Chapter 7. The origin of your pain.

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Finally, the weekend has arrived and Y/N can go to the familiar forest with his peerage. Baiken wasn't too fond of the idea, specially considering how they're not making progress in their search. As for Reina she couldn't care less. So long she can still train with Y/N or Baiken it's all fine.

Y/N is currently sitting in the sofa, speaking with Lucina who's explaining to Y/N how the internet works. Baiken is in the kitchen, drinking from a bottle of sake she recently bought. Reina is still sleeping.

Lucina:"That's why you should be careful with who you chat with. And don't click on ads! They're mostly viruses!"

Y/N:"I see... Wait, if it's 'common knowledge' that you shouldn't trust people in the internet why people still get scammed by the ads, for example?"

Baiken:"Because humans are stupid."

Lucina:"That's... a little bit rude."

Baiken:"But I'm not lying. Humanity is proned to make the same mistakes, over and over again."

From Baiken and Reina's dormitory came Reina herself, yawning. She sat next to Y/N and turned the T.V on. Baiken rolled her eye.

Baiken:"Not even good morning? To your master at least?"

Reina:"Good morning Y/N."

Y/N:"Good morning... Is everything okay?"

Baiken:"No it's not. Tell him what you said yesterday."

Y/N stared at Reina, confused. She sighed and leaned back on the sofa. In a low voice, she said:

Reina:"I think it's stupid that you two are looking for revenge."

Baiken:"See what I mean? How dare she judge our goals when she can't understand what we're going through."

Reina:"First off, what YOU'RE going through. I don't see Y/N half as affected as you. Second, you two were part of families with full peerages. We're three and a half. No offense Lu."

Lucina:"None taken."

Reina:"It's a deathwish."

Baiken:"I don't care about dying. I'm going to find who did this with or without you."

Reina:"Go ahead, but don't get us involved. Some want to keep on living."

Baiken:"He agreed on helping me girl, you're the only one complaining."

Y/N:"Okay let's calm down. I agreed on both your terms for joining the peerage. We will find the ones who killed our families AND you Will still have me to grow stronger, Reina. Both things can go hand in hand."

Reina:"Sure. I never said I wouldn't go wherever you are. Just said it's stupid."

Y/N:"Anyways, why don't we go ahead and do something for the day, eh? Let's-"

Baiken:"First, breakfast. Then whatever."

Y/N:"Okay. What did you do today?"

Baiken moved a little to reveal a pan with fried eggs and sausages. She went to grab the dishes while Reina and Y/N go to wash their hands. Y/N went inside the bathroom and Reina leaned on the door.

Reina:*Whispers* "Look, I understand why she want answers. Really, I do. You must agree with me tho. Going to find the same people that efortlessly killed your family may not be a good idea."

Y/N:*Whispers* "If that is her wish I'll see it through no matter the consequencies. I'd like for her to stay with us, but if in her pursue for her family's murder she falls... well, I'm her King not her owner. We must respect her decision."

Reina:*Sigh* "I don't know if you're way too kind or just dumb. You're her King now. She can't refuse your orders without leaving and becoming a stray. That would be bad for her search."

Y/N:"I'm not going to ever do that. I don't wanna be your master but your friend."

Reina:"Heh. You're a weird one. Okay, my friend. Let's go before Baiken eats everything without us."


Timeskip brought to us by a White Cat, looking at Y/N through his window.

After using the ticket to teleport themselves to the Familiar Forest, the group separated themselves. Reina and Baiken had another argument and decided to part ways.

The forest has a red sky. The trees are dead, a long time has passed since they ever had leaves. Yet somehow, the ground is filled with them. Y/N walks a lonely road while watching the various familiars, trying to spot one for himself.

Out of nowhere, he heard footsteps behind him. The boy turned around and founded nothing.

Y/N:"Marth? Lu? You heard that?"


Lucina:"Yeah. You're not alone there. Be careful."

