Chapter Fourteen: Secrets Hidden Within

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Edward looked at Bella, then looked down. "I'm sorry," He whispered. "I just don't love you." Edward gently brushed the soft coat of snow off of his jeans. His golden eyes looked at Bella, and soon he was gone.

Bella's eyes filled with non-existent tears. She wanted to cry and curl up into a ball. But she knew that if she did that, she would go into a deep state of depression. She had to stay strong. Besides; she still had her daughter. Bella looked at the snow and inhaled, closing her eyes. When she opened them, she could see feet in front of her. Bella swallowed and slowly used her good hand to push herself up from the snow. She used her other hand to support her cast, as her eyes looked up at the faces of the people in front of her.

Red eyes. That's all she could focus on. The red eyes glared at her, making her insides twist and flop.

Bella focused in on the face and gasped in shock. It was her. Newborn Bella's eyes gleamed, and they looked as if they were full of fresh human blood. Bella averted her gaze from her eyes and looked at the other aspects of newborn Bella's face.

Blood stained the crazed vampire's face. Her lips expanded, and Bella could see her perfectly straight teeth, tinted red. Bella could even see small chunks of flesh in the midst of the blood. Newborn Bella was also wearing a white leather jacket, white jeans, white boots and a white t-shirt. Everything was white.

Bella looked at the snow and cried out in fear. The snow was no longer white. The snow was now stained a crimson red. Puddles of blood pooled by Bella's feet. But that wasn't the worst part. Beside the puddles of blood, their were familiar bodies. Shaking, Bella nudged at one with her foot. The body rolled over and the air in Bella's lungs vanished.

Renesmee's eyes were closed. Her bronze curls were stained with her own blood. She was also wearing white, but blood stained most of her clothes. A huge gash on her neck caught Bella's attention. Blood dribbled from the gash and dropped into the puddle of blood beside the little girl.There was not a single drop of blood left. Renesmee had been completely drained. Bella could even see her tear stained cheeks.

Tears gushed out of Bella's eyes, as she brought the limp girl closer to her, not caring if blood got on her clothes. Bella choked on her air as she let more tears fall down her cheeks. Bella hiccupped, trying to gain more air, but Bella didn't care if she were to run out of air. Dying would be better than having to live in a world where her daughter was dead. The word dead lingered on Bella's tongue.

Furious, Bella stood up and looked at her newborn self, whose white clothes were now covered in Renesmee's blood. Newborn Bella lifted up a finger covered in blood and stuck it in her mouth, a smirk spreading across her face. "You're a monster!" Bella yelled at her newborn self.

"No. You are," The newborn Bella disappeared and when Bella looked down at her feet, she could see she was wearing were the same boots that her evil self was wearing. Bella turned around, to see a mirror standing in the snow. Bella walked up to the mirror and whimpered. Her crimson eyes stared back at her and her white clothes were covered with blood. Instead of crying, venom slowly leaked out of her eyes, making her scream as loud as she could in agony.

"What have I done?" Bella whispered to herself, her knees buckling. Every gear in her head stopped working as her body collapsed into the bloody snow. Bella sobbed, and with every tear that left her eyes, the urge to die grew stronger.

Emotionless, Bella tried to to push herself up. Instead, she felt a familiar pair of arms lift her up. Bella wobbled as she stood up, her lip still quivering. When Bella looked over to where Renesmee was, but she was gone. All the bodies in the snow had vanished.

Bella inhaled, unaware of who was behind her. Her vampire senses went into over-drive at the familiar smell. Bella growled and raised her fist. She turned around to face the familiar stranger and swung her fist that was supposed to be in a cast, but the man caught it.

"Look what we have here," Felix stated, his grip on Bella's wrist tightening. "A blood thirsty newborn who just killed her daughter. This doesn't surprise me one bit."

"Let go of me you bastard," Bella hissed. "Can't you just leave me to mourn?" Bella snapped her teeth and squirmed in his grip. Even though she was stronger than him, he seemed to be getting the upper-hand.

Felix chuckled. "What is there to mourn? Your god for saken boyfriend left you, even though he promised to love you forever. Get over it, sweetheart. He's gone. So is your stupid brat of a daughter. You killed her. But deep down inside, I know something that you don't."

