We Met Again, Just Like I Said!

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Ford ran out of the Mystery Shack. "What happened here?"

"Well we were attacked, and then some orange triangle appeared. After that we found out this Bill Cipher guy is alive." Nate explained.

"Bill is back? I should've known he wouldn't have been beaten so easily." Ford shook his head.

"Well I happen to know Tim is the weakest of all three, I'm sure he'll be a pushover." Whisper said.

"Yeah he's apparently afraid of hats." Nate said.

"What kind of Cipher is he?" Dipper wondered.

"The really weak kind." Mabel decided.

"Well if Bill is back he'll be free to try and trick us all into breaking the spell protecting us from Will's magic." Ford said, looking at the sky.

"Well everyone knows not to fall for his tricks." Mabel said.

"Not any of the Yo Kai. He could trick them or something." Nate reminded them.

"And what about Stan? Bill's able to go into his mind still right?" Dipper asked.

"I'm not sure. It depends on what Bill said in his mind." Ford put his hand on his chin.

"Well at least he doesn't have a physical form!" Mabel said.

"I'll go warn all of our Yo Kai friends." Whisper offered, floating off to find the army

"I'm afraid you're incorrect Mabel. If I calculated correctly then Will's immense power would be strong enough to give Bill a physical form just by being near him." Ford frowned. "I must find a way to defend us from Bill!" Ford ran to the Mystery Shack.

"This just keeps getting worse and worse." Mabel sighed.

"Guys come on, we'll beat them! We're gonna attack their castle soon!" Nate assured them.

"But now Bill will be there. We almost died trying to defeat him. Now there's a stronger version of him AND he's back!" Dipper said.

"But before you guys didn't have an army of friends with unique powers! Look I know things look bad. I've had to save the world twice from evil Yo Kai. I know more than anymore that we can't give up! If we do then the world's already lost! So come on! Let's show them that we won't give up no matter what!"

"That's a pretty great speech. Almost as great as the one we gave during Weirdmaggeden." Dipper said, smiling faintly.

"Yeah almost." Mabel smirked.

"Alright all the Yo Kai have been warned of Bill and his tricks." Whisper reported.

"Well I've decided that we need to attack right now. If we don't then Bill will achieve his physical form and ruin any plans of extracting the Zodiac answers from Will." Ford said, walking out of the Mystery Shack.

"Alright Yo Kai! Come on over! Calling the army! Yo Kai Watch show them what you've got!" Nate said taking out a special medal and putting it into the watch. The watch exploded in light.


When the light died down all of the Yo Kai that were helping them were front and center.

"That one was new Nate." Whisper pointed out.

"I felt like trying something new." Nate shrugged.

"We were literally on the other side of the house." Kyubi pointed out.

"Well I really wanted to try the medal." Nate said.

"Alright. Where are those magic mirrors?" Ford asked.

"Right here!" Five voices shouted in unison, and five Mirapo appeared.

"We'll be happy to take you to any destination!" One Mirapo said.

"Alright then. To Will's base in the center of the Earth." Ford stepped forward.

"Here goes nothing." Dipper murmured.

"Hey guys. I recommend not taking on the Yo Kai and just going for the Williams." Nate said to them.

"Those purple freaks won't know what hit them!" Mabel cheered. The Mirapo all lit up and the army surged forward towards them.

Mircle took Will to the castle. Bill appeared next to him moments later. Will left the human body and turned to Bill.

"Hello Billiam." Will said.

"Billiam?" Bill asked.

"I know we've had our differences, what with you and I trying to murder each other, but now is the time to work together." Will said.

"I agree. So how about you give me a physical form." Bill said.

"All in due time brother. But first I have a few questions to ask you. Now you had every opportunity to bring me into this world during your attack, but you didn't. Why?"

"I knew you'd take over the operation and kill me." Bill replied.

"And see now you're at my mercy. So I'll make sure in time you'll come to regret not bringing me over. For now I still have questions. You could've taken over the entire universe, why didn't you?"

"There was some weird force field keeping me in. Ford knew how to get rid of it but I never got the information out of him." Bill answered.

"That must be how he's able to keep out me and my Williams! He must've figured out how to reverse its effects. Which means we still need that equation!" Will was about to command another attack on Gravity Falls when Tim appeared.