As soon as he turned again, he saw a white cat sitting on the ground, staring at him with her blue eyes. Y/N blinked a couple times, surprised to see the cat there.

He approached her and crouched. The boy realised the cat is female.

Y/N:"Hey there. You lost?"

No response. The cat didn't even move. She was waiting for something.

Lucina:"I think she wants to be your familiar."

Y/N:"You want to be my familiar kitty?"

In response to his words, the cat offered her paw. Y/N gently grabbed it, a magic circle appearing below the two. The boy smiled and closed his eyes. When he opened them, there was no cat and no magic circle. However, a new symbol appeared on his nape.

Y/N:"Huh... well, that was quick. What if I wanna see my cat?"

Lucina appeared besides the boy. She checked Y/N's new tattoo and then smiled.

Lucina:"Just think of her."

Y/N nodded and placed his arms around his torso. As soon as he thought of his cat she appeared on them, sleeping. Y/N smiled and sat on the ground, caressing the cat's fur who purred in response.

Y/N:"Well aren't you-"

Before Y/N could finish his sentence, he felt something strange. From within the forest, many animals started fleeing from something. Y/N stood up and placed his cat on his shoulder. After some seconds, she dissappear to let her máster work.

Y/N summoned his sword and looked at the forest, sensing many dark creatures slowly approaching him.

Lucina:"Do not worry. Marth's sword is made for dragons, mine for anything impure. Let them come. We will slaughter them."


Various monsters peeked their heads through the forest, looking at Y/N. They were definetely not friendly at all. In their eyes, Y/N saw hunger.

Y/N:"That's not a familiar. What the hell is that thing doing here?"

Lucina:"Questions for later Y/N. Here they come!"

A group of them charged at the duo. Lucina immediately charged at the monsters to defend her master. A couple of them tried to attack Lucina but went through her.

4 of the creatures dashed at Y/N. The devil rolled away and quickly threw a fireball. Three of them dodged away but one got caught in flames and died. The remaining ones charged at Y/N. The devil stood up and made a magic circle behind him.

As soon as the three were close Y/N charged and quickly passed next to the first one, slicing the creature wide open. Y/N parried the attack from the first one and kicked it towards the circle. The devil then summoned a beam of light from the circle, destroying the monster. He took a step to the side to let the beam hit the last one.

Lucina made a spin attack and decapitated two of them. She then went towards the next one and pierced it's torso with her blade. Pulling it upwards, the monster was cut in half. Realising attacking Lucina was futile the remaining five went for Y/N.

The first one tried to backstab Y/N. He jumped over the monster to dodge it. The boy grabbed the monster's head and threw the monster towards the others. To finish them, Y/N summoned various fireballs with a magic circle made on the sky. They crashed on the floor and exploded, killing three of them.

Two managed to get away from the explosion. They run towards Y/N and tried to tear him apart. Y/N dodged the first one and parried the next one, quickly stabbing it in the heart to finish it. He turned around to block various attacks from the monster. Before he could counter attack, Lucina went through Y/N's body and impaled the creature with her sword, lifting it with one arm. Lucina them threw it aside.

Y/N:"That's that. Now, what the hell are they?"

Lucina:"I heard tales of devils who got corrupted by their own desires, turning into vile creatures."

Y/N:"So they were devils once? That's... a scary thought. I don't wanna end up like that."

Lucina:"Yeah, better not- watch out!"

Y/N turned around to see more or them. One was closer to him than expected. He got ready to block however, a sword pierced through the creature's torso. It fell to the ground, giving time to Y/N to check the sword out.

Gunshots were heard coming from the same direction the demons charged at Y/N. He saw a woman in red, playing with her handguns. The demons were dead and she was approaching Y/N with a smile.

Y/N:"Ah... thanks for that. You're alone here?"

???:"I am. But so are you. This is no place for a lonely devil. Leave, before the bad creatures harm you."

Y/N:"I'm okay. Besides, my peerage should be around. We got... we got separated, Yeah."

The girl raised an eyebrow. When he mentioned peerage she got interested in the subject.