Bella scoffed and rolled her eyes. She maneuvered her leg back, trying to kick him in the shin, but Felix easily dodged the kick and Bella fell to the ground. Bella growled and gripped into the grass, pulling out chunks of the earth when she removed her hands. "You know nothing about me," Bella snapped.

"Is that so?" Felix questioned, bending down to Bella's height. "I know you are angry. You want revenge against Edward. He left you and because of him, he couldn't protect your daughter from you. You were so blinded by love that you couldn't even decipher right from wrong when he changed you. You want to feel his diamond skin rip under your nails as you pull his head off. You want to hear his pleads of mercy as kill the rest of his family in front of his eyes. You are thirsty for revenge."

Something ticked inside Bella in that very moment. Pain poked at her sides, but she couldn't even feel the feelings of guilt and sorrow crawl up her throat. Bella pushed the feelings away. She had to do something to avenge Renesmee's death. She needed someone to blame other than herself. She needed to know that she wasn't a monster. She yearned to know that this wasn't her fault. The little voice inside Bella's head screamed, trying to point out reality.

Bella pushed herself up, an anger brewing inside of her that she had ever felt. It filled her up to the point of insanity. Her body shook in fury as she ran her tongue over her teeth. She wanted to feel the taste of blood in her mouth. She wanted to feel bodies go limp in her grip. She wanted to kill the man that made her feel this way. She wanted to kill Edward Cullen.

"Bella? Is that you?" Bella's head violently twisted to where to sound was coming from. A hand reached out to her and Bella snarled. Edward's expression fell and his lips tightened in a thin line. "What happened to you?"

"You did," Bella snarled.

"I don't understand Bella," Edward said, his golden eyes filling with shock.

"You left me with my own worst enemy; myself. You weren't there to protect myself from me. And because of you, Renesmee is dead." Edward's eyes widened and his lips fell into a shocked frown.

"She's dead?" Edward asked, his eyes filling with venom. "And you killed her?"

Bella's lips turned into a smirk. "And I liked it."

"Bella, you're a monster!" Edward cried out.

"No, Edward, you are." And that's when she lunged.

Bella launched herself forwards from the soft mattress, tears filling up her eyes. Edward quickly wrapped Bella into his arms and rubbed her back with his cold hand, as Bella pulled herself together.

"Another nightmare?" Edward asked in a soft voice as Bella held on to his shirt, clumping it in her hands. Bella slowly nodded and wiped under her eyes with her forearm. She had let some tears out. Bella mentally cursed at herself. The same nightmare had been replaying itself in Bella's head before the whole James thing had happened. Most of the time, it wasn't that bad and Bella was able to brush it off and say she got the shivers or she had heard something outside. Edward would usually believe her, but if tears came, Bella was busted.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Edward stroked her hair and placed a kiss on her forehead. Bella sighed and shook her head. The reason why she was crying was because the nightmare took a whole new twist. Normally the horrible dream would end where Bella sees red eyes, but this time, it went too far.

"Bella, I can't help you if you won't talk to me."

"Even if I did tell you, it wouldn't help."

Edward frowned. "Why do you think that?"

Bella rubbed her eyes once more, and clutched Edward's shirt that was on her body. "Because I can't change my past or my previous thoughts. I have no control of what I dream anymore."

"Previous thoughts? What do you mean?"

A soft knock on the door pulled Bella's attention away. "Come in," Bella said.

"Momma? Are you alright?" Renesmee asked, her eyebrows knitted together. She gently pushed the door closed behind her and jumped on to the bed.

Bella sighed as edward rubbed her shoulder. "I just had a bad dream," Bella admitted.

Renesmee frowned. "Don't you remember what you told me?"

Bella shook her head. "You told me that I can make the bad guys disappear from my dreams. You told me that I'm in control and that whatever I have a nightmare about, it isn't real." Renesmee smiled proudly.

Bella chuckled quietly. "Yeah, I remember now."

"How come you don't-" Edward cut off the little girl.

"Renesmee," he warned. Renesmee's gaze fell.

"I was just trying to help,"

Bella pulled her daughter into her arms. Renesmee used her fingers to gently trace the picture she had drawn on Bella's cast. "I know sweetie," Bella said, "It's just sometimes I don't have the power to control my dreams."

Renesmee nodded, then her face broke out into a grin. "I know what can cheer you up, Momma!" Before Bella could realize what was going on, Renesmee had placed her hand on Bella's neck. Bella was pulled into Renesmee's thoughts.

