An Alternate Solution.

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Nate looked down at the stone in his hand. Why had Venoct thought it was so important? What was it?

Whisper was being annoying and bugging all the Yo Kai while they tried to recover from injuries, but Nate was too exhausted to stop him.

Nate slumped against a tree and his eyes drifted to the watch on his wrist. "Why can't I call them anymore? What did Will do?" He had tried to summon back his missing Yo Kai friends but he couldn't even summon his friends who weren't captured. The watch refused to work.

"I wish I knew how this stupid stone worked!" The more Nate looked at it the more he felt like it was familiar. Then it hit him.

"Wait a second! This is a time stone, like the one Hovernyan used!" Nate realized. "How did he say it? Come on time stone! Bust a rhyme and rewind time!" Suddenly the stone began to glow and it vanished, then a portal appeared above Nate.

Dipper was standing around the shack, kicking the dirt. "Stupid stupid stupid! I can't believe I let Ford get captured!"

"Dipper don't be so hard on yourself. Uncle Ford is tough, we'll get him back. He gave you the machine, it should have the answers on them." Mabel said.

"I can't determine them. They're coded in ciphers and right now I'm so sick of them I can't force myself to break the codes." Dipper replied.

"I've been thinking. The triangle. You don't think that could be Bill or Tim do you?" Mabel asked.

"No it can't be. If it was Tim Will wouldn't treat him like Whisper said he did or else Tim could help us destroy Will. But Bill... Will would need Bill on his side since he could serve as a powerful ally and keep Will alive!" Dipper began pacing. "But that means we have to-" Dipper choked out the words. "Befriend Bill."

Mabel shuddered. "Maybe just a temporary alliance. It's clear Bill doesn't like Will very much."

"Yeah that's probably a better idea. Now we just have to figure out the last one. The other Yo Kai Watch." Dipper tapped his forehead.

"Maybe we just need to find a Yo Kai who has the watch type. Nate can call them and see." Mabel suggested.

"Hey Mabel, speaking of Nate. I saw you looking at Nate during the battle all lovey-dovey, do you like him?" Dipper asked Mabel.

"What don't be ridiculous!" Mabel protested loudly.

"Mabel normally your crushes of the week are at least locals, I don't know where this kid is from but it sure isn't anywhere in Gravity Falls." Dipper told Mabel.

"Well whatever! Even if I did like him that wouldn't matter! We're not from Gravity Falls!" Mabel reminded Dipper.

Dipper was about to say something when he saw a flash of light and the portal above Nate. "Whoa." The twins ran over to the portal.

"It worked! This is where Venoct wants us to go! So let's do this!" Nate said. The portal sucked them in and vanished.

"Wait! What about me?!" Whisper was seconds late and left behind. "Nate is nothing without his amazing and charming butler!"

"Well then I gyuess he's nothing byecause you sure aren't thyose things." Jibanyan remarked, walking past Whisper.

"HEY!" Whisper shouted.

When Nate, Dipper, and Mabel arrived they were thrown onto the Mount Wildwood Trail.

"Where are we?" Dipper wondered.

"We're on Mount Wildwood where I first met Whisper. But we went back in time so I don't know when we are exactly." Nate said.

"Wow this place is great! The air is clean and there aren't monsters everywhere!" Mabel said.

"Yeah but there's a ton of Yo Kai." Nate said. Suddenly they heard voices coming from behind the trees. They peeked behind the trust to see Venoct, Tim, and Shadow Venoct floating in a clearing.

"Tim you mustn't continue ruining our missions. Kind Edma's son will grow suspicious if he catches any more of our measures to protect him." Venoct said.

"Well I'm trying my hardest but it's not easy to stay out of sight and save him from being run over or eaten by a Yo Kai." Tim countered.

"Bah! I don't get why we just awaken him now and take back the Yo Kai world to be mine-er ours!" Shadow Venoct spoke up.

"Because he needs time and he has to be awoken at the right time. If not our plan could fall apart." Venoct said.

"I think we should just beat up McKraken." Tim suggested

Venoct shook his head. "That wouldn't work either. McKraken is too strong for us alone. He has a giant army at his command. Look let's just stick to the plan."

"There may be one more complication. A boy has discovered Yo Kai are real. And the Yo Kai he's befriended has given him a watch." Shadow Venoct smirked.