???:"So you are a King? Good. I've placed a request in a tabern but no one answered."

Y/N:"Really? We were also looking for requests!"

Dante:"It seems it's our lucky day. My name is Dante. There is a devil I'm hunting but the fool trapped himself in a spell only a King can break."

Y/N:"Yeah, yeah but what is it for me?"

Dante:"Saving your life is not enough for you?"

Y/N:"You didn't save anything. I was ready to face that thing."

Dante:"Sure thing darling."

Y/N:"Look, you need me and I need strong people. Let's make a deal. I help you in your little hunt. Afterwards, you join my peerage and help me get my vengance."

Dante:"Vengance? On whom may I ask?"

Y/N:"I know little. They've killed my family and they are not exactly the best of people. That's all I know. Oh, wait! I know the name of one of them! Kokabiel! Rings a bell?"

Dante:"Indeed it does. Seems we walk the same path then. Okay, we got ourselves a deal. However, you're paying for sustenance. And housing. And-"

Y/N:"Yeah, yeah. I'll take care of everything the lady needs. Now, where's that devil you're hunting?"

Dante:"Follow me."

Dante passed next to Y/N and walked the same road Y/N was going to. The boy followed her and placed his sword away. Lucina appeared next to him, floating next to the boy. Dante glanced at the ghostly apparition, looked at the ring and nodded to herself.

Lucina:"What about your friends? You're leaving them?"

Y/N:"Of course not but I don't know where they are. Those idiots... Dante, after we're done here we need to search for my peerage."

Dante:"Making me sweat, eh?"

Y/N:"It can't be that difficult. They're noisy."

Dante:"How noisy?"

Y/N:"One of them can't help herself but fight anything in her way. The other... well, she's not exactly small."

Dante:"Like her?"

The duo stopped and Dante pointed at a lake. There, Y/N could see Baiken looking at a one-eyed wolf, staring at her. Y/N nodded and approached the girl. He saw how Baiken made a pact with the wolf.

Y/N:"Here I thought you weren't interested in familiars."

Without looking at him, a small smile appeared in her face.

Baiken:"Maybe I was wrong." *Looks at him, sees Dante* "Who's she?"

Y/N:"A contractor. We have work."

Baiken:"Then let's get moving before Reina appears. We could get her part of the-"

???:"No you won't, drunktard."

Reina appeared from some bushes with a bear following right behind her. The bear was staring at Reina. After a while, it dissappeared.

Reina:*To the bear* "So long, Kuma." *To Y/N* "Were you really going to give her my part of the job?"

Y/N:"No, of course not. I was going to save it."

Reina:"Hmph. You better."

Reina walked towards Dante and followed her. Baiken stood next to Y/N, the two follwing Dante and Reina. The boy whispered in Baiken's ear:

Y/N:*Whispers* "I was actually contemplating the idea."

Baiken smiled and shook her head, amused by her King's antics.

The walk was a silent one. Baiken wasn't a girl of much words and Reina didn't know Dante. So it falls to Lucina to have any sort of conversation with the group

Lucina:"We're getting closer and closer to a dark presence. I suppose it's the devil you're hunting, Miss Dante?"

Dante:"Yes. Don't call me Miss. Dante is enough. Makes me feel old..."

Lucina:"My apologies."

Dante:"I'm sure we can overwhelm him just the four of us. Hell, I would've killed him myself if he didn't fell for that trap."

Reina:"Why do you want to kill him?"

Dante:"Dumbass attacked me first for getting one of his sons as a familiar."


Dante:"You'll understand soon enough."

Dante suddenly stopped. Reina and the rest looked at her confused. That was, until a wave of fire appeared from the forest and into the road. If they continued walking, the fire would've burn them alive. Everyone got ready and look into the forest to see their attacker, trapped in a spell. Yet it can still attack them.

Y/N:"You said a devil! That's no devil!"

Dante:"I know right? Isn't it a cute puppy?"