Renesmee was in the meadow with Bella and Edward. Bella smiled as the thought slowly shuddered away. "That reminds me," Bella said. "I believe a made someone a little promise that I would take them to the meadow." Renesmee grinned.

Bella looked at Edward from the corner of her eye, and he nodded, a small smile on his face. "It's supposed to be really nice today."

"Then it's settled. Go start getting ready and then we will go to the meadow," Bella said. Renesmee clapped her hands together and ran out of Bella and Edward's room. Bella pushed her hair back and winced in pain as she let her legs dangle off of the bed. She slowly raised her t-shirt up and looked at her stomach. The huge cut was still red with irritation, but it was slowly closing up.

"I'll go make you some breakfast. Any requests?"

Bella wasn't hungry but Edward would be cranky if she didn't eat. "Just toast," Bella said. Edward nodded and disappeared downstairs.

Bella walked into the bathroom and looked at her reflection. Her eyes were still brown and she had no blood of her face. Bella sighed in relief and ran a brush through her knotty brown hair while he used her other hand to brush her teeth. Bella then messily pulled her hair into a normal braid. After applying some concealer under her eyes, Bella walked out of the bathroom and into Rosalie's closet.

Bella stripped then pulled on capris, a white t-shirt and a pale blue army jacket. She pulled on her black converses and then walked into her daughter's room, where Renesmee was overlooking two outfits she had pulled out. "I like that one," Bella said, pointing to the outfit on the left. Renesmee nodded in agreement and pulled on light blue jeans, a light pink shirt and a grey knitted sweater with a hood. Bella helped Renesmee stick her arms through the sweater and chuckled when she couldn't find one of the sleeve holes.

Renesmee sat down on the bed while Bella tied up her sneakers. Bella then walked behind Renesmee down the stairs into the kitchen. Edward handed Bella a plate with toast and jam on it and handed Renesmee one with french toast.

Edward smiled as Bella and Renesmee at in silence. "I am so lucky to have both of you," He muttered. Bella heard him, and her cheeks slowly turned pink. Edward chuckled. His lips expanded into Bella's favorite smile as he looked behind her.

"She's behind me, isn't she?" Bella questioned placing her half eaten toast down on the plate. Renesmee giggled and nodded. Bella slowly turned in her seat to see an overjoyed Alice. "I have permission to strangle you Alice, so don't do anything stupid today," Bella warned. Alice laughed.

"Trust me Bella, everything will be fine. I've already seen it."

"Your visions change if someone chooses differently, correct?"

Alice blinked. "Uh, yeah I suppose."

"Then who's to say I won't change my mind?" Alice mumbled under her breath and then walked out of the room. Edward laughed and Bella turned around, continuing to eat her toast. Bella pushed her empty plate forward and Edward placed it in the sink. Bella turned her head to Renesmee.

"Ready to go?" Bella asked. Renesmee bobbed her head up and down. Bella grabbed Renesmee's hand and interlaced their fingers. Edward followed behind Bella and Renesmee.

"No, sweetie Jacob isn't coming," Edward replied to Renesmee's thoughts. The little girl stuck out her bottom lip then gave it up when Bella raised her eyebrows down at her daughter. Renesmee turned her head to look at her father and looked at him with her pleading eyes. Edward chuckled then swiftly pulled Renesmee up onto his shoulders. He held her by her small legs and spun around a few times. The little girl was in hysterics. Bella smiled in amusement and laughed along with the others.

After thirty minutes of walking, they finally made it to the meadow. Edward placed his daughter down and her jaw dropped. Flowers of all colours bloomed in the small clearing. The trees let the sunlight peek through. The rays of sun landed on Edward's arms, making him sparkle like a million diamonds. Edward shrugged off Renesmee's stares. The little girl then burst out laughing.

Edward raised his eyebrows. "What's so funny?"

"No offense, Daddy, but you kind of look like a sparkling fairy princess." Bella cupped her mouth to stop her from laughing.

"You're going to pay for that, Missy!" Edward exclaimed. Edward chased Renesmee around and then picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder. The little girl pounded her father's back and squirmed, still giggling. Bella sat herself down in the grass and watched Edward climb up a tree with Renesmee on his back, clinging on for dear life. Renesmee shrieked as Edward reached the top off the tree, smirking at Bella. Bella rolled her eyes playfully.

