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Khloe had walked out of Harvey's office. After the death of Jim Gordon, he became the temporary acting commissioner. It did Harvey well. he needed a change in his life. And being commissioner helped that.

She was glad Harvey had said yes. Now she needed to go find the Batcave. After five years she hoped it was still there, along with the Manor. She also figured that the manor would've been raided after Bruce's death.

When Bruce died so did Batman. Everyone wondered where did their masked heroes go? Robin left, Dark left, Nightwing left. They left out of nowhere, leaving the city defenseless. Bruce was angry with them for leaving. It didn't stop them from leaving. It just made them want to leave more.

Khloe quickly grabbed her phone and texted the number that had sent her the information.

Khloe: he still there?

Unknown: Yes.

Khloe: Good. On my way.

She put her phone down and walked awhile before finding a taxi to take her to Wayne manor. "You sure, love?" The driver asked her. he had a strong British accent.

"I'm sure. I can take care of myself," she told him coldly. He nodded and they went on their way. Khloe's phone rang and she looked at the caller ID: Jay

She picked it up. "Hello?"

"Hey, how's it going?" he asked.

"It's going. On my way to the manor," she told him.

"I miss you." he laughed.

"Jay, I've been gone a day. I'll be back when I get the Maroni's. Promise and you can have me all to yourself." she joked.

"And you bet I will." He joked back. She shook her head as the taxi driver pulled up close to the gate of Wayne Manor.

"Hey, I gotta go. I'm here. Talk later?" She asked him.

"Call me when you are on your way home." He ordered.

"I will. Love you." She tells him with a smile in her voice. The two have said 'I love you' before, but never that often. It always surprised one of them when the other would say it. It was just a nice feeling to have when they said it.

"I love you too, Khloe. Be careful, okay? The city's gotten worse since we left." He tells her.

"Bye, Jay." She hangs up and gets out of the taxi. She pats the driver and starts up the driveway of the manor. She looked at the manor. It wasn't how she remembered.

The manor was mostly in ruins. Some of the roof had been torn, the walls were most definitely not safe.

She walked up to the door and looked up at the manor. This was the home she grew up in when her parents died. Bruce was the only father she had after their death. Dick later left her. And she broke. All the time she spent keeping her feelings bottled up in order to be White Knight, just came out.

Khloe slowly opened the door and walked in. She laughed slightly as she remembered when Jason rode his motorcycle in the manor and how she told him that he would be the end of her.

She walked past the staircase and went to find the library, where she found the grandfather clock that would open into the bat cave. She opened the clock and started down the stairs to the Batcave.

As she walked in, she noticed that the Batcave was full of cobwebs, spiders, and a whole of bats. As much time as Khloe spent down her, she hated the bats. All the screeching and the flying around would drive the girl nuts.

She walked over to the Bat Computer and put in her password. she put in the search bar 'Maroni' and a few things popped up on the screen.

The new murders came up and Khloe winced at the images. If the Maroni's were killing again. Khloe had to stop them. They would go too far lengths just to get whoever they wanted to kill.

She knew they would. After her parents died, she wanted revenge. When she became White Knight, she promised Bruce she wouldn't cross the 'don't kill' line. But Bruce was dead now.

She did tell Harvey she wouldn't kill them. But could Harvey really stop her from killing the Maroni's? Probably not. She had to get revenge on them. Not Zucco.

Zucco was just the puppet that was ordered to kill them. The Maroni's were the ones that ordered the hit on her parents. The Maroni's should've been the ones Dick went after last time instead, not Zucco.


Khloe arrived at Penguins Lounge, her contact told her that's where she would find one of the Maroni's; Sal Maroni.

Sneaking in wouldn't be a problem, but getting to Sal would. He was guarded by an army. Or at least that's what Khloe would think. She and Batman had gone after them before. They always seemed to get to Sal too late.

Khloe knew that getting to one Maroni would do the trick. It could get them to the rest of the Maroni Crime Family maybe even the Falcone's.

Khloe grinned as she snuck in through one of the windows that were in one of the offices. She looked around quickly and made her way toward the door. She opened it slowly and walked out, seeing that no one was around.

Walking out she turned left and found her way toward the VIP area where she thought Sal would be.

As she turned, she was met by a gun to her face. She put her hands up slowly. "Who are you?" The man growled at her.

She grinned. "Your worst nightmare." She grabbed the gun and twisted it out of his hand and hit him on the back of the head with it. "Too easy." She whispered and walked away.

She found the VIP area and walked up to Sal with the gun pointed to his head. "And who might you be?" He questioned her.

"You had my parents killed almost ten years ago. You let them fall to their fucking deaths because Haley couldn't pay your stupid ass money!" She yelled at him moving the gun closer to his head. "And you're going to pay for it."

Khloe pulled the trigger.

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