Reina:"If that's your idea of a puppy I don't want to see what the adult looks like!"

Dante:"It's fine, we get close to it and Y/N releases it. I'll handle the rest."

The Cerberus pointed it's fiery head at Y/N and released another wave of fire. Y/N made a magic circle to protect himself from the flames while the rest scatter and find a way to flank it. However, something strange happened. The cerberus just... disappeared. Along with the spell. Everyone stopped moving and looked confused, unaware of what just happened.

Dante:"What? You killed it? Where's the demon? Y/N?"

They all looked at the male devil to see him as confused as the rest.

Y/N:"I didn't do anything."

Baiken:"So you're telling me it just vanished?"

Reina:"This is wrong. Something- WATCH OUT!"

Before Y/N could even react, a projectile hit his back sending Y/N flying away into a tree. The boy crashed there and grunted. Having trouble to get up, Baiken came to his aid and checked her king's condition. Once she was sure Y/N was okay, she turned around and grabbed her nodachi with her two hands. Reina got into a fight stance and Dante raised her guns at a figure coming from the woods towards them.

???:"My my. The wearer of the Ring of Heroes, a Mishima, the Wandering Ronin and the Daughter of Sparda all for myself."

When he appeared, they all saw his face. Baiken recognised him, entering into a state of pure fury and rage.


Y/N managed to stand up, standing next to Baiken. He summoned his sword. Lucina appeared next to him, worried for the boy. Due to the sudden pain and danger, Marth woke up from his slumber and was ready to intervene if necessary.

Y/N:"Friend of yours?"

Baiken:"It's him Y/N. He's the one I saw. The one that murdered my family."


Baiken:"No. His name is Asuka."

Asuka:"Thank you but I'll rather take care of presentations myself." *To Y/N* "Tell me, boy. Besides that time traveler, is there any other hero you have awakened?"

Y/N:"It doesn't concern you."

Asuka:"Oh but it does. If I want Humanity to be restored to it's former glory I need powerful artefacts... and warriors. You have one of my artifacts. Give it back and I'll consider sparing your life."

Y/N:"Like hell I will."

Asuka:"Very well. You leave me no choice then."

He opened his book and started throwing fireballs at everyone, forcing the entire group to dodge. Lucina immediately went for him yet the boy smirked. With a wave of his hand, phantom chains appeared that managed to grab Lucina, taking her by surprise.

Lucina:"W-What the hell?!"

Asuka placed his hands together, gathering energy. The ball looked like an infinite cosmos, with stars in it. When one of our heroes looked at it, they could feel gosebumps. "Whatever that is, better not get hit by it." Y/N thought.

Y/N:"LU, change!"

Lucina nodded and changed with Y/N, now her in control. Obviously, Y/N was now chained. The boy summoned a shield to protect himself and various around the chains to harm them in hopes getting free before Asuka releases the attack.

Dante fired her guns at Asuka, all the bullets getting blocked by strange red cubes that appeared around him. Baiken and Reina tried to flank him. When Baiken was close, she tried to stab him. A portal opened, tearing through reality. Through it she could see the same cosmos Asuka has in his coat and was summoning in his hands. Due to fear, Baiken backed away. The same happened to Reina, afraid of what may happen if they step through.

Asuka released the ball. Although it moves in a slow pace, anything near it gets sucked inside, dissappearing. Lucina appeared and used her blade to break the chains, freeing her master.

Asuka:"Oh? Here I thought your Falchion worked only on dragons? Fascinating."

Asuka looked distracted, change Baiken took to attack Asuka. The strange wizard summoned a cross to block Baiken's onslaught. He wasn't even looking at her and already knew where every attack was going to land. Reina tried to hit him with a dive kick, just for Asuka to grab her ankle and use her as an improvised blunt weapon, hitting Baiken on the head with Reina's head. He then threw her to the side.

Baiken backed away and Reina got on all fours, struggling to get up. Her ankle was hurting from the man's grip.

