R.S 2

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Jake's POV 

Having an injury was the worst thing that could happen to a player in the middle of a season. There were other things, but for me having an injury was at the top. Sure I'd had injuries in the past- football was a brutal sport- but none of the injuries rendered me out for more than a month. I'd only been playing football professionally for three years; I was still regarded as a newcomer. I couldn't just disappear for two months. I had to cement my name in people's minds, hearts...in history. And I couldn't do that far from the pitch. I needed to be on the pitch, breaking people's hearts, shattering their dreams and hopes, but also making the millions of fans we had proud. It was what I did best. I loved being a part of my team. We worked well together, a very well-oiled machine. 

Although I wasn't happy about being injured, I was happy to go home. I hadn't been at home for two months and I missed everyone. Foremost I missed my boyfriend Chris. It was hard having a long-distance relationship. He worked 24 hours a day and I was all over the country. It would have helped if Carlton Galaxies' home-ground was in Maryvale, but we were based in San Pedro City, which was 5 hours from Maryvale by flight. I played every Saturday or Sunday, with the rest of the week taken by training and preparations for the game. 

Besides the distance, we'd survived for 5 and a half years, bearing in mind that I only became a professional football player only 3 years into the relationship, and he'd only started working at my father's company about six months ago. I missed him terribly whenever I couldn't be with him, but I got used to the distance. We were determined to make it work and distance wasn't going to stop us. 

"Mr. White?" I heard a voice. 

I was in my hotel room in the bedroom, lying on the bed and trying not to move my heavy plastered leg. I had fractured my tibia the previous day during training when I was tackled to the ground. It hadn't initially looked serious, but a scan revealed that it was and I was ruled out for two months. Immediately after the swelling receded I received a plaster and crutches. A talk with the medical staff and the club management ended with the suggestion I went home to recuperate. I welcomed it; it was better than staying there and not being able to play anyway. I elected to leave the very next day, allowing management to reveal my status to the media and deal with them. I was in no mood to face the media. I was disappointed with how things turned out and they were going to rub it in or feel sorry for me, which was just as worse. 

I looked up at the person who'd called my name. 

"You seemed miles away", the person said. 

He was a man in his mid-thirties, standing next to the bed. He had in front of him an open suitcase, which he was filling with neatly folded clothes. 

I shook my head, having no idea what to say. 

"It's unfortunate what happened to you. Carlton Galaxies is going to be lost without you", he said. 

I gave a quiet laugh. Carlton Galaxies was capable of winning games without me. We had some really good players. 

"Don't flatter me Steven", I said. "Pack that jacket too by the way, Maryvale weather is unpredictable". 

Steven worked at the hotel. He'd been deployed by the management staff to assist me with anything I needed since I was "immobile". He was at that moment packing my bags. He would take me to the airport later. 

"Certainly sir", he said. 

"Can you pass me the remote?" 

He did as asked and I changed the channel of the TV in the room, which was on but had been muted. I increased the volume and scrolled through the channels, finding nothing interesting. I came across AllFNL, a channel dedicated to the Football National League. It reported on the latest news concerning the FNL and its players. I was going to change the channel, but something caught my attention. A picture of me was plastered across the screen. 

"...Was injured earlier yesterday when he was caught by a tackle from teammate Michael Erikson during training. The club has confirmed that he will be out for 2 months. This is seen by many as a blow to the club who have hopes of maintaining their good form and ultimately clinching a consecutive FNL trophy. Whether loss of the player is detrimental will be seen in the Carlton Galaxies' next matches. The injury is definitely a blow to the player though. The games that he's played so far in the season made him a strong contender for the Most Valuable Player of the Season award, but being out for two months will certainly diminish his chances..." 

I stopped listening. 

"All done sir", Steven said. "You should get ready". 

I frowned. "I am ready. I just want to get out of here", I said, a little aggressively. Having other people talk about my injury and what effect it had on this and that and this person and those people annoyed me. It annoyed me because they were right. 

There was a knock on the door and Steven went to open. He returned a few minutes later with four people. I immediately smiled when I saw them. It was my teammates and friends, Ray Taylor, Mark Fuller, Dean Fitzgerald and Jayden Taylor.  

"Hey buddy", it was Dean, the team's fullback. "We just came to say goodbye before you left". 

"Yeah, you get an early holiday man!" Ray said. 

I chuckled. "It won't be much of a holiday if I can't move my leg". 

"True. I'll break both Michael's legs for you", he said. 

We all laughed. We knew he was just joking. 

"We'll miss you buddy. Missing curfew won't be the same without you", Mark said. 

"Stay fresh guys, and no late night partying", I said warningly. 

