Gold and more gold.

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"So your watch can call these guys to help you?" Dipper asked, Nate nodded.

"Yeah but only the ones I've befriended. There are so really strong Yo Kai but a lot of them aren't that great." Nate said.

"This is so cool! Where can you get these watches?" Dipper asked.

"The Yo Kai world, I think Mr. Goodsight sells them, and I dunno."

"Yo Kai world!" Mabel gasped.

"Yeah it's the world Yo Kai live in. I saved it once... probably twice." Nate bragged.

"Saved it? From who?" Nate proceeded to tell them about his first adventure with the watch, and his second adventure.

"You traveled in time!?"

"You went to another world?!"

"You battled a demon butterfly!?" The twins continued to ask Nate about his adventures until Nate decided to ask them about their adventures.

"So why does Will want to destroy this place?" Nate asked.

"Well probably because we destroyed his brother Bill and that makes us a threat." Dipper said.

"And because we're awesome! There was this one time when I beat up a bunch of mean unicorns!" Mabel said.

"Now this sounds interesting." Mabel then began to tell the story of her encounter with Celestabellebethebelle.

Meanwhile Whisper floated through the woods trying to get some signal on his Yo Kai pad when he heard some voices.

"So how do we do this?" A voice asked.

"Tim I'm trying to figure that out! It appears us Ciphers can't resurrect him. Only some puny life form this dimension. Even in these meat sacks" Will's voice replied. Two humans were standing in a clearing where the stone statue of Bill Cipher rested. His hand was extended for someone to shake.

"Hey! What's going on here!" Whisper floated out into the clearing. The humans turned to him, their eyes were different from normal. It was clear they were being possessed.

"Well looks here it's the living Wikipedia." Will said.

"Can I destroy him!" Tim requested.

"Not yet. He can bring back our lost brother." Will grinned.

"You won't control me! I happen to be one of your weaknesses and I will never help you!" Whisper vowed.

"Knock knock." Tim said.

"Who's there?" Whisper asked.

"Triangulum resurrectum Axolotl." Tim replied.

"Triangulum reasurrectum Axolotl who?" Whisper repeated. Just then the statue erupted in light and the stone crumbled, leaving a yellow triangle floating in the air.

"Hello Gravity Falls! It has been too long!" Bill laughed.

"Oh good Bill, you're back." Will smirked.

"Yes but only in the mindscape. Wait Will is that you?" Bill seemed genuinely surprised.

"And Tim!" Tim piped up.

"SHUT UP TIM!" The Cipher brothers shouted.

"Hey I'm just as important as you guys are! Watch me! Let's go!" Tim left the body he'd been possessing.

Tim looked like the other Ciphers except he was orange.

"Wait Tim, why did you possess a body, you didn't need to." Will asked.

"I wanted to because you were doing it." Tim replied.

"Well you aren't important. You're so unimportant that nobody even bothered to seal you away. I only recruited you as a meat shield. You're the weakest Cipher. You're weak to ice cream!"  Will said.

"Alright while this is a great family reunion and all I want to know why you brought me back." Bill said.

"All in good time brother. Let's catch up." Will laughed.

"What about the idiot?" Tim pointed at Whisper, who still was waiting for the punchline of the knock knock joke.

"Have fun Tim. He's all yours." Will said, then he snapped his fingers and a Mircle appeared. He walked into the mirror and was teleported away. Bill snapped his fingers and vanished.

"Alrighty now's my chance. Also Mircle, call in Gutsy Bones and Spooklunk." Tim ordered Mircle who nodded and vanished, then he turned to Whisper.

"You stay away from me or-or-or I'll scream!" Whisper threatened.

"No you won't." Tim seemed to grin with his eye and threw a fireball at Whisper.

"And that's how I beat up a unicorn." Mabel finished.

"Ahhhhh! Samurai!" Jibanyan ran past them panicking.

"Jibanyan what are you talking about?" Nate asked.

"Gutsy Byones and Spyooklunk are hyere!" Jibanyan then heroically ran off.

"Gee thanks of helping us fight!" Nate sighed. Suddenly a samurai dashed out of the woods. "Look out, here comes Spooklunk!" Nate, Dipper, and Mabel scattered.