Before Bella could even blink twice, Edward was already on the ground, pulling Bella into his cold embrace. Bella shivered at his touch and pulled her jacket sleeves down to her fingers. Bella watched Renesmee skip around the meadow--in vampire speed-- picking flowers. Renesmee then ran up to to Bella and Edward and handed Bella a purple flower. Bella put it behind her ear. Renesmee then handed Edward a white flower and he placed it behind his ear as well.

Bella chuckled at Edward as Renesmee walked away. "I wish I could read your mind," Edward said. "It'd be so much easier." Bella smirked.

"If you could read my mind, then I wouldn't have any fun teasing you," Bella stated.

"Tell me what you're thinking."

"Hm. I'm thinking about how sexy you look with that flower in your hair."

Edward smiled crookedly. "Is that so?" Bella bit her lip and nodded. "Well then, I should tell you how beautiful you look right now."

"Aren't you just a little flirt," Bella teased. Edward rolled his eyes and pulled Bella close, placing his cold lips on her soft, warm ones. The tension between them grew as Bella gasped for breath against Edward's cold lips.

"Momma! Dad!" Renesmee shrieked. Edward laughed and pulled away from Bella to see Renesmee's face of disgust. Her small nose was slightly wrinkled and her lips were slightly pulled into a scowl. Bella giggled. Edward looked down at his wrist and sighed.

"We should get back to the house. Alice is expecting you in about five minutes." Bella frowned.

"Please don't make me go," Bella begged. "I'm too young to die." Edward rolled his eyes.

"Do me a favour; try not to kill Alice. Even though she is one of the most annoyingest people on earth, she happens to be my sister and I am obligated to care for her." Edward smirked. "C'mon Renesmee, time to go."

Edward placed Bella on his back and ran back home, Renesmee running beside him. They arrived to see and impatient Alice tapping her foot on the driveway. "You're late," She snapped.

"By what? Four seconds?" Edward teased. Alice growled.

"We have a schedule to stick to, we have to go. Bella get in the car."

Edward placed Bella down on the gravel and Bella rolled her eyes. "What if I don't?"

"Then I will drag you by your hair, into the bloody car and super glue you in. Now, I won't say it again, Bella get in the fucking car." Thankfully, Edward had already brought Renesmee inside, so she wouldn't hear Alice swearing. Bella groaned and got in the car. She buckled up just as Alice pulled out of the driveway and sped down the highway.

Bella glanced at Alice, who was speeding down the highway at a speed that Bella couldn't wrap her mind around. She wasn't even wearing a seatbelt. "Um Alice? Why aren't you wearing a seatbelt?" Bella asked.

Alice cackled like a witch. "Because it's unnecessary. When you're a good driver like me, you will know."

Bella gripped onto the locked door and gritted her teeth together. "Are you kidnapping me?"

Alice smirked. "I suppose in a way, I am."

"Can you at least tell me where we are going?"

"Port Angeles."

"Are you going to tell me why?"

"Do you know what day it is, Bella?"

"June third?"

"Today is Sunday, June third. Do you know what that means?"

"Should I know?"

Alice hissed under her breath. "There is only about 36 more hours until prom, Bella. And we aren't ready at all! And Bella, those doors are locked, and I only can unlock them so you can't jump out of the car. I made sure of that."

Bella groaned. "Please Alice, I'll be your barbie doll for two months, just don't force me to go to prom!" Bella pleaded. Alice smirked evilly.

"Too late. I've already seen you at prom, with Edward on Tuesday."

After countless attempts of trying to escape Alice's porsche, they finally arrived to Port Angeles. "Alice," Bella said. "Can I ask you something?"

Alice kept her eyes on the road, but smiled faintly. "Of course, Bella. We're practically sisters; you can ask me anything."

Bella looked out the window, at the rainy town. "Have you seen me become a vampire?"

Alice bit the inside of her cheek and nodded. "A few times actually, all in different ways."

"What do you mean different ways?"

Alice sighed. "I can't tell you Bella. I can't change the future, I can only see what happens. Every time you do something stupid, the vision changes. But I can promise you this, you will be changed. I don't know when, and I don't know how, but I know you will be changed. And if Edward can't grow a pair to change you, then I will."

Bella laughed quietly. "Thanks Alice."

Alice pulled in front of a small dress shop, and parked behind a black car. Two familiar people got out of the car. Angela and Jessica. "Did you invite Jessica?" Bella hissed.

