Chapter 6. Asia Argento

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Y/N opened his eyes to find himself laying on his bed. The boy yawned and stood up. Today is Saturday, last day of the week he has to go to school, something he's happy for.

He grabbed his school uniform, a towel and went out of his room and towards the bathroom to get a shower. Once he was done he got dry, put on his school uniform and left the bathroom. The boy walked towards the living room and turned the T.V on.

A couple of minutes after Baiken woke up. She left her and Reina's room and walked to the kitchen, dressed in some PJ's. She was going to Cook breakfast for everyone. Y/N looked at her and smirked.

Y/N:"Those are some cute PJ's. Didn't know you liked teddy bears."

Baiken glanced at the drawings in her PJ's. She shook her head and sighed.

Baiken:"Good morning to you too."

Y/N:"And Reina?"

Baiken:"Still sleeping. You left her drained."

Y/N:"She wanted to go all out. Now she has to deal with the consequencies."

Reina:"Don't pat yourself too hard Y/N, I still had enough energy for more."

Reina walked towards the couch and sat next to Y/N, watching T.V with him. Her pijamas were purple with black stripes.

Reina:"By the way, we need to get a better house. Or build more rooms."

Baiken:"I agree. Unless our next member is a male and you don't mind sharing with him, we need more rooms."

Reina:"That along with Baiken's unbearable snores..."

Baiken:"I. Don't. Snore."

Y/N:"Okay, I'll talk with the administrators then. See if I can buy a proper terrain in the Underworld."

Baiken:"That's gonna leave us with barely any money."

Reina:"My father disowned me after my defeat so..."

Y/N:"It's fine. I'll ask Rias for a job, maybe take a request or two from the tabern. That should be enough."

Reina:"Y/N, what's wrong with your ring?"

Y/N looked at it and raised an eyebrow in confusion. He saw it shine in a dark blue color, something he has never seen it do.


No answer. After a couple of seconds, a figure appeared in front of Y/N. The color of the ring was dark blue. Reina, Y/N and Baiken looked at the figure in confusion.

Y/N:"Marth? What happened? You look more femenine than usual."

Marth:"Go to hell Y/N."


Lucina:"Sorry, it appears there's a misunderstanding. I'm not Marth. My name is Lucina and I'm another hero that resides in the ring."

Y/N:"Oh. Oh! That's nice! Welcome to the family Lucina!"

Lucina:"Thanks Master."

Reina:"You're rather... okay with a girl appearing out of nowhere in our living room."

Baiken sighed and went back to cooking, ignoring all that was happening.

Y/N:"Well, she's one of the heroes. No reason to be suspicious. Anyways, what's going to happen with Marth now that you're here?"

Marth:"Don't speak as if I wasn't here!"

Lucina:"Simple. You can change between him and I at will. However, we cannot assist you in battle at the same time."

Y/N:"I see. Well, I'm taking you for today. Let's leave the princess to rest for today."

Marth:"I'll kick your ass next time you summon me."

Timeskip brought to us by Lucina floating around Y/N, curious of her surroundings.

Y/N and his peerage was walking towards Kuoh Academy. They picked Issei up on the way to the school since he leaves in a nearby area. Reina was wearing the school uniform minus the jacket.

Issei:"Man Y/N, Reina, you two were amazing yesterday! I've never seen someone fight like that!"


Reina:"Hah! You got surprised by that? I was pulling my punches."

Y/N:"Oh yeah, absolutely. You didn't get killed right? You just made... how was it called... Seppuku? Harakiri?"

Baiken:"Both are correct."

Reina:"If you think I'm wrong we can always go for a rematch."

Y/N:"I already told you we will, is there anything else we can talk about besides how much we want to beat each other up?"

Reina:*Shrugs* "I think it's a very entertaining topic. Very well, what is it you want to talk about?"

Y/N:"Well, how about any of you two throwing an idea on what to do for the weekend?"

Lucina:"I do have an idea."

As soon as Lucina talked through the ring, Issei jumped in surprise. He looked at it, confused.

Issei:"T-That's not Marth!"