"Alright so Spooklunk and Gutsy Bones were both defeated. Also they know Bill is back." Tim recapped, then he was thrown to the ground by a fireball.

"You fool! And what about the Yo Kai Pad?" Will demanded.

"He got away! I saw a hat and I panicked!" Tim explained. Will roared in frustration.

"Hey boss. We've got word from our spies that the entire enemy army are carrying out an assault on the castle." Dr. Maddiman reported, as if on cue five Mirapo appeared and tons of Yo Kai flew out from it.

"Are you kidding me?" Will groaned. "Tim make yourself useful. Williams and Yo Kai, attack! Bill I'll restore your physical form if we make a deal. You have to agree not to turn on me and remain loyal."

"Hmm nah." Bill said.

"What!" Bill's eye turned into a green flame.

"Because you've been oozing power. Power that let's me have a physical form. So I don't need a deal from you." Bill snapped his fingers and he laughed, changing color and what his body was made up from multiple times before vanishing.

"BILL!" Will screamed.

Mabel fired a grappling hook that struck one of the Williams in the eye. He shook and then exploded into purple dust.

"Alright Robanyan use your soultimate! Venoct, Kyubi, target Cap'n Crash's wheel! Jibanyan start purifying, Hovernyan provide cover fire for Jibanyan!" Nate shouted to his Yo Kai friends. He stared down at the Yo Kai Pad, which was displaying the battles his Yo Kai were in.

"Whoa." From what Mabel has seen before, Nate wasn't really a take charge guy. But he was in the zone,  basically managing the bulk of their army.

Dipper jumped on one of the Williams and punched him in the eye. The William exploded. He caught Mabel staring at Nate and quickly put two and two together. "Oh no."

Ford and Stan were fighting through a couple of the enemy Williams together. "At this rate I'll never make it to Will!"

"Well maybe one of these magic guys can take you there." Stan suggested.

"They're all too busy fighting the enemy Yo Kai. Perhaps if we just wait, but we'll run out of time soon." Ford destroyed another William.

"Alright! Prepare to face my incredible wrath!" Tim floated in front of a Dropplette. Droppette was a blue star that was dripping water.

"You're Tim. Wazzat!" Suddenly a green hat flew down and landed on Tim's head.

"AH! NOOOO!" He melted into a pool of orange goo.

"That was sad." Dropplette concluded.

"I swear you better not lose or I will exact my revenge!" Will screamed at his army. Trying to aim his fireballs so they'd strike his enemy.

"Shadow Venoct. I need you to stop Kyubi and Venoct. They're too strong." Will said to a Yo Kai lurking in the shadows behind him. The Yo Kai looked like Venoct, except his body was all black.

"Yes sir." Shadow Venoct vanished into the shadows.

At that time Gin, Kin, and their doppelgängers Flippa and Floopa had been defeated. Along with Cap'n Rex and Cap'n Crash. Very few of Will's Yo Kai allies remained.

"Alright people we're doing this! Target Squisker's orb thingy in his mouth!" Nate commanded his allies. Squisker was a giant quadruped Yo Kai that vaguely resembled a squid.

"No! I will not lose!" Squisker screamed. Suddenly from the shadows Shadow Venoct struck Venoct.

"Venoct is down! Nurse Tongus you need to heal him up. But what took him down?" Nate wondered.

Kyubi launched a fireball at Dr. Maddiman before he could restore his health and the doctor Yo Kai was defeated. Then Kyubi thought he saw something race by. He turned and Shadow Venoct was in front of him for a split second, then he was struck by Shadow Venoct's snakes and fell to the ground.

"How could I, the mighty Kyubi, lose?" He wondered.

"Kyubi's down too! Who is this guy?" Nate asked.

"Aha! I've figured it out! It has to be our old friend Shadow Venoct!" Whisper concluded.

"I knew that guy was bad news!" Nate groaned, thinking back to the day he met Shadow Venoct.

He had just gotten a Light Blue Coin and placed it into the Crank-a-Kai. A capsule with a black top fell out.

"No way! It's the super rare Crank-a-Kai exclusive slippery Yo Kai capsule!" Nate didn't hesitate as he pried the capsule open. Shadow Venoct burst from it and floated in front of him.

"You are the one who freed me?"

"Yep! I'm Nate!" Nate introduced.