"Don't worry, she doesn't have anything up her sleeves. In fact, she wants to apologize. I saw it yesterday so I called Angela and invited her and Jess to come dress shopping with us." Bella sighed and pushed open the porsche door and got out, supporting her cast. Angela rushed over to Bella.

"Bella, you look way better!" Angela exclaimed, wrapping Bella into a hug. Bella let out a little squeak and flinched in pain. Angela quickly pulled away. "Whoops, sorry Bella."

"Well, let's go inside ladies!" Alice exclaimed. "I have a feeling we will find our dresses here!" Alice's eyes gleamed as she lead Angela into the store. Jessica stayed behind with Bella and uneasily walked up to her.

"Look Bella, I've said some things that I'm not proud of to you and I just want to apologize. I know it's not easy being the new student." Bella half smiled.

"I accept your apology. Now, let's get this over with." Jessica laughed and walked inside the store with Bella. Bella sat herself by the window while Alice, Jessica and Angela all squealed about dresses. Bella looked out the window and sighed.

"Bella! Did you hear what I said?" Angela asked. Bella snapped out of her trance and turned her head. "I said does this dress hide my clevage good enough?"

Bella scanned Angela's attire and smiled. She was wearing a sleeveless yellow mermaid dress, with jewels encrusted just below the breasts. "Is that what you're going for?" Angela nodded. "No offence Ang, but your cleavage really pops out. I don't know why you'd want to hide it though," Bella said, shrugging.

Angela sighed. "Eric asked me to go to prom while you were in the hospital, and I said yes. I just don't want him to like me for just my looks," Angela stated, putting her face in her hands.

"Ang, no matter what you wear, I think Eric will like you either way. Looks are just a bonus."

Angela grinned and adjusted her glasses. "There's a few others that I want to try on. And if I don't like them, I'm getting this one." Bella smiled and nodded.

Jessica came out of the change room, holding her pink dress by the skirt. "How does this one look?" She asked, turning slightly to show off her butt. Bella chuckled.

"Looks amazing Jessica. I think you were made for that dress." Jessica giggled and ran back into the change room. Bella rolled her eyes and turned to look back out of the window. She hated this with a fiery passion. Luckily, Alice had been busy looking for her dress and had not bothered Bella. Yet. Bella could see Alice's reflection in the glass, so Bella turned her head.

"Bella I found a few-" Alice froze in mid-sentence and stare off into the distance. She stopped completely moving, and didn't even bother to move her shoulders to make it look like she was breathing. Bella quickly got up before anyone noticed and pulled Alice by the hand and pulled her into one of the change rooms. Alice blinked after two minutes and looked at Bella.

"Alice, what did you see?" Bella whispered. Alice completely ignored Bella and put the dresses in her arms.

"I have to make a quick phone call," Alice stated. She walked out of the change room, leaving Bella slightly angry. Bella huffed out a breath and pulled off her clothes and pulled the first dress, which was an ugly mint green off the hanger. Bella pulled on the dress, and left the zipper open. She could hear Alice mumbling on the phone. Bella assumed she was talking to Edward. Bella shut herself up and tried to listen to the phone call.

"Yes, Edward I'm positive it's tonight. She planned it. I saw it." She? Who did Alice mean by She? Bella's insides flipped as she continued to eavesdrop on the conversation.

"No, Edward, Bella will not be harmed. I'll get the dog to get some of his buddies to keep guard around the house. I'll make sure Jacob will stay with Bella and Renesmee."

Alice groaned. "I'll ask Seth to stay in too, I guess." Bella wished she could hear what Edward was saying.

"The vision ended when she-" Bella couldn't hear anymore, for Jessica was knocking on her change room door.

"Bella?" Jess asked. "Can I have your help quickly?" Bella picked up the dress with one hand and pushed open the door. "Bella that dress looks amazing on you!" Jessica exclaimed. Bella blushed slightly as Jessica turned around and Bella zipped her up. Jessica sucked in a harsh breath and walked over to the mirror, where Angela was posing.

Alice placed a hand on Bella's shoulder and half-smiled. "Sorry ladies, Bella and I have to get home." Jessica let out a little whine and Angela stuck out her bottom lip.

"Why do you guys have to go? It's only five-thirty," Angela whined.

