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A light flashed as Khloe pulled the trigger. Black veins formed around her eyes and as she stood there. Waiting for Trigon's orders.

Gar and Rachel had been running around the house, after what felt like hours. It was like a maze that they couldn't escape. They were getting tired.

They had found themselves back down in the living room.

"Oh. Thank God. You got in. You're here." Rachael panted to them. "No." she gasped as she saw the dark veins around their eyes. They were now under Trigon's spell.

"Your children, aren't they beautiful." Rachel's mother told Trigon.

"I have only one child. And to her, I would give the world." Trigon snapped at the woman as he pushed through the six that stood in a line.

"Rachel, what the hell?" Gar gasped.

"Don't fight it, Rachel. It's perfectly natural. It's who they are. It's who we all are inside." Dick mused to the young teen girl.

"Don't listen to him. That's not them. They're still in there." Gar growled at Rachel.

"No." Trigon growled. "Cue the final betrayal. You know what to do." Trigon told them.


"Uh, hey, guys. It's me, Gar." Gar told them as they got closer.

"No! Stop!" Rachel cried out with sobs in her voice.

"Dick, please listen to me. Back in Detroit, remember, it was just you and me, and I found you, and I asked you for help, and you said yes. You said you would. You said you would. You promised. You promised. And if you can hear me now, please help me." She said standing in front of him almost in hysteria.

Rachel then turned to her father, Trigon and pleaded with him as then began to beat of Gar. "Please, please, stop them. Please. Please."

Everything went black.

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