Y/N:"I have more heroes in this ring than just Marth."

Lucina:"Why don't you pick up a monster hunting request? The Underworld is filled with them and we're a proper peerage. Mind you we only have 3 members, but what a three members..."

Baiken:"Thanks for the compliment. I agree with Lucina. We should go for a little adventure. But if that's what we're going to do tomorrow then let's be productive today. We still have yet to find Raynare."

Issei:"I want to help."

Y/N:"No Issei. It's too dangerous. I'm not going to put you in danger."

Issei:"She murdered me Y/N! I want revenge!"

Y/N:"You'll have it. I promise. However, we must make a plan. Be smart about it. When the time comes, I'll call you. Will you be there?"

Issei:*Sigh* "Yes. I will."

Y/N:"Good. In that case- Hey, watch out!"

Issei who was looking at Y/N turned around and bumped into a blond girl. Both fell on their butts.

Reina:*Chuckles, Whispers* "You want to kill a Fallen Angel and a human ambushes you? Great start."

While Reina gives Issei a hand, Y/N walked towards the blond girl.

Lucina:"Y/N. She's..."

Y/N:"A member of the church, I know."

Y/N gave the girl a hand. She took it and stood up, saying "thank you" while getting up. Once on her feet she immediately walked towards Issei, crouched down and placed her hands on the boy's knee. He wounded himself however, a green light appeared from the girl's hands healing the wound in an instant.

Lucina:"A Sacred Gear."

Y/N:"First Issei and now this girl. Maybe Rias could be interested in this information."


Y/N:"Someone who pays us."

Lucina:"Ah. Well, if they're interested in Sacred Gears then I'm sure they will. Specially a Sacred Gear like hers. Healing any wound? That's very powerful. Too powerful. If it falls in the wrong hands..."

Issei:"Wow... I don't feel pain anymore! Thank you! What did you do?"

???:"Heal you. God gave me this gift so I can help others. That's what I do."

Everyone recieved a headache as soon as she said those words. They all masked the pain except Issei. The girl quickly placed her hands on his head to heal him.

???:"Oh dear. You hit your head too?"

Issei:"What's your name?"

Asia:"Asia. Asia Argento."

Issei:"My name is Issei. This is Reina, Baiken and the boy who helped you is Y/N."

Y/N raised his hand to say hi, Reina nodded at Asia and Baiken simply stared at her.

Asia:"A pleasure to meet you all."

Once Issei was healed, he and Asia stood up.

Issei:"You're new around here? Where do you study?"

Asia:"I am but I don't go to any Academy. I want to become a nun!"

Issei:"A... nun?"

Asia started walking towards the church she came from. It was close so the group only had to take a couple of steps. As soon as their eyes fell on the church everyone felt as if they were in danger. They were not welcome in the church.

Asia:"Maybe I can give you something as an apologise. After all, I wasn't looking where I was going.

Y/N:"There's no need! Our friend over here wasn't either. You're both at fault."

Reina:"Besides we're late to school. We have to go."

Asia:"That's a shame. However, feel free to come by and visit me!"


The group left, resuming their walk towards the academy.

Baiken:"She's a member of the church with a Scared Gear. We should never talk to her again."

Issei:"What? Why? She seems friendly."

Reina:"Because the church is our sworn enemy. If they realise one of their members not only healed a devil, but also speaks to them..."

Y/N:"Is dangerous for us and her Issei. Better to step away."


Soon after, the group arrived at the academy. Issei decided to walk towards his class on his own.

Reina:*Chuckles* "Why is he acting like that? We said the truth."

Y/N:"Let him be. I'm sure he'll feel better after peeping on the Kendo club."

Reina:"Yeah I'm sure- he does what?"

Baiken:"I'll gouge his eyes if I find him doing that to my students. Which reminds me, Reina, what club are you on?"

Reina:"There's no martial arts club is it?"


Reina:*Clicks her teeth* "I'll join Kendo too then."

Baiken:"Good. I'll be in the student council, we have a reunion. Have a good day. I hate this academy..."