Bella looked up at the clock in the store. Angela was right. Bella quickly did calculations in her head, trying to figure out when Bella and Edward came back from the meadow. Bella sighed. They came back around one, so that meant they spent an hour getting to Port Angeles , which left about three hours in the store. Bella wrinkled her nose.

"Bella has a night shift as the convenience store on Wellington on the weekends," Alice lied. The girls nodded in unison.

"What about her dress?"

"Bella chose one out awhile ago," Alice said, holding up a white bag. The girls nodded and exchanged good-byes as Bella and Alice walked out of the store. Alice pushed Bella into the front seat, gently, and drove away quickly. When the reached the freeway, Bella looked behind her at the two bags. She reached for one and Alice swatted her hand.

"You can't see your prom dress until Tuesday," Alice stated, gripping the steering wheel.

"So you bring me out to Port Angeles, take me dress shopping and buy me a dress, without me seeing it or trying it on? So basically I just wasted three hours in that wretched shop when I could be doing other stuff?" Bella clenched her jaw and shot Alice daggers.

Alice sighed. Bella knew she had struck a nerve. "I want you to have a somewhat normal life, Bella. It's not everyday you're mates with a vampire. It's not fair that you have to go speeding through life. I understand you want to become a vampire Bella, nut I think you deserve a normal life. And that's what we're trying to accomplish. By taking you out today, you got the chance to try on dresses with some of your friends. I know you're pissed that I already knew what dress you were going to wear, but I thought you would have fun. It's not everyday that you go to prom. Especially for the first time."

Bella bit her bottom lip. "I'm sorry, Alice," Bella mumbled, looking out the window. Alice shrugged.

"People want to go through life so quickly. Kids desire to be teens and teenagers desire to be adults. But what they don't realize is, childhood doesn't last forever. Soon you grow old, and then eventually you die. But it's worst being a vampire. It's not easy watching all your friends and family members die," Alice said.

Bella felt horrible. She didn't know what to say. Alice quickly said anything before Bella could make a fool out of herself. "I know it's hard Bella. Trust me, you have it easy. At least your parents didn't throw you in an insane asylum."

Bella's eyes widened. "I-I didn't know." Alice nodded and then didn't speak for the rest of the drive.

Alice pulled into the driveway and parked the car. She watched Bella stand on the steps of the stairs. Bella turned her head. "Aren't you coming?" Bella asked Alice. Alice shook her head.

"We're going hunting."

"Again? Didn't you just go yesterday?"

Alice hesitated and then disappeared into the woods. Bella groaned and walked inside the house to be hit with a wave of smells.

Bella looked around and chuckled. Soft music was playing in the background. Rose petals were everywhere, along with dim light candles. The candles gave off a sweet smell of cinnamon--which was one of Bella's favorite smells-- , which mixed with the sweet scent of rose petals.

Bella turned her head to the glass staircase, to see Renesmee wearing a pink dress, by the railing "Renesmee, what's going on?" Bella asked. Renesmee giggled and raised a finger to her lips. Bella sighed and looked at what she was holding in her hands. In there Edward's scrawl, there was a small message saying,"Meet me upstairs, Miss Swan."

Bella's heart jumped as she gripped the railing and walked up the staircase. She felt a huge gush of wind on her side. When she reached the top of the stairs, She saw Renesmee holding another piece of paper with Edward's scrawl on it. Bella chuckled an Renesmee and took the paper in her hands. It said "Just a bit father, meet me in our room." Bella giggled and pushed open the door to their room. She looked up and smile lopsided.

Edward was holding a bouquet of red roses and he wore a crooked smile. On the bed, rose petals were all over the bed, spelling "Prom? " Bella giggled sheepishly. She walked up to Edward and he placed the roses down on the bed, and wrapped his arms around Bella's waist. Bella wrapped her arms around his neck,--even her heavy cast, which Edward didn't seem to mind.

"Too much?" Edward asked, stroking her lower back with his fingers. Bella could feel her mind trying to think dirty thoughts, but Bella pushed them away.

Bella shook her head. "Just enough."

"So what do you say? Isabella Marie Swan will you go to prom with me?"

Bella giggled, which made Edward's smile expand. "I would love too." Edward gently pulled Bella closer to him, so her chest was touching his. Edward craned his neck down and Bella attached her lips to his, like they were an oxygen mask. Edward's hands went an inch lower, making Bella let out a little gasp against his lips. Bella tangled her fingers in his bronze curls as Edward slowly lowered Bella onto the rose petals. Bella panted, trying to catch her breath, as Edward placed gentle kisses down her neck on onto her collarbone.

