R.S 3

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I looked at the document in my hand. But my thoughts weren't on it. They were on Jake's imminent arrival and the horrible boyfriend I was. I was putting my work first. Jake needed me to be there for just a day and I was going to turn up late. So I had a couple of documents to work on, big deal! I could do that tomorrow. That threw my schedule a bit off, but if I worked faster the next time I could easily catch up.

I made a split decision. It was 30 minutes after Rose had left. I was going to leave work early. Jake had to find me there when he got to the apartment, not just there, but ready for him. I would take a long bubble bath and put on his favorite scent. I had to look like I organized the whole dinner, not just called in someone to do the job for me. I wouldn't take credit, but I wouldn't tell if he didn't ask.

I chuckled at myself as I pushed a file on the desk away from me. I decided to leave it there as I stood up. I grabbed my jacket and put it on. It was weird leaving work early for me. I did not recall ever doing that. I grabbed my bag and took the few steps to the door. I felt like a schoolchild who was about to ditch school. Needless to say, I had never ditched school.

"Leaving?" a voice caught me off guard.

I reacted like I was caught doing something bad.

"Chris, are you okay?" it was Mr. White.

"Yes sir, I'm fine. You just startled me. Did you perhaps want something?"

"Yes, I wanted to discuss the Metrosure file before end of business, but you seem to be on your way out".

I turned towards my office. "We could..."

"No, no. We can do that tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your evening", he said.

He had this warm smile that forced me to smile back. He had probably figured out that the reason I was leaving early had something to do with Jake.

"Thank you sir"

"Please tell your boyfriend to not forget he has parents", he said walking away.

I nodded behind him. I made my journey to the elevator quickly, not wanting to be stopped by anyone else. No one was going to tie me down with their business; I had a boyfriend to welcome.


Walking into my apartment was like walking into paradise. Bright colored drapes hung beautifully everywhere, creating an opulent atmosphere. It was so mesmerizing I stood at the door. A carpet with intricate patterns led all the way from the door to a small low table, which was surrounded by throw pillows of warm hues, rich fabrics and varied textures. I could see candles arranged irregularly around the table, but they weren't lit yet. There were gemstones littered around the room, and a few antique objects.

I saw a brown bean bag just a few meters away from the table. It looked a bit out of place, and I could swear it wasn't mine or Jake's.

"That is for the endeavor I need not know about. You are home early", Rose said coming from the bedrooms.

I chuckled. "We have a bed. Speaking of which, what were you doing in my bedroom?"

"Looking for your platinum credit card", she said, keeping a straight face. "I was in the bathroom actually, doing lady stuff".

"Okay, I believe you".

"So, what do you think?"

"It's beautiful", I said genuinely. "Can I take credit for it?"

She released a high-pitched laugh. "If Jake believes you, he doesn't know you well".

I chuckled too. "I'm going to take a bath. Tap on the door when you leave".

"Sure Chris".

"Not Mr. Hart?"

"We are out of the office, I can call you whatever I want".

I chuckled and left.


25 minutes later I was fresh from the bath and dressed immaculately in pale brown chinos, a white shirt and brown loafers. I brushed my hair slowly, creating a parting in the middle. My long hair gave me a rugged look, which was definitely weird for a geek. I would have to cut it soon, but if Jake had his way, I was going to keep it long for two more months. By then it would reach just a little below my neck. I put on my glasses, and added one final touch to my look: my signature cologne. I out-of-the-blow thought of Jake and felt butterflies in my stomach. I smiled to myself, and ended up laughing at myself for being so nervous. I guess I knew it was only a matter of minutes before he walked into the apartment. My stomach tightened. I walked to the kitchen. Rose had told me before she left that the food was in the oven and on the kitchen counter. I opened the oven just to be sure. I saw the chicken and tried to remember the order in which I was supposed to serve them. Was it the pita bread and chicken? No, the chicken went with rice. So...wait...my mind was a muddle. Did it even matter?

I closed the oven and remembered something else Rose had said. I had to light the scented candles before Jake arrived so the room would smell nice. I wondered what scents Rose bought as I looked for the candle lighter.