Baiken waved at her two friends and left. Now alone, Reina and Y/N walked towards their class, Reina following Y/N around unaware of where the class is.

She noticed how everyone was staring at them, specially to her. The males were eyeing her up while the females either looked jealous or were making up gossips about the two.

Female student 1:"Is that the new girl?"

Female student 2:"Is she his girlfriend?"

Male student:"Damn she looks fine."

Female student 3:"She's way out of your league."

Reina:*Whispers* "Is this an usual thing?"

Y/N:*Whispers* "Yeah. Get used to it."

Both started walking faster, wanting to reach their class as soon as possible. Once there, Y/N sat on his usual spot. Reina sat next to him. She thought it was a coincidence the spot next to him was empty.

Just like in the hallways, their class mates started whispering to one another about the two.

Reina:"I'm not a very patient woman Y/N. If this keeps up..."

Y/N:"So long you don't kill someone, do whatever you want."

Rias and Akeno went inside the class just to find Reina standing up next to Y/N, shouting at the other students. The two walked towards Y/N and ignored his rook.

Rias:"Good morning Y/N. I see she's getting used to her new Life rather quickly."

Y/N:"That's a way of putting it. By the way, we need to talk."

Rias:"Oh? About what?"

Y/N:"It's Issei. We crossed paths with a girl."

Rias:"Y/N, Issei and I are not-"

Y/N:"She's a member of the church. For the looks of it, a novice. She has a Sacred Gear."

Rias and Akeno looked at each other and then they looked at Y/N again. This time however, they had a serious expression in their face.

Rias:"How are you so sure?"

Y/N:"I saw it with my own eyes. Issei bumped into her and fell, scratching his knee. The girl, Asia, healed him."

Akeno:"A healing Sacred Gear... how interesting."

Rias:"Hmm... then than blond guy we saw isn't the only member of the church around."

Y/N:"Blond guy?"

Rias:"Mhm. An agent of the church that came here to look for something. It's nothing, don't worry. In any case, I'll talk with Issei later. We should get to class, Kakashi will arrive shortly."

Y/N:"Speaking of which, is he..."

Rias:"Kakashi? Oh no, he's a human."

Lucina:"She's lying."

Rias and Akeno walked to their seats. Y/N turned around and watched them walk away. His eyes quickly snapped towards Reina who sat on her seat, exhausted from all that shouting. She grunted and glared at Y/N.


Y/N:"Quite the spectacle."

Reina:"You want some too?"

Y/N:"I'm good."

Kakashi went inside, ignoring the fact there's a new student. He sat on his desk and grabbed a physics book. Everyone followed soon after except Reina who simply waited for Y/N to grab the book. Her plan was to basicly watch Y/N do stuff.

And that's exactly what she did. For three hours. While Y/N writes stuff down, listens to Kakashi's lectures and looks for more information in his books, Reina either looked Y/N's notes, searched through the book for something interesting to read (to no avail) or simply stared at the ceiling. Saying she was bored is an understatement.

Thankfully for her, the classes were over and they are free. Y/N and Reina stood up with the latter stretching and releasing a sigh of relief.

Reina:"Thanks Satan... that's finally over."

Y/N:"Did you do something productive?"

Reina:"Lately I've been counting pens."


Reina:"What are we supposed to do now?"

Y/N:"We have some free time and then straight to club activities. We go home afterwards."

Reina:"Lead the way then boss."

Y/N nodded and looked behind him to see Rias and Akeno waiting for the two next to the entrance. He packed his things and followed the two, Reina next to him.

The group went to the ORC this time to enjoy their meals. Kiba and Koneko were already there. So was Issei and Baiken, the female beating the male.

Baiken:"I told you I would! You don't learn, do you?! Leave. My. Students. Alone!"

Issei:"I'm saying the truth! I wasn't peekimg this time, it was them!"

Y/N:"Hey everyone."

Rias:"Baiken beat my pawn later please. There is something I must argue with him."

Baiken left Issei alone and sat on the couch, annoyed. Y/N sat next to her and patted her head, Baiken slapping his hand away in annoyance. Both Reina and Y/N laughed until she glared at them which made them immediately stop laughing.