Bella's heart leaped into her throat, and Edward chuckled, hearing it beat fast. He leaned in again to kiss Bella's lips, but stopped abruptly and growled. Bella slowly leaned up.

"Did I do something wrong?" Bella asked, her heartbeat slowing down. Edward shook his head.

"Of course not love. The werewolves just like to make it known when they enter the premise."

"Werewolves? Why are they here?" Bella asked, even though she knew part of the answer. She was curious to see if Edward was going to lie. And he did.

"We're going hunting again tonight," Edward lied smoothly. "Alice called them to watch over you."

"So you brought babysitters in?" Bella asked, her face twisting in disappointment.

"Don't think of it like that-"

"How else am I supposed to think about it?" Bella said, her voice rising. Edward shook his head.

"Bella, you know I just want to-"

"Whatever. Go enjoy your little hunting trip while I get babysat," She snapped. Edward sighed as Bella walked out of the room. Bella wasn't angry that he had brought in the wolves. In fact, she enjoyed being around the wolves. It just aggravated that he lied to her. Bella heard a whoosh of wind and turned around to see Edward gone. Bella walked down the stairs and greeted Seth and Jacob. She sat down on the couch and Renesmee snuggled up to her as Seth and Jacob chatted away through the sports game.

~ ~ ~ ~

Edward approached his family, in the woods and looked at them. "How much longer, Alice?" Carlisle asked. Alice flicked through her memories of the vision.

"Not long."

"Hey, Edward, you okay?" Jasper asked. Edward sighed.

"I just don't like lying to Bella."

"Don't worry, Edward," Esme said. Edward nodded and looked at Alice.

"Now," She whispered.

The Cullens ran forward, running as fast as they could to where Alice saw Victoria. A smear of red caught Edward's eye and Edward turned, growling.

"This way!" he shouted. Edward ran, and he even heard the wolves howling, and their paws hitting the forest floor. Edward could just see her in his view. She was fast, but Edward was faster.

Edward reached his hand out to grab her by her hair, but she easily dodged it and Edward fell to the ground. Edward quickly got up and followed his family.

Carlisle looked at Edward, and Edward nodded, reading his thoughts. Emmett was the closest to Victoria, so Emmett and Rosalie kept running while the rest of them went separate ways, trying to cut Victoria off.

Emmett snarled, his face tensing as he ran as fast as he was able to. He was so close. He could even see her small smirk. Victoria jumped, and Emmett ran under her. Right as Victoria landed, she was cut off by the Cullens. A smirk tugged at her lips.

"Look who it is," She taunted. Edward growled and took a step forward, but Carlisle pushed him back.

"What are you doing in Forks, Victoria?" Carlisle asked.

Victoria hissed and bared her teeth. "You know exactly why. You killed my mate," She snapped, pointing her finger at Edward. "I think it's only fair if I get to kill yours."

"You know that won't happen," Esme grumbled.

Victoria laughed. "Wasn't your precious Bella staying home alone tonight? Well, minus the wolves, she's all cooped up inside that house. All by herself."

Edward raised his hand up to attack but Alice stood in front of him. "How did you-"

"Let's just say Bella isn't just surrounded by wolves, tonight." Victoria smirked and Edward's anger boiled down, and fear took him.

After reading Victoria's mind, he knew she wasn't lying.

Victoria had vampires, surrounding the house, getting ready to attack when she needed them too. This was all a diversion.

"Bella," Edward gasped.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Yay cliffhanger! Thought i would spice things up a little bit. Mwahaha.

How was the chapter? How do you guys like the book so far?

Anyways, I quickly just want to say that I am going away to my cabin to celebrate my birthday (sort of. We were planning on going anyways after my birthday : P) So this will be the last update for about umm I don't know possibly a week in a half?

So please, don't comment requests on le cover shop. okay.

Don't worry, I will update as soon as I will get back. I will also be reading books that I have in my list. Also, if you update, I won't be able to get if because there is no service or WIFI where my cabin is.

Oh well

Well, you know what to do : )

Read ,




Sincerely, Burningbrightfire

Picture: Bella watching Jessica and Angela shop. Except she looks like she does in Breaking Dawn and her hair is in a braid and different outfit. Also Alice is there.

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