they do to my beautiful eye?"

"All will be explained." Cyrus replied as the techs came up to Kai and Nya, and remove the ventilators from their mouths.


After brief introductions to each other, trying to refresh their memories, how they got their scars, and were currently doing a small medical examination. Lloyd was first up, hoping to find out why he suddenly had a growth spurt and was a little taller than Nya. Cyrus, Blake and James look on a computer while Lloyd was in a holding container and had some wires on him. They see parts of his body glowing from the inside, all over his skeleton that was previously crushed to pieces. "It appears that what affected you has slowly rebuilt and grew your bones, which is why you look like what you are." Blake said as he wrote down the progress.

"Uh, that is not all." Lloyd replied, noticing his hands were now glowing. "What is happening to me?"

"Get a blood sample at once." James said to Cyrus. "Same for the others."

"Yes, sir." He replied.


After Lloyd's medical checkup was done and he was placed in a quarantined room, when they discovered his knee was completely normal, like the injury never happened at all, Cole was running on a treadmill without any problems. "It's amazing!" He said as he ran. "I haven't ran like this in over 3 years!"

"Amazing indeed, Cole." Suddenly while he was distracted, Cole had soon tripped, and was flown off the treadmill, crashing into a row of shelves, which soon fell on top of him.

"Hang on, Cole, I'm coming." Blake said as he was about to open the door, but to his surprise, and Cyrus and James', the shelf was lifted up high, and they notice that Cole was the one lifting it, despite its heavy weight. "Cole, how did you do that?"

"I don't know." He replied. "I think that explosion must've done something to me."


Once his checkup was done, Jay was next, slowly but surely, he was moving his head to try and get use to having only one eye, as well as trying his best not to let off any electrical shocks.


Once his was done, it was Kai's turn. Surprisingly, apart from his scars, nothing seemed to be wrong until the tech took his temperature. He was running a temperature that caused the machine to malfunction, and his hand suddenly lit up with fire, causing another lab tech to use a fire extinguisher on him. Once the fire was extinguished, Kai looked at his hands. "What has happened to me?" He asked himself.


Nya was soon next up. But the moment she was having her blood pressure taken, her hands suddenly started dripping water, and without warning, had fired a flow of it at the machine, causing it to short out.


Now that he was up, Zane was wondering why he was a robot now. "While your organs survived the explosion, your skin was burnt almost beyond recognition." Cyrus explained as the robot looked at his new body before bouncing a bit. "So the only way to save you was to transfer all of your organs into this body, and to be honest, we never thought you would survive the whole progress, and for some reason, your organs felt cold from what the techs had told me."

"Cold?" He asked before looking at his hands before hints of snow suddenly come out, surprising him. "Oh no. What is going on?"

"We're not sure, but we'll find out."


While they were in the quarantine rooms, Blake was checking their blood samples from when they were first admitted, even getting Zane's since he used to be human. Briefly raising his glasses to rub them, Blake then looked through scope to look closely at a sample of Lloyd's blood. To his shock, there were small crystals formed in it. "Oh my god." He said to himself.


Half an hour later, they were all in a penthouse office as Norman was looking at some files. "So you're telling me that fragments of the Ninjago Crystals have formed in their bodies?" He asked.

"Yes, Mr. Osborn." Cyrus replied.

"And for some reason, they're giving off powers." James said. "During their processing, Lloyd's hands glowed, Cole showed some super strength, Kai was running what the scientists thought was fever despite being and looking perfectly fine, Nya had water flowing out of her hand, and Zane suddenly formed some snow."

The explanation got Norman thinking as he got up and looked out a nearby window the size of a wall to the view New York. "You know, this could work in our favour." He replied. "I want them to run the training course."


"You heard me. I want them to practise their powers first thing in the morning."

"Sir, What is your motive?" Blake asked.

Norman then smiled. "Turn these kids into super soldiers. Help the NYPD, the army, hell, any authority, and get compensation which can help OsCorp be on top.


Somewhere outside of New York, there were a few warehouses that were abandoned, and unaware to anyone, one was occupied at the moment. The interior was filled with old lab equipment that was still working, and someone was currently working on it. As they were doing so, someone came up behind them. "Everything in place?" He asked, scaring the worker, who was in a wheelchair.

The worker turned around, showing it is Alistair Smythe, who now had a beard. "Everything is in place, Mr. Toomes." He replied. "But are you sure this should work when this hasn't even been tested."

"Which is why the Kingpin has allowed me to test it now." The old man walks up to the centre of the warehouse before pulling a nearby lever, turning on some lights that shows the wing-suit on display. "My grandson Zane was such a fool to get rid of this." He starts walking up to it. "Watson's parents were such fools for keeping it." He undoes the red robe he was wearing, showing a green tight suit before preparing to put on the wing-suit. "As of today, Adrian Toomes is no more." He starts it up, and laughs. "From here on out, I am... Vulture!" He soon laughs evilly before Alistair presses a nearby button. Part of the ceiling soon opened up, shown to be a hatch before Vulture started flapping his wings, immediately taking flight, and surprising the old man. "Yes, I can feel it working!" He soon laughed even more before looking up, and flies out through the open hatch.

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