Ch 6: Attack on Atlas

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An: similar to the original but slightly different also this will be a invasion too.

(Scene: Schnee office)
3rd person POV:

???: "Sonuvab*tch!" A middle aged man scream in anger.

This is none other then Jacques Schnee current head of the Schnee Company.

J S: "Are you telling me that red head f*cker not only set those freaks free again but he also destroy the Dust and stole the weapons too!?" He yell.

One manager: "Not only that but he also destroy one of the new mines that the transportation vehicle was heading towards" he said.

An: basically a recently mine that had no miners yet.

J S: "Of all the! F*ck!" He yell throwing a mug at a wall.

Another manager: "Unfortunately this the 10th time he strike Schnee property. Which is causing our resources to be limited" he said causing Jacques to slam his fist onto the table.

J S: "Wanna tell me why that b*stard ain't dead!?" He said.

Third manager: "Anyone we send is immediately beaten or quit" he said showing Jacques a video of the male members of Ace Operatives lock in a mental hospital while the females are recovering.

J S: "What about Ironwood, Winter or that android!?" He yell.

First manager: show a video "basically Ironwood lock himself in his office, Winter is recovering and the Android was capture along with her creator" he said.

J S: "F*ck!" He yell and throw a pot of flower at the door which was open and somehow the pot hit a woman.

Third Manager: "Even the Hero Academy are having a trouble dealing with him" he said.

Second Manager: "However it would seems that these recent attacks means Red Hood is aiming for the company which means he is after you sir" he said causing Jacques to flinch a little.

J S: "Double, no, triple security here. I want that b*stard severe and unmasked for all to see" he said causing the three managers to do that. He then walk to the window and stand there. "You can run but you can't hide" he said.

Suddenly a invisible red dot appear on Jacques shirt then it move up until it reach his forehead. From a distance is a man aiming a special sniper at Jacques.

An: btw this deadshot is voice by Will Smith.

Deadshot: "Bang" he said with a grin as he shot the bullet but upon shattering the glass a the bullet tip open and a dart hit Jacques in the head.

An: like that.

Deadshot then put the gun away and immediately run but while he run he call his boss.

Deadshot: "The target has be hit Hood" he said.


Red Hood: "Excellent" he said as he look at his ally Robyn Hill.

Robyn: "our ally from inside the Schnee family got the information" she said causing Red Hood to smirk.

Red Hood: "Good" he said as he end the call and look at a group in the shadows "it time folks" he said as a female walk out of the shadows to reveal herself.

Copperhead: lick her lips "can't wait for the Hero Academy reaction" she said.

(Scene: Atlas)

Almost everyone are in complete sadness of Jacques condition from the attack that happened an hour ago.

An: basically Jacques is now suffering Red Hood new Fear Toxic that put Jacques into a coma.

Suddenly every electronic screens and devices change from current viewing to Red Hood.

Red Hood: "Greetings everyone of Atlas. As you may notice, Jacques is now in a coma, your military almost diminished, and most importantly your leaders had almost abandoned you" he said as the screens change to Atlas Council trying to escape. Key word try.

Atlas Council members were surrounded by Red Hood soldiers.

An: basically Arkham Knight Military Soldiers.

Red Hood: "Now that I show you what your leaders truly are, what would you do? Would you remain loyal to the Atlas Council who would abandoned you? Or would you join me and bring order and justice to both Atlas and Mantle" he said.

The civilians (who aren't corrupt) start to join Red Hood side by attacking those that are followers of Jacques and the Atlas Council. Within 30 minutes Atlas is now under Red Hood control.

(Scene: Atlas Council room)

Seating around the table are Robyn Hill, Whitley Schnee, Arthur Watts, and James Ironwood.

An: didn't expect that did ya?

An: this James was unaware of Heroes Academy sins but he did taught Y/N combat.

Red Hood: "Now that Atlas is under new management I think I should introduce you all the fifth member of the new council" he said and took a step aside to allow the fifth member to enter.

Amana: "hello I am Amana" she said.

An: don't know if that is her name but correct me if I am.

And like that Atlas is free from corrupt hands but this is only the beginning of Heroes Academy downfall.

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