"Look who sounds like coach", Dean said. 

"I gotta. You all gonna mess up and derail our plans of winning the FNL. I better find the team in one piece", I jokingly said. 

"I'm ready when you are sir", Steven said after a few minutes. He'd had to tackle his way through the conversation and laughter that was going on in the room. "Actually, no. We have to go, now". 

Dean helped me move my leg off the bed. Jayden handed me my crutches. 

"We'll walk you guys to the car", Dean said. 

One and a half hours to Maryvale. I was seated at the window seat of the plane I had taken three and a half hours ago. My leg was propped up on the seat next to me. I had had to purchase additional seats because even though I could bend my leg, staying in a seated position for long became irritating. 

Truthfully I was tired and frustrated by the journey. The flight attendants where nice and friendly- and some had asked for my autograph- but I felt limited in the plane. The comfort of the seats wore-off with time. I just wanted to be home. 

I thought about the moment I would see Chris. I hadn't seen him for months, so it was bound to be different. I knew I would be happy, I was already anticipating the moment. He'd probably be worn out and his tie askew. Not to mention, his hair would be untidy and his eyes just tired. But I liked him that way anyway. He worked hard, so it would be nice for him to come back to me waiting for him, though at that rate he'd probably find me asleep. 

One and a half hours to go. I hoped there were no delays. I couldn't wait to see Chris.

Chris's POV 

Time flew by without me noticing. After the important meeting with the board of directors I had started working on a different project. They had said they were impressed with me, even Dickinson had smiled. It was all too well, but I had set a standard that my future projects had to overcome, that meant I had to work more now, do everything meticulously. 

I was looking at the paperwork Mr. White's assistant had dropped off earlier. I was busy trying to figure out how we could add extra zeroes to the figure I was looking at when there a knock on my door. I pulled my thick-framed glasses a little bit down, raising my head. 

"Come in" I shouted. 

A curly haired freckled young lady walked in holding a piece of paper. He red hair was flying behind her as always. She seemed to be in a hurry. 

She put the piece of paper on my desk and smiled. 

"By the way, what size do you wear?" 

I looked at the paper before her question registered in my mind. 

I frowned. "What do you want to do with my size Rose?" 

"For your Arabian prince costume of course", Rose said. 

I gaped. "My what?" 

"I was bouncing around ideas and I came with this cool idea to have an Arabian night themed dinner. It was either that or a Moroccan dinner. The Arabian night won, it's so enchanting, exotic, opulent... you name it. I would love to have one myself, but I can't. Anyway, what size do you wear?" Rose went gave a speech, seemingly unfazed my jaw dropping. 

I took off my glasses. 

"Rose, are you crazy? How about a nice little cozy dinner with no theme? When I said you could organize it I didn't say you could turn it into some...", I sighed. "I have half a mind to call the whole thing off". 

She gave me a sheepish look. "Would you still have it if I said you didn't have to wear a costume?" 

I stayed quiet. 

Rose face- palmed herself. "I just didn't want it to be boring. You haven't seen him in months and he's injured, he could use a distraction". 

"Rose, I am not going to embarrass myself for his benefit. Besides, he'll be tired", I said. 

"I guess I better have my list back then. Just so you know, I have already ordered the decorations. There is a cancellation fee", she said, rather smugly, like I deserved it. 

I sighed. "Okay okay, you can have your Arabian night, but no costumes". 

She jumped up and down in delight. "You won't regret it". 

I resigned, putting on my glasses. "I better not". 

I gave her the list back, basically giving her the go-ahead, not even checking the prices. It was no use; Rose was hellbent on having the Arabian night. It was better to let her do what she wanted; she had a flare for those kinds of things. She had never organized something like this for me before, but I had learned to trust her. I knew she had my best interest at heart. What could go wrong? 

She went to the door before turning hastily. 

"I forgot. Here's what's on the menu: for appetizers we have Arabian pita bread, for the main dish we have golden saffron and cardamom spiced chicken and rice pilau and for dessert we have almond stuffed dates" 

...A million things could go wrong. 

"Can you order normal fried chicken just in case?" 

Her eyes narrowed. "In case what?" It was a challenge. 

"In case I cannot eat any of those things" 

She shook her head at me. "You are something else. You'll thank me tomorrow" 

I waved her away and looked at the paperwork I had been looking at before Rose walked in. 

"By the way, I'm off now", she said. 

I didn't look up until I realized she was walking into the room rather than out of it. 

"Can I help you?" I asked. 

"Your keys", she said.  

I gave her my apartment keys, wondering if I was doing the right thing. The night could turn disastrous. 

"You'll find me at the apartment, I hope you are early enough to at least change", she said leaving the office.

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