I managed to light all the candles in the room without breaking apart. I was so nervous each second felt like sweet torture. Smells of spice, musk and something sweet filled the air. I went to switch off the light and heard activity outside the door. Was that him?

My eyes stood up when I heard keys being inserted into the door. I backed away from the door slowly, wondering why he didn't knock. It occurred to me a second later that he didn't expect me to be home. This was going to be a surprise for sure.

I clasped my hands together in an effort to stop them from shaking. My breaths came faster then. Just the moment of waiting for him to open the door was sending a lot of adrenaline throughout my body, not to mention dopamine.

The door opened. He didn't see me. He had his back to me. He was pointing to a bag on the floor. I noticed then there was somebody with him.

"I've got it", the person said.

I just stood there, waiting for the moment he would turn to me. And he did. His gorgeous face greeted my eyes, his green eyes glowed in the candlelight. He hadn't changed much since I last saw him. He still had that gorgeous face that made girls and guys swoon, accessorized by green eyes with pupils that always seemed dilated, a perfect nose and pale pink lips that were inviting. Above the lips lays a few subtle hairs, which complemented his slightly thick eyebrows and the stubble growing along his lower jaw. He had a masculine, yet approachable face, with sharp contours. He had golden brown hair and at that time spotted a right-sided sweep, with the hair on the sides short and the longer hair looking more gold than brown at the ends. He really looked more like a model than a footballer and he had the body to match. He was wearing a loose faint pink t-shirt and creamy white shorts but I could still how well-built he was underneath all that. You could drop him off at a runway and he'd fit right in.

"Chris!" he shouted.

"Hi", I said.

I stood rooted to the spot. I didn't want to kiss him in front of a stranger, yet I was itching to. I was itching to be in his arms, to smell his scent, kiss his beautiful skin and love him even more than I did. I would have to wait. We rarely showed public displays of affection, with Jake being famous. It had been 3 months since we made it onto several magazines and websites and I wanted to keep it that way. The lesser I was made famous, the better. I didn't like the media enquiries into our relationship.

He walked in and the person he was with followed.

"You can put them there", Jake said pointing to a spot on the floor next to me.

The stranger put Jake's bags on the floor. He turned to Jake. Jake handed him a couple of dollar bills. "Thanks man", he said.

"No problem", the stranger said. "I was thinking maybe I could get a picture with you?"

Jake smiled. "...Of course. Chris?"

I involuntarily frowned for a second as I was given the stranger's phone to take the picture. He moved closer to Jake and I frowned again. I couldn't help it. Jake gave me a look, a reprimand. Great! He'd seen my displays of jealousy. I took the picture.

"Thanks man", the guy said to Jake as I handed him his phone. Hey? What about me? I touched his phone, and I had no idea if he had washed his hands after going to the bathroom, I deserved a thank you.

"You are welcome", Jake said.

I had half a mind to push the guy as he was walking out. He was walking like a turtle. Didn't he have a job to do? People to pick up? Other people to fawn over?

The door closed. I turned to Jake, only to find him inches away from me. I could taste his breath. My frown disappeared instantly.

"Hi Mr. Hart", he said. "Your jealousy is a turn on", he whispered.

I blushed scarlet. I felt Jake's hands snake their way around my waist, and felt the butterflies all over again. I was getting hot everywhere, and suddenly my cheeks didn't stand out. Jake's lips moved closer and closer. He was as slow as he could be. I could tell he was teasing me. I closed the distance myself, wanting nothing more than to taste his lips, to make up for all those lonely nights in one night. His lips tasted delicious. We moved to our own rhythm, biting and releasing, barely touching yet inciting so much hunger that blood was making a beeline for that one magical place. I had been made to wait and the wait was worth it. His hot breath fanned my neck when we took a breather, and I felt a force on my waist and I knew what he was trying to do.

"Whoa! Baby, that's not safe", I said.

He groaned. He had been trying to lift me so I could wrap my legs around his waist. He liked it when I was higher than him so he could look up just to kiss me. More so, he loved the contact that position ensured, just as much as I did.