Shadow Venoct laughed. "Goodbye foolish boy." He vanished in a cloud of purple.

"What the-hey you're supposed to befriend me! Man what a rip off." Nate groaned.

"Seems like he broke the rules. Oh well. Better luck next time." Whisper said, then they walked away.

"So he's a traitor and a cheater! Alright everyone, keep your eyes out for the shadows. Shadow Venoct is lurking around here and will sneak up on you!" Nate announced just as Dame Dedtime and Dame Dredful were defeated and Venoct was revived.

"My evil doppelgänger. Face me like a man!" Venoct demanded Shadow Venoct exited the shadows and laughed.

"You were a fool to join their side Venoct. And an even bigger fool to think going can beat me."

"You shall not win this. Let's finish this." The two Venocts engaged in intense combat. Punching at each other and trying to get off any damage.

All of Will's Yo Kai allies other than Shadow Venoct were defeated, his Williams were falling quickly.

"No! I won't lose! Not this time!" Will fired giant lasers from his hands. The Yo Kai fought back with elemental attacks.

"Feel the burn!" Sgt. Burly screamed, performing his soultimate and making everyone stronger. They countered Will's lasers and struck him with their combination attack.

Ford ran up behind Will and activate a device that began extracting information from his mind. Before Will could notice Shogunyan brought his sword down on Will's pointed head.

"You will pay for your crimes Will!" Shogunyan was thrown back and Will fired a giant fireball at him. Suddenly Hovernyan flew up and intercepted it.

"Don't worry! I've got your back! Gusty Cross Punch!" He destroyed the fireball with his fist. Hornyan was similar to Jibanyan, except he was blue, had a red cape, and floated.

Ford's machine made a ding noise. "So it appears we're both part of his bane. Let us finish him." Shogunyan and Hovernyan charged at Will. Will flung them aside with a flick of his hand and turned around to see Ford.

"Well hello Fordsie. I hope you're content with your choices. Because you're about to di-" Will was stuck by Kyubi in the back. Ford threw his machine at Dipper who caught it.

"Dipper it has the information! Stop Will!" Ford shouted, suddenly he vanished.

Venoct struck Shadow Venoct down with one final Octo Snake.

"No!" Shadow Venoct hissed. "I cannot lose!"

"You can and you have. This is over." Venoct kicked Shadow Venoct and he vanished.

"Great uncle Ford!" Dipper shouted.

Will laughed. "What's wrong kid? Miss your old man? Well you'll never see him again, he's mine now! And one more thing, you're all mine now too!" Will created two whips that were made of electricity. Every time he struck a Yo Kai they vanished. Everyone began running for the Mirapo.

Nate shoved forward, Whisper at his side. "This went bad really fast!" Nate noticed Mabel had been knocked over by some Yo Kai and couldn't get up without being trampled.

"Whisper try to save as many Yo Kai as you can. I'm going to help Mabel!" Nate handed Whisper his Yo Kai Pad and ran off to Mabel.

Nate helped her up and then noticed one of the whips flying right at them. Venoct knocked it aside and turned to Nate.

"Nate you need to use this when the time is right. You will understand later!" Venoct thrust a stone into Nate's hand and was struck by the whip.

"Save us Nate. I know you will." Venoct said as he vanished.

"Venoct!" Nate shouted.

"Nate we need to go!" Mabel tried to pull him along. Nate shook his head and ran for the portal, jumping in.

Will appeared in front of Ford, who was in a small triangular prison surrounded by bars on all sides.

"Bad move Ford. Now you're mine, and you're going to help me." Will said, spinning a small fireball on his finger like a basketball.

"It doesn't matter. You can't enter my mind!" Ford said.

"Oh but I can. See Bill, according to the cosmic laws, made a deal allowing him to enter a FORD PINES's mind! Now you obviously cheated him out of the deal he made. Or did you?" Will smirked with his eye. "See the deal is still fair game, it doesn't matter if he made it with your brother. Now I was prepared for Bill to betray me, and since he failed to disclose that no other Cipher could take advantage of this deal, I can enter your mind!"

"No! The deal's off then!" Ford shouted.

"You don't get the chance to break the deal. You cheated the ancient laws. So now you're stuck with this deal. Too bad so sad!" Will turned into stone and entered Ford's mind.

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