The samurai stopped. He was actually just black samurai armor being possessed by a ghost. In between his armor was the blue of the ghost's body. There was a large X in the center of his armor.

"Come on out my friends, calling Shogunyan and Flamurice, Yo Kai medal do your thing!" Nate quickly called Shogunyan and then right after that put Flamurice's medal into the Model Zero.

"Oh? Summoning time." The watch played a fanfare. "TATATATA! TATATATA! TATATA!" Flamurice was very similar to a Samurai, except his body was cooked rice and his sword was flaming.

"So you dare show your face again Spooklunk? I banished you to the Infinite Inferno!" Shogunyan drew his sword.

"Well now he's being operated by a mouse. All we have to do is damage the armor and the mouse will be visible." Hate explained.

"Not anymore! Thanks to the triangle I no longer need the mouse! I am back to normal and just as strong!" He laughed.

"I will have to face him in a duel. Flamurice will you assist me?" Shogunyan offered, Flamurice nodded.

"Let us duel." The three warriors began battling, swords clashed against each other and flames flew everywhere.

"Wait. Didn't Jibanyan say there was another?" Dipper asked.

"Oh yeah. Gutsy Bones." Nate said remembering the encounter with him. "That reminds me of Goldy Bones. I'm sure he'd be willing to help us if we had access to Mystery Way." Just then a giant skeleton emerged from the woods.

His bones were all made of gold. He had a bandage over his heart and instead of feet walked around on two giant bones. Floating around him on a cloud was a Crank-a-Kai.

"Goldy Bones? What are you doing here?" Nate asked.

"No no I'm not that fool! Will simply upgraded my body to his powerful gold!" Golden Bones roared.

"That Crank-a-Kai is how he fights. If we could break it we'd have a chance." Nate said.

Just then Kyubi and Robonyan flew up and attempted to attack Gutsy Bones. He swiped them aside and laughed.

"I have an idea. Come on Nate. Dipper help beat up the ghost samurai!" Mabel said, she and Nate ran for the Crank-a-Kai while Dipper took out a copy of the journal and tried to determine how to beat Spooklunk.

"Yeah he's definitely a category ten. Alright we need a mirror then." Dipper ran inside the Mystery Shack. Meanwhile Flamurice and Shogunyan were barely holding their own against Spooklunk, who had produced a second sword.

A raven flew up to Gutsy and handed him a coin, he put the coin in his Crank-a-Kai and turned it. A black capsule fell out and he opened it, purple mist enveloped the entire Yo Kai Army and inspirited them.

"Oh no!" Nate said under his breath. Mabel produced her grappling hook and shot it at the Crank-a-Kai. It somehow latched onto the cloud holding up the machine and Mabel grabbed Nate, the grappling hook brought them up to the cloud.

"Alright. I've wanted to do this ever since hunting for the black capsule Yo Kai." Nate said. He took a nail bat that some guy had given him on a train and slammed it into the glass. The glass shattered but Gutsy Bones hadn't noticed since he was having fun attacking all the Yo Kai.

Nate reached into the Crank-a-Kai and pulled out a red capsule he opened it and flames flew out from it.

"Alright which one should we use in Gutsy?" Nate wondered, looking through the capsules.

Dipper raced out of the Mystery Shack with a mirror in hand. Spooklunk was clearly winning against the other two samurai but they weren't giving up.

"Hey Casper! Who you gonna call?" Dipper asked, Spooklunk turned around to see Dipper run at him. Spooklunk shoved Shogunyan and Flamurice away and charged at Dipper. Dipper put the mirror in front of him and before Spooklunk could stop, he was captured in the mirror.

"Alright who wants to help me perform an exorcism? This'll be a big one." Dipper said, looking at the mirror.

"The illusion brothers can probably help if they haven't been inspirited yet." Flamurice said.

"We're all here and happy to help!" Illoo said, appearing from nowhere. Illoo resembled an old man, he was holding a strange stick in his hand and floating. On either side of him was a purple and yellow version of him.

"Whoa where did you guys come from?" Dipper asked.