"You do want to go back in 2 months, don't you?" I said smiling.

"No, I want to spend every single day with you", he said grinning.

"Yeah, yeah, sure", I said lightly.

"You smell divine by the way", he said. Then, "Is this the new look for the apartment?"

I noticed his eyes surveying the little nest Rose had arranged in the middle of our dining area, having pushed the table and chairs to the side. It must have required some manpower to move all that furniture. I realized then that I had forgotten about it. How I could I not when he was just standing there looking good enough to eat?

"No, this was planned just for you", I said taking him by the hand and leading him to the low table.

I noticed then that it would require some great effort for him to sit on the floor comfortably because of his cast.

"Arabian nights theme", he commented.

"This better be your first time", I said warningly.

He grinned and didn't say anything.

"Right, think you can sit on the floor? I..."

"Yes, only if it's in your arms", he said giving me a naughty look.

"Baby, I am serious. I don't want you injured further", I said.

"Yes, just prop me up", he said.

I did as asked, putting the pillows around him and propping his leg up. "Tell me if you are uncomfortable".

"I'm fine", he said.

I sat on the floor opposite him. "How was your flight?"

"Long and torturous", he said grumpily.

"I'm sorry baby, and I'm sorry about your leg. I know what this season meant to you".

He sighed. "It's alright. I get to spend 2 months with you"

I just looked at him. He was glowing in the candlelight. He seemed satisfied, but I knew he wasn't. Football meant a lot to him. It was the one thing he was good at. It wasn't the only thing, but it was the one thing that held great merit to him. If he didn't have football he had nothing.

"You look gorgeous by the way", he broke the silence. He reached over to remove my glasses. "Can you see me?" he said chuckling and moving his hand up and down near my eyes.

I blinked hard.

"I can see all I want to see", I said sensually.

I could swear he blushed, but maybe it was a trick of the light.

"Do you want to eat now?"

"Yes, I'm starving!"

"Your wish is my command", I said standing up.


Rose was right. The bean bag would come in handy as Jake got tired of sitting on the floor. After desert he'd requested to lie in my arms. It seemed to be his favorite pastime because he had asked at least 3 times. We ended up on the bean bag, with Jake lying in my arms. My hand was placed lightly on his abdomen, and I was busy making trails up and down, his shirt denying me contact with his skin.

He turned his head shortly and placed a short sweet kiss on my lips. I smiled genuinely.

"I missed you Chrissie", he said warmly.

"I missed you more than you think baby", I said, my hand stopping its movements on his abdomen.

"Your hair is longer".

I grinned. I knew that comment was coming. Jake liked it when my hair was long. He said it gave him something to hold on to. My hair grew faster than most people's hair. It was unusually silky too. I didn't like keeping it long, but I barely had time to cut it. Jake thought I didn't cut it for his benefit and I wasn't going to burst his bubble.

"Just like you like it".

He grinned and placed his left hand on the right side of my waist, turning his body slightly towards me. He tried to move his heavily plastered right leg to help him turn, but I could tell he was struggling. He cursed underneath his breath. His face had a hint of red and I knew he wasn't blushing. He was getting angry.

"Hey, why don't we head to the bedroom? You get to lie down and I'll do all the work", I said sensually, moving my hand against his abdomen in a soothing manner.

Jake had pride. Jake had been the popular guy at school, the strong one. He rarely showed weakness, he wanted to do things on his own. He was not used to not being 'capable'. He'd been injured before, but he'd never been out for more than two weeks. Two months was a lot and though he was trying to hide it, I could tell he was frustrated. He wanted to be out there, playing, winning games.

"I would get up if I could", he said, his mouth barely moving.

I sighed mentally. I smiled though, struggling to get myself free from underneath him. I managed, and went to get his crutches. I wasn't deterred. I was determined to end the night on a good note, I had left work early for goodness' sake.

I helped him up and handed him his crutches. He smiled a bit.

"I'm sorry. It's just so weird not being able to do stuff", he said.

"It is okay baby", I said as we walked towards the bedroom.

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