Rias:"Issei. I want you to never talk to that girl again."

Issei:"But why? She's a good person."

Akeno:"You don't know her enough to make that statement."

Reina:"You straight up don't know her. Boy, you bumped into her and talked for a minute that's all."

Rias:"Most importantly she's a member of the church, our sworn enemy."

Issei:"But she-"

Rias:"No buts. My word is final." *Looking at Y/N* "Are you free today?"

Y/N:"I was hoping to spend some time with my peerage today."

Rias:"A shame. In that case I'll do the same. Right Issei?"

Issei:"Huh? Oh. Sure."

Y/N:"By the way, you want me to investigate that blonde boy you mentioned?"

Rias:*Smiles* "No. No need to worry."

Y/N:"Okay. In that case, let's go people. Let's find a job to do."

Y/N stood up and draw a magic circle on the ground. Reina stood next to him so was Baiken. The rook noticed how Rias glared at them but quickly moved her attention at her own peerage.

As soon as Y/N and their peerage left, Akeno initiated a conversation.

Akeno:"That tactic won't work on him~"


Akeno:"You know exactly what I'm talking about."

Rias:"No, no I don't."

Akeno:"You'll figure it out. Now, may I ask you a favor?"

Rias:"Of course. Anything you need."

Akeno:"Oh, my dear King. You will regret that~"

Meanwhile Y/N and his peerage arrived at the Underworld. The trio walked towards the tabern and went inside to get a job. There's way too many requests now that devils realised the two finalists from the tournament come here often.

Y/N:"Let's see... a request from the daughter of Sparda... a galactic bounty hunter... a priestess with experience in goblin hunting? Rather specific. A nekomata archer... there's a million requests to join the peerage but no jobs!"

Author notes:"Tell me who do you want to see from those Y/N has mentioned and they will join the peerage!"

Baiken:"How about you find a stray request and be over with it?"

Y/N:"I really wanted to hunt a monster..." *Sigh* "Okay fine. Let's take this one."

Y/N took a request to hunt a stray devil who mutated due to the loss of their devil piece. They live in Earth, England. The boy went outside the tabern and drew the circle on the ground. As soon as their peerage went inside the circle, they all got teleported to where the stray is hiding.

The trio appeared in an abandoned town, in mid of an empty street. The wind was blowing, papers everywhere. Y/N immediately something's really off about this. The request they've picked isn't just a normal stray.

Baiken:"A ghost town. The stray went out of control."

Reina:"You would've expected the devil army to take care of this."

Baiken grabbed one of the papers that passed next to her and rode it. It's a newspaper. One of the news talk about the sudden dissapearances of the town's mayor and his wife. Reina walked around the streets, trying to find a clue of where the stray could be. Meanwhile, Y/N was staring deeply into fast food restaurant. Even though it's dark and he can barely see anything, he feels something in there.

Lucina:"The mana emanating from that place is..."

Y/N:"Yeah. He's there. Get ready."


Y/N:"Reina! Over here! I found our friend!"

Reina turned around and started running towards Y/N. As soon as the boy shouted, a monster came charging at the male. Their prey.

The monster dashed towards Y/N who was ready to summon a shield, but Reina appeared and made a dive kick directly at the monster's mandible, launching it away.

The monster stood up and turned around, barely any damage done to it.

Reina:"Well, this one's gonna be tough."

Baiken:"Hmph. We can take it down."

Y/N:"Agreed. Lucina! Come forth!"

Lucina appeared behind Y/N and got ready to protect her master. The monster charged once again, eager to eat their flesh. Baiken was the one who took the initiative and faced the monster. The creature threw a punch that Baiken blocked with her blade. She pushed the fist away and crouched, placing her odachi on her shoulders, letting Reina use it as a platform to jump and get on the creature's head.

She collected electricity and punched the monster on the face, making it stumble backwards. She made a backflip to get out of there, letting Y/N and Lucina have their turn. The two went for the legs, attacking a different one with their blades. Y/N noticed how his Falchion was not the same as Marth's. He barely had to put any effort into penetrating the monster's armor, similar to how it is when he fights a dragon.