Dante and Y/N got into the offensive, Y/N still out of his body. Dante threw various slash attacks with Rebellion, forcing Asuka to block with a staff he summoned. Asuka smiled a little.

Asuka:"Hmm. You're quite strong. Expected from his daughter."

Dante:"Thanks flower boy. How about you do us a favour and get out of here, eh?"

Asuka:"I will. Once I get that ring."

Asuka and Dante clashed their weapons, Asuka winning by pushing Dante away with a wave of wind that appeared from his staff. Y/N managed to get behind Asuka and summoned various magic circles. From them, fireball after fireball was thrown at Asuka. They all managed to hit him. When the dust disappeared he was inside a similar cube he used to block Dante's bullets. The cube fade away to reveal Asuka, unharmed.

Lucina tried to charge at him but Asuka surprised her by out of nowhere grabbing her by the throat and slam her on the ground. He then placed his feet on her stomach to restrain her. Dante and Y/N both charged at him to save her. Asuka used a magic spell from a book he has to summon a blue magical hand. He stole Dante's sword and threw it at her, impaling her on a tree. As for Y/N he destroyed all of the magic circles and used the same magical hand to grab his throat, choking him out.

Asuka:"None of this would've happened if you gave me the ring. Now, I must kill you all."

Y/N:"W-Why?! W-Why are you-" *Grunts* "-doing all of this?!"

Asuka:"As I said, I need power. I look to restore mankind's former glory and put us above the supernatural. All of you devils... you're just pawns in my game. I needed you to unlock the potential of the ring. Once you did, I just had to find you."

Baiken:"Enough of your bullshit!"

Baiken jumped at Asuka and tried to cut him down. Asuka threw Y/N away and turned the magic hand into a blade. He then threw it at Baiken.


Everything turned into slow motion for Y/N. He saw how the blade approached Baiken, slowly. She glanced at Y/N to try and spot what was he warning her about. It was too late. She saw the blade and tried to defend herself, only for it to piercing her right arm.

Y/N watched as Baiken fell to the ground, screaming, her right arm severed. His eyes widened and didn't know what to do.

Marth:"Y/N, stand up! You must flee, now!"

Y/N:"I cannot leave my team behind!"

Marth:"Make a magic circle on your feet and another on the other's feet! We can't win this one!"

However, as he was about to do so Asuka looked at Y/N and smirked. He opened his hand aiming it at Lucina and started to drain her mana. In return, Y/N's mana was getting drained rapidly to the point Lucina just vanished. Y/N couldn't summon his sword nor use any spell.

Y/N:"Lucina! LUCINA!"

Lucina:"I'm here... I'm sorry Y/N. We cannot do anything."

Marth:"Damnit... not like this..."

Reina tried to rush at Asuka just for the same cubes to appear on the ground trapping her leg. She fell to the ground and couldn't move. No matter how much she kicked and wiggled, Reina was just trapped in place. Y/N was getting exhausted due to the sudden mana drain. He tried to crawl towards Baiken who finally stopped screaming. She was holding her wound as much as she could to stop the bloodloss. The last thing she saw before going unconscious was Y/N, crawling towards her and with a tears in his eyes.

Eventually, both of them fell unconscious. One due to running out of mana and the other out of bloodloss. He approached Reina and kicked her face to also knock her out. Victorious, Asuka laughed a little and crouched near Y/N.

Asuka:"I told you. Now, your friend is going to die and I'll get my prize anyways. Don't you feel-"

Before he could finish his taunt a beam of white light suddenly hit his head, sending Asuka into a tree, similar to what he did to Y/N. As he stood up to see the one who dared hit him, he saw an elf besides Y/N. Someone he hasn't seen until now nor did he realise of her presence.

(I put her again just in case you guys forgot.)

Asuka looked at her monotonous face. She didn't look threatening at all. In fact, it looked like she didn't know how to properly hold a staff. Her mana was also strangely low. Yet somehow, she masked her presence and used a powerful spell that did harm Asuka. Blood fell from his head. Asuka wiped it and stood up, annoyed.

