viii | calvary

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"YES!" Jason yelled out when Bruce had left the manor. "Our first time doing this without Bruce!" he told Khloe excitedly. Khloe just chuckled and sat down on the couch. He turned to look over at her. "What should we do first?"

She laughed. "How should I know?"

All she knew now, was that Bruce would be gone for a while. And she and Jason would be getting into trouble. If Alfred was there, he'd scold the two for even thinking of some of the dumbest things they could come up with while Bruce was gone. It was rare for Bruce to leave. So the two had to enjoy the time they had while he was gone.

"I mean—" Jason started to say before Khloe cut him off.

"No." She told him.

"You didn't even know what I was going to say!" he retorted.

She grinned before getting up from the couch. "Did too." She said walking to the stairs.

"Did not," Jason told her.

"Keep dreaming,"


Dressed in her suit, Khloe looked over Gotham. So far the city was quiet. Just some small stuff, grocery store robberies, and one car theft. The stuff she could handle on her own.

She had sent Jason to the other side of the city. She had figured it would be best to divide and conquer. If anything worse happened then the two would meet up and take care of it together.

She heard Jason's voice in her ear over the coms. "Nothing on the Eastside." He told her.

"Somethings not right," she commented. "The city's too quiet."

"Hey, it means less for us!" he said happily.

"Meet back at the cave." She told him. She jumped down to another building and quickly ran over the rooftops making her way back to the manor.


"So?" Jason questioned her for the fifth time. She had been looking over some stuff on the Bat Computer hoping to find out why the city was so quiet. It was definitely rare. She didn't know if a villain was in town and hired a few people to do their dirty work. But even then there would've been some kind of something.

Khloe sighed and looked at Jason. "Nothing." She said turning back to the Bag Computer and powering it off.

"Sucks." He commented and walked off.

"Where are you going?" Khloe called.

"My room."


"Whoo!" Jason yelled out as he did the gas at full speed and rode the motorcycle down the stairs into the living room. He crashed as he got to the bottom.

"That was sick," Jason said to himself.

Khloe came in and looked at Jason with confusion.
"Jason Peter Todd. You will be the fucking end of me." Khloe groaned as she looked up and noticed a woman with white hair and a man. They looked to be in their late thirties.

"Let me guess, your Jason Todd," the man said to Jason, "and your Khloe Wayne." He told Khloe.

"Yeah? And who the hell are you?" Jason questioned, taking his helmet off.

"I'm Dawn Granger. This is Hank Hall." Dawn introduced the two. "Rachel sent us to find you both," Dawn added.

"Why us?" Jason asked the two.

"Our hunch is that she sent us to find the guy you both work for. Not you." Hank explained. He seriously didn't expect Rachel to really want them to find these two. I mean two teenagers who clearly are a bunch of idiots.

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about," Khloe snapped.

"Relax killer. I'm Dove." Dawn told her.

"And I'm Hawk," Hank added.

"Who the hell are Hawk and Dove?" Khloe and Jason questioned.

"We're friends of Dick Grayson," Dawn told them.

"What kind of friends?" Khloe questioned them. She knew that they were probably getting annoyed by the fact that she and Jason were asking questions. But they wanted to know who they were and more about the two.

"We know about the big scary cave downstairs," Hank explained. Not many people knew that the Bat Cave existed. They also didn't know Bruce Wayne's real identity. Khloe looked between the two, unsure if she could trust them. "Does that ring a bell?" He taunted. "You want me to make bird sounds too?"

They had called her Khloe Wayne? Khloe didn't let that bother her. She would rather not have anyone know she was related to Dick. Hawk and Dove. The names sounded so familiar to her. The Titans! They had been part of the Titans when Dick had left. But when they disbanded, Dick left for Detroit.

"Titans." Khloe breathed out.

"Just tell us where your dad is at, kids." Hank pressed.

"Bruce is halfway across the country, with the rest of the Justice League," Khloe told him.

"Got this whole place to ourselves," Jason added.

That earned a snort from Hank. Khloe gave him a look. So far she didn't like him. He was too cocky. "Clearly." Hank snorted.

"Look whatever you need Bruce for. I'm sure we can handle it. If Dick's in trouble, we're your heroes." Jason said. Khloe noticed how badly Jason really wanted to go. "I mean one Robin saving another, right?" he grinned over at Khloe. She just rolled her eyes.

She wasn't sure about going out to save her brother again. The two left on bad terms and she didn't want to deal with him once again. Or anymore for a while. But somehow the famous Dick Grayson always found a way to come back into Khloe's life.

Dawn laughed. "You're the new Robin?" she asked, with a chuckle.

"Present and accounted for, Babe," Jason told her.

Khloe facepalmed and Dawn looked over at Hank.

"Babe?" she laughed.

"What did he just say?" Hank asked with a glare. "And that's a pass on the heroes-on-training-wheels-department."

"First off, bro, we'd put you on your ass in three seconds." Jason snaps. "Khloe's been doing this since she was 7."

"Okay, you little shit," Hank growls. Ignoring the fact that Jason may have just given away who she was.

"And secondly, if Dick's really in trouble, We wanna help him. We kinda freaked out on him last time and we owe him. So where is he?" Khloe added. Trying to break up the two. Before they started a fistfight.

"We don't know," Dawn told her.

"Okay, well, then you need us. Dick's got a tracker in him." Jason said.

"Nice try, Speed. He disabled it. Got a big ol' scar to prove it. Let's bounce." Hank told him.

"He didn't tell you about the second one? It's in a place he's never gonna find." Jason grinned.

"Ew." Hank gagged. Khloe didn't blame him. "Just tell us where he is."

"We can access it on the Batcomputer if you let us come with you guys," Khloe smirked.

"I'm gonna kill these kids," Hank said aloud without trying to hide it. Khloe gave him a look before walking off to the library.

"Kill him after we find Dick." Dawn suggested.

"You got a deal." Hank laughed and followed the two teens to the library.


Kori Ander's blasted a force of magic onto the barrier time after time. Donna Tory stood off to the side watching her. "Would you just stop blasting it? You're wasting all your power." Donna scolded.  Donna was getting highly annoyed by this time. They had no way of getting to Dick, Rachel, and Gar.

Donna hoped they could get to them soon.

"Rachel is in there. Anything could be happening to her." Kori breathed out.

"Says the woman who was sent here to kill her." Donna snapped. "Okay, now that she and Dick are in there with some intergalactic demon, maybe you could try something that might actually work?" the woman suggested.

"Like what, Donna? Or were you hoping the sheer force of your criticism would save her?" Kori hissed at her.

"At least I'm not draining my powers just because I can't sit still." Donna shot back.

"Says the Titan who quit." Kori snapped back.

"You really wanna go there right now?" she questioned her. The two glared before turning to hear a vehicle.

Khloe, Jason, Hank, and Dawn all got out. Jason insisted on wearing his suit. Khloe had finally given in. The other three wore civilian clothes.

"Hey, don't stop on my account. I like where that was heading." Jason grinned and walked over to the two.

Khloe smacked him on the arm. Jason glared at her and continued.

"Jason? Khloe?" Kori questioned.

"That's right! The goddamn cavalry has arrived." Jason told her.

"What the fuck is that? And why is it wearing Dick's costume?" Donna asked looking at Jason. "And who the fuck is she?"

"The new and improved Robin," Jason smirked.

"The annoying new Robin." Hank snorted. Earning a glare from Jason.

"And I'm Khloe Gray--Wayne." she quickly changed. She didn't want them to know who she actually was. She knew if she used Wayne, Donna wouldn't give her away. Then again Donna hadn't seen her since they were kids.

"Who's your friend?" Dawn asked.

"Um, Hank, Dawn, this is Kory Anders," Donna told the two. "She's an alien." She added. That earned a look from Kori. "What?" Donna asked.

"What?" Kori repeated.

"It's true." Donna defended.

So far, Khloe thought that this group were all being fools. Then again they did try everything to get inside of the barrier. But could they really be trusted to help save two teenagers and Dick Grayson? Khloe didn't think so.

"You could've put a little more love into that." Kori snapped.

Khloe noticed that Kori didn't look alien. She looked human. Of course so did Clark Kent and Diana Prince.

"Well, I wish we were meeting under better circumstances. Why are you guys here?" Donna asked them all.

"Rachel got inside of her head at the hospital." Hank explained referring to Dawn.

"Yeah, I think she woke me up from my coma." Dawn said.

"And me and Jason tagged along." Khloe told her.

"She's in there, isn't she?" Dawn asked them.

"Yeah." Kori replied. Khloe looked around. She definitely didn't plan on touching the barrier. Kori had failed getting in by blasting it. So there must been a door.

"So what the fuck is going on here?" Hank asked. He just wanted to get this done and over with. So did Khloe. She wasn't jumping around for joy when having to go save her brother for the second time.

"Rachel's father is a being called Trigon. And if we can't stop him here, he'll destroy your world. And move on, destroying countless others. Our scripture states Trigon can only fully inhabit your world after he breaks Rachel's heart." Kori explained. They had found lots of information in her ship.

"We're talking metaphors, right?" Khloe wondered. She hoped that it was.

"We don't know, but if we don't get through that force field and into the house in there, I'm afraid we're never gonna find out." Donna told her.

"Kid should've asked us to get fucking Superman." Hank groaned.

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