The monster fell to the ground and Baiken jumped towards it, landing on it's torso. She thrusted her odachi in the creature's torso, making it scream. Fire appeared from her right eye. Flames bursted inside the monster, hurting it. She then retrieved her blade and jumped away, letting Reina kick it away from the group.

The trio reagrouped and entered a fight stance, knowing the monster is still ready for more. It crashed on a building, darkness engulfing it. The three of them saw two pair of red eyes looking at them. The creature did not enjoy the beating one bit.

It charged at the group. This time however, the creature used it's left arm as a shield. The spikes on it's arms were launched towards the group as projectiles. Everyone rolled away, being forced to be separated. The creature jumped towards the group and smashed it's fists on the group. Rumbling was heard, and something approached every member of Y/N's group from underground.

They all jumped in response, avoiding getting impaled by stalactites. The creature looked at Y/N and punched him, trapping him between it's fist and a wall. Lucina came for the save and thrusted her sword on the monster's arm, freeing her master. Once Y/N landed on the ground, he took his time to recover from the hit and created 10 circles around the monster.

Y/N:"Ad infernum apud vos!"

Magma appeared from the circles, falling on the monster's armor. It started to burn the armor. The creature screamed and tried to run away. Reina got in the way and kicked the monster in the torso with her electricity, stopping it. She reunited more electricity on her fist and made an uppercut, launching it to the air. She jumped and kicked it back inside Y/N's trap.

As soon as the monster fell to the ground, Y/N poured even more magma from the circles. The creature's armor was almost desintegrated. It rolled towards Baiken, trying to crush her. However, Baiken closed her eye and got ready to slash the monster. When it was close, she released an attack that was so fast not even Reina or Y/N could see it come. The mosnter was cut in half, black blood falling on Baiken. She shook her head a little to wipe the blood from her face and retreated towards her group.

Surprisingly, the monster's legs attached towards the body on it's own. The trio groaned in unison. The fight's still on.

Y/N:"Let's finish this. Lucina!"

Lucina:"On it!"

She charged towards the monster. The creature was unaware that it couldn't hurt Lucina, so when it's fist went through her the creature widened her eyes. Lucina decapitated the monster in a single strike. The head will regenerate anyways, but the monster was blind for the time being.

Y/N:"Reina, Baiken!"

Baiken:"Leave it to us."

Y/N started gathering all the magma into an enormous ball that levitated into the air. Meanwhile, Reina and Baiken charged at the monster. Reina went first, throwing various punches with all she got, making holes on the creature's monster. She finished her combo by kicking the creature's knee, making it kneel.

Baiken appeared to immediately cut the monster's right arm. She sliced the monster's left hand and thrusted her sword in it's torso and turned the blade upwards. Baiken then pulled the sword upwards cutting the creature's torso in half once again. The samurai made one quick slash and jumped away to reunite with Reina.

Reina:"Y/N, finish it!"

Y/N:"Try to come back from this!"

Y/N launched the ball towards the creature, all the magma exploding. Reina and Baiken quickly got out of the area, going towards their king. They saw the monster being unable to regenerate so many damaged parts. In the end, the magma desintegrated all of it.

Reina offered her two partners a fist bump. Y/N did bump her fist but Baiken refused. However, she was smiling.

Reina:"We make a good team."


Y/N:"Yes! That was entertaining too!"

Baiken:"However we were late. The people of this town have been eaten by the stray already."

Reina:*Sigh* "True but we're not to blame. This is a request that should've been given to the army, not us. Hell even the angels could've taken care of it."

Y/N:"True. We cannot think on the what if's. The monster is dead and can't hurt anyone else. Let's head back home, tomorrow we're gonna have to travel to the familiar forest! And get more jobs!"

Reina:"Why are you so enthusiastic about work?"

Y/N:"We fight people. Why wouldn't I be?"

Fair point. Now I'm looking forwards to tomorrow.

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