Asuka:"And who are you now? I do not recall seeing you with him. What is it that-"

???:"Leave. Now."

Asuka:"Why are you protecting him? Who are you? How did you-"

???:"The boy is under my protection. There is nothing else to speak of. Leave or next time I won't hold back."

Slowly but surely, Asuka felt how her mana was going up, and up, and up. It almost looked like it was limitless. He could even feel an aura around her getting bigger and bigger. Knowing when to call it quits, he nodded and turned around, leaving the place. However saying he was furious was an understatement. Just when he had what he wanted, a random elf appeared and managed to beat her. But, who is she?

The girl looked at Baiken and approached her. After placing a hand on her arm she managed to stop the bleeding and cauterize the wound.

???:"Sorry. This is all I can do. I do not know how to heal."

She said, as if Baiken could answer her. Once done with her the strange girl destroyed the cubes holding Reina back and approached Y/N. The girl then turned into a cat and disappeared, leaving no trace of her behind. But not everything went according to her plan, since Dante was awake all this time. She was simply trying to remove the sword and played dead when the girl appeared.

Dante saw it all.

Timeskip brought to us by a small white cat, watching over a sleeping Y/N.

Y/N slowly opened his eyes, seeing the ceiling and someone with black hair sitting besides him, reading a book. Remembering what happened Y/N quickly stood up and got into action, startling poor Akeno who was watching over him.


Due to his exhaustion Y/N fell to the ground but quickly tried to stand up. Akeno crouched to help him but instead forced him to sit on the bed.

Akeno:"Y/N, relax! You barely have any mana left! You must rest!"

Y/N:"Not before I know what happened to her! And Reina! Where are they?!"

Akeno:"They are fine. That devil hunter of yours manged to contact us. We all brought you here."

Y/N relaxed a little. Although curious to know how Dante managed to get Akeno and probably Rias too, he was happy to know everything went okay. Y/N summoned his white cat to see if she was okay too. As expected, the cat was just fine. It appeared on Y/N's lap and quickly cuddled into his chest, feeling her master's sadness. Y/N caressed his pet and looked at Akeno, who watched the interaction with a smile.

Akeno:"So that's what you three were doing there."

Y/N:"Yeah. Did Dante win?"

Akeno:"No. It seems someone saved you all. Dante will tell you later."

Y/N:"How did she call you?"

Akeno:"You have my number on your phone as well as Rias, remember? Dante and many other devils have worked for us in the past. She teleported to the ORC, explained what happened and we quickly went to aid you all. You had me worried, you know?"

Y/N:"Baiken. D-Did you mange to heal her?"

Akeno:"I'm sorry Y/N. We cannot. However, the wound was cauterised when we arrived. Your saviour also managed to save her life. She will live... but with one less arm."

The man nodded, wondering who his attacker was.

Y/N:"Can I see her?"

Akeno:"Of course. She wants to see you too."

Y/N:"She's awake?"

Akeno:"I said the wound was cauterised, right? Were, it was a half-lie. Your mysterious saviour tried to heal it and did all she could. The healing effects may have restored her energy, so that explains why Baiken was the first to awake. How about your friends? Are they okay? The ones in your ring I mean."

Y/N:"Let me see." *In his head* "Marth, Lucina, are you there?"

Marth:"We're here Y/N, do not worry. We will never leave you."

Lucina:"I apologise Y/N, I was caught off guard. We have to train and get stronger. I promise next time things will be different."

Y/N:"I'll hold you on that." *To Akeno* "They're a little shocked, but they're okay."

Akeno:"Good. Now, give me your hand. I'll help you go to Baiken's room."

Y/N:"Thank you."

Akeno:*Giggles* "Do not worry. Would you repay me sometime by buying me sweets sometime?"

Y/N:*Sigh* "Koneko really has a loud mouth..."