"Illusion!" They replied in unison.

"Ok whatever. Let's just get rid of this guy."




"Illusion powers activate!" They chanted in unison.

"This one'll work!" Nate said, pulling out a bomb disguised as a capsule. He threw it at Gutsy and it blew up his bandage. "Wow I have a pretty good arm. I should play baseball."

"Now what?" Mabel asked.

"Gutsy's weakness is his heart. Let's destroy it!" Nate said, Mabel fired her grappling hook and it stuck his heart.

"AGGGGG!" Gutsy cried out, suddenly the Yo Kai Army unfroze and began attacking Gutsy's heart. He was quickly defeated and vanished.

Nate grinned, feeling pretty proud. "We totally beat him!"

Dipper frowned, trying to concentrate. Which was hard with Gutsy screaming in pain."Spirit return to whence ye came! Basically go away!"

"May the spirit of illusion guide you away!" The brothers said.

"NO! I can be useful! Come on you don't want to do this! I know all of Will's plans!" Spooklunk pleaded. "I even know about what he wants to do with Bill!" Dipper's eyes snapped open.

"What are you talking about?" He demanded.

Spooklunk smirked, knowing he had now caught Dipper's attention. "Will returned Bill to the mindscape with the help of that annoying white ghost. Now they have big plans together to break the seal around this place."

"Whisper's a traitor." Dipper clenched his fists.

"Young hunter beware. Ghosts will say anything to try to trick you." Illoo warned, but Dipper ignored him.

"What are they going to do?" Dipper interrogated.

"To find that out you have to free me from this mirror." Spooklunk said.

"Alright done." Dipper was about to smash the mirror when Nate and Mabel ran up to him.

"Bro-bro we did it! We beat up that skeleton! Hey it looks like you caught the other guy!" Mabel said.

Nate frowned. "Wait why are you about to break the mirror."

"Mabel Will brought Bill back, and he used Nate's annoying friend to do it!" Dipper told Mabel.

"You mean Whisper? I don't think he's smart enough to know how to betray us. But why are you listening to Spooklunk? He's a crazy spirit who was so desperate he let a mouse live inside him just to try to take over the world." Nate said.

Dipper gave Spooklunk a sceptical look. "Ok maybe I did do that but I gotta do what I gotta do to survive!"

"You mean like lie about something that would allow you to survive an exorcism?" Nate suggested, smirking. Spooklunk's eyes widened.

"Yep get out of here." Dipper said. "Hit it." He said to the brothers, mist flew from them and swirled around the mirror. When the mist cleared Spooklunk wasn't in the mirror.

"I can't believe I almost let him go from a lie. Sorry guys." Dipper apologized.

"It's fine Dip." Mabel said.

"Yeah but I do have to wonder. Where is Whisper?" Nate had just realized for the first time Whisper was gone.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" Whisper screamed, racing out of the woods with Tim right behind him.

"Get back here you overcooked egg!" Tim threw fireballs at Whisper, all of which missed.

"Who the heck is that?" Nate wondered.

"Maybe he's a Dorito Will brought to life?" Dipper suggested.

"Can we eat him then?" Mabel asked.

"Incredibly amazing Dorito cutting slash!" Shogunyan shouted as he sliced Tim in half. Tim regenerated and laughed.

"Ha! That won't stop m-" Tim looked at Wazzat and froze. "A HAT! AHHHHH!" With that he vanished.

"Seriously what's going on?" Nate asked again.

"Will and that one. Tim, brought back another one." Whisper explained, taking in deep breaths.

"So let me make sure I got this right: Tim is a orange Cipher who's afraid of hats?" Dipper asked.

"Seems to be so." Nate said.

"Who was the one he brought back?" Mabel asked, hoping that it wasn't who she thought it was.

"He said his name was Bill." Whisper replied.

Dipper and Mabel's faces paled. "Spooklunk was right. Bill Cipher is back."


Sorry this chapter took so long to get out. It's longer than regular chapters so I hope that makes up for it. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I put a lot of hard work into it trying to balance out the time between everything happening. Thanks so much for reading and have a nice day.

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