"That's it! I'm out! Enough complications! Call me when we can stick us to McKraken, or don't!" Tim teleported away.

"Ah good. The third wheel is gone. Now we both have known from the start why I'm here. Let's finish this!" Shadow Venoct got in a fighting stance.

"Brother. I do not wish to do this, but I must!" Venoct struck Shadow Venoct with his twin dragons. Shadow Venoct fell to his knees. "I know where I can keep you so you will stay gone for a long time, hopefully you'll have learned by then." Suddenly Shadow Venoct turned into a black-topped capsule and the capsule vanished.

"I am sorry. But I must learn about this boy, and maybe even his female counterpart in the other reality. I'll check the alternate reality later." Venoct went over to a worn down house and put a stone into the wall, then he vanished.

"Alternate reality? This must be why Venoct sent us here!" Nate ran out from his cover.

"So there's an alternate reality?" Mabel asked.

"It makes sense. There's any number of realities where instead of Nate discovering Yo Kai it could be anyone in Springdale who ended up with the watch." Dipper said searching for the stone.

"Wait. But that day the only reason I went up to the mountain was because I wanted to catch rare bugs because my friends had them." Nate realized.

"So it could've been any of your friends." Dipper concluded.

"That watch looked like it had a flower pattern on it though. Bear and Eddie would never wear something like that, but Katie would!" Nate gasped.

"Katie? Who's she?" Mabel demanded.

"Katie is my friend. It would make sense for her to wear a Yo Kai Watch like that." Nate replied, Dipper pulled the stone from the wall.

"Well we don't know if it's her for sure. You heard Dipper, it could be anyone." Mabel said.

"Let's find out." Dipper held up the stone.

"Maybe we should go to the present first." Mabel suggested. Nate took out the stone and activated it again, for some reason it hadn't vanished. Then they were warped back to the tree in Gravity Falls.

Whisper was unfortunately under the tree so he was crushed beneath the Pines twins and Nate as they landed.

"This is great! We'll be able to defeat Will Cipher soon!" Nate said.

"Hhhh! Ge roff mre!" Whisper protested, still being squashed.

"So how do you work this?" Dipper wondered.

"Let me try." Nate took the stone. "Let's go reality stone! Uh eat a squirrel and er um change the world?"

Dipper face palmed "If that works I'm going t-" the stone exploded in light and they were whisked off to another reality.

They appeared in triangle park. Nothing seemed to be different from Nate's Springdale before it was attacked.

"Whoa this place is huge!" Mabel gawked.

"Alright. It seems like everything's safe here. So we need to find whoever has the Yo Kai Watch." Nate said.

"Maybe we should split up?" Dipper suggested.

Nate shook his head. "I'm the only one who knows his way around town. Whisper always gets lost and you two are new here."

"Well I guess we're all going together then. Where to?" Dipper asked, before Nate could respond they heard someone shout.

"Stay away from them Yo Kai!" Everyone's heads turned to the source of the voice. Standing at the entrance of the park was Katie. Her brown hair was tied in a ponytail and her black eyes shone with determination. She was wearing a white jacket, blue shorts, and black shoes. Around her neck was a pink pendant-like Yo Kai Watch.

"Wait a second... Whisper?" Katie asked.

"Katie, it is you!" Nate said.

"I'm really confused." Dipper said.

"Nate, I just saw you at the Candy shop, what are you doing here? And who are they?" Katie questioned. "And Whisper why are you here?"

"That's right. In this world Katie has a Whisper who's certainly as charming as I am!" Whisper realized.

"I'm Mabel." Mabel introduced.

"I'm Dipper."

"This world? What are you talking about?"

"Well see we're not from this world. We're actually from an alternate dimension or something where I met Whisper on Mount Wildwood that day instead of you." Nate explained.

"Honestly that makes sense. Which should probably concern me. But why are you here?"

"Well it's a long story. You should probably come with us." Nate said.

"Wait, where is your equally charming Whisper?" Whisper demanded.

"I sent him off on some errand or something just to get rid of him. Seems like it didn't work." Katie sighed. "But are we going back to your world? I can't just leave my home."

"It won't be that long. You'll be able to go back soon. Plus when have mom and dad ever worried about when I come home except for a few occasions?"

"That's true. Alright let's do this."

"Alright, let's go reality stone! A name that exists is Earl, now change the world!" Nate held up the stone and it warped them back to Gravity Falls.

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