Akeno giggled again and grabbed Y/N's hand, gently helping him stand up. The two left the room and walked towards Baiken's. Y/N looked at the sofa to see Dante, Kiba, Rias, Koneko and Issei all sitting in the sofa, worried for their friends. They all looked at Y/N and smiled. Issei stood up and was about to ask Y/N for his condition but Rias grabbed his hand to stop him, knowing Y/N would like to speak to Baiken first.

The boy also felt one of his devil pieces inside Dante. A question for later, yet he assumes Dante joined Y/N to get her revenge against Asuka.

Y/N and Akeno went inside Baiken's room. There, he saw Baiken looking at the ceiling with a defeated look. She looked at the door and as soon as she saw Y/N a small smile appeared on her face.

Akeno:"I'll leave you two alone. Walk slowly."

Y/N:"Yes. Thank you."

Akeno left the room. Y/N slowly made his way to Baiken's bed and sat there, grunting a little due to the effort it took to move without any support. He looked at Reina's bed, seeing her still knocked out. The boy then looked at Baiken, more specifically on her now severed right arm.

Baiken, who was staring at Y/N's face noticed the sad look on his face.

Baiken:"I'll get used to it."

Y/N:"It shouldn't have happened. I'm your King yet I failed to protect you."

Baiken:"So did I. All of this was my fault."

Y/N:"No it wasn't. He was looking for me."

Baiken:"You don't understand. When I arrived at my village I managed to see some of his moves, some of his techniques. I was blinded by my rage. I could've warned you all..."

Y/N:"I don't think anything would've changed Baiken."


Silence. They were struggling to say something to the other. Baiken still had that image in her head. Seeing Y/N crying, crawling towards her to protect her even though he could fight no longer took a toll on her. More than loosing her arm. As for Y/N, failing to protect not just Baiken but Reina and Dante aswell... he felt ashamed.



Baiken:"Next time... we will fight him together. I was selfish..." *Looks at her arm* "And payed for it. You however, didn't care for anything other than me. I won't forget that."

Y/N:"Good intentions are not enough. I couldn't do anything to prevent what happened to you."

Baiken:"It's enough for me. Now I know I'm not alone. Even if we lived in the same house, I was walking a different path. Now, however..."

She placed her left hand on Y/N's hand. The girl grabbed it, making Y/N turn to face her. The boy saw a smile on her face and tears running down her cheek. She's trying her best to stay strong but it was obvious for Y/N that she needs help. Y/N got closer and wiped the tears off her cheek.

Y/N:"Now, we will walk this path together. The two of us."

Baiken:"No matter where it leads us."

Y/N:"No. We will make it till the end. We're going to find him and make him talk. This is not over. We will grow in strength and numbers. I promise to you, Baiken, I won't let him hurt you again."

Baiken:"Thanks. I already made mines but I'll say it again. No matter what, I won't let anyone make you cry."

He smiled and gently gave her a hug. Baiken widened her eyes, not knowing how to react. The girl sighed and returned the hug with her good arm, caressing his back with her hand.

Baiken:"Don't worry my King. I'm okay. I need to get used to this... but having one arm won't hold me back. Just watch me get stronger."

Y/N:"Okay. I'll get stronger too. For our sakes. I wasn't looking for vengance... but now I do."

Baiken:"Don't make my own mistake Y/N."

Y/N:"I'll try."


Both of them closed their eyes, unaware of Reina who was slowly waking up. She turned to see the two of them hugging and very close to one another. The girl slowly sat on her bed and glanced at her ankle. Once she made sure she was okay, Reina smirked and said:

Reina:"Should I leave you two some privacy or..."

The two immediately separated and looked at Reina. Y/N played it as if nothing happened. Baiken was in a mix of happiness to see her teammate safe and angry that she ruined the moment.

Y/N:"R-Reina! I'm happy you're okay!"

Reina:"Yeah, yeah." *Looks at Baiken* "And for the record... I'll also walk with you Baiken. That asshole won't hurt us again."

Baiken looked at her and nodded, relieved that her new friend has her back.


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