Chapter 28

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We walk slowly up the hill towards the lightening tree. I lean heavily on Peeta and look foward with a sad determination. Life is so depressing anymore. But soon, the suffering will be over. At least for some of us. I know to run, as soon as the lightning has struck, to the blood hour, So Peeta and I can escape.

I'll admit, I'll miss the others, but I can't stay here any longer. Not if I'm to survive. I just want to go. To have this horrible event over.

But for that to happen, my husband, no, I'm not going to wish him dead. Never, never would I want to even think that. I shake my head, trying to clear it, but nothing helps. These dark thoughts won't leave.

"You alright?" Peeta asks and I nod.

"It's just a really, really long hike for me," I say. "Its getting a little hard to breath."

"Its only a little farther," Beete yells back. "You'll be able to rest at the top. "

"Will you be able to run?" Peeta asks, whispering in my ear.

"Nothing will stop me," I whisper. "This is our only chance. We need to disappear when the lightning strikes." He just nods. We finally see the massive trunk in the distance and Peeta helps me sit down against a tree as Beete begins to wire the tree up.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asks. I nod again and he hands me my water.

"Like I said, I'm really tired," I say. "But other than that, I feel okay. Nothing hurts. The baby moