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Khloe woke up. She noticed Jason was no longer beside her. They were now dating and living in New York, Khloe's favorite city.

Khloe laid there for a moment and turned over to look out the window. The morning sun was slowly peeking over New York City.

She got up and grabbed a shirt she found in a drawer and walked out into the kitchen. She saw Jason cooking and came up behind him and hugged him from behind and kissed his cheek.

"Didn't see you when I woke up." She told him.
She let go of him and he turned to face her, kissing her lips.

"Wanted to make breakfast. Give you a break," he grinned.

"Aw," she let out. "I have the best boyfriend ever." she laughed and kissed him once more before looking at what he was making. He was making pancakes, eggs, and bacon. She smiled at him. "It smells good babe, I love it."

"Good. Now go sit on the couch and I'll bring it to you," he ordered. She did so and walked over to the couch. She was enjoying this. Living with Jason, not having to worry about a city that couldn't be saved. She could now have the life she always wanted.

She never expected to have this life. She always thought that she would be saving a city forever. Being with Jason made that all the sweeter. Khloe didn't expect Jason to give up being Robin so quickly when Khloe told him she was done being Dark. He accepted it gracefully and started living a normal life.

Khloe heard a ringtone go off on her computer. She got up and walked over to the table where the computer sat. Jason was still cooking pancakes and bacon. He was almost finished, by the time Khloe would be off this call, he'd be done with breakfast.

She saw the caller ID and chuckled. She pressed accept. "Hi Dick." she greeted her brother. She also noticed that Dawn and her nephew Johnny were also there.

"Hi," he waved. Johnny came up closer to the screen.

"Aunt Khloe!" he screeched. "Daddy was trying to get me! But Mommy saved me!" he told her, excitingly.

She fake gasped and scolded Dick. "How dare you, Dick." she shook her head. "Good thing Mommy was there." she smiled. "How do you like your gifts from me and Uncle Jason?" she asked.

"He loves the Robin." her brother smiled. "I wouldn't expect anything less from Jason." he laughed.

"I heard that!" Jason called from the kitchen.

"Is Jason cooking?" Dawn asked with a laugh.

Khloe grinned. "Yes actually. He's a very good cook."

"You guys seem so happy," Dick told his sister.

She looked back over at Jason and smiled. "We are. We really are. I'm glad I gave that life up."

Her brother chuckled and agreed. The death of their parents had taken a toll on the two. And becoming Bruce's sidekicks didn't help much.

Khloe got a text on her phone.

Unknown: got the location. Northside of Gotham at Penguins Louge.

She didn't reply to the text and looked up at the computer. "Something wrong?" Dick asked.

"No. Just have to go. Jay's almost done with breakfast." she smiled. "Bye Johnny!" she told him.


After breakfast, she got a call. It was an old friend from the GCPD. He told Khloe that the Maroni crime family had killed again. She thought that each of the members of the family had disappeared. But guess not.

She didn't know whether you go to Gotham or not. She never wanted to go back. After everything that happened. She promised herself she wouldn't go back. But there was now no one to stop the Maroni's from killing again.

Bruce was dead. She and Dick left. Jason left. The Titans disbanded. If she decided to go back, she knew Jason wouldn't be happy with her.


Khloe had got the next flight that went into Gotham. She was surprised when Jason was okay with it. He knew she needed this to end. He just hoped she could control herself when the time came.

The anger that was inside her was going to lead her to kill every member of the Maroni Family. Jason tried to get Khloe to bring him along but she told him, no, and he respected her answer.

She got off the plane and started down the airport stairs leading to the first floor. She got outside and looked around.

Khloe found a taxi and got in. She told him she needed to go to the GCPD. She looked out the window. It was horrible. She was glad when she arrived at the GCPD. She got out and paid the driver.

She looked up at the police station. It looked worse than the last time she was here. Walking in she quickly looked around. She saw Riddler, Firefly, and a few others. But she didn't see any of the Falcone's, Maroni's, or the Joker.

She walked up to the commissioner's office and walked in. "Harvey." She said to him.

Harvey Bullock looked at the girl with wide eyes. He took a drink of his whiskey and set it down before replying to her. "Khloe Wayne. Or would you like to be called Grayson?" The man questioned her.

"I'd prefer Grayson. But that last name might not stick for too much longer." she joked. She and Jason talked about getting married but the two weren't ready for that yet.

"Well, early congrats," he told her. "What can I do for you?"

"The Maroni's."

Harvey didn't know what to say. He knew about the past that kept her from moving forward. But going after the Maroni's was a big mistake. Even on her part as Dark.

"You can't be serious," he breathed out.

"I am. I got a text that they killed again. I have their location. I just need your permission." she told him.

"And why would you need my permission? It's not like you asked Jim Gordon in the past for his permission." He growled.

"I'm asking as a favor. I'm being kind today." she snapped.

He hesitated. Did he really need a mask going after the Maroni's? One that had a grudge against them? "Fine. But do not kill them. Do it by the book." he told her.

She smiled. "Thanks, Harvey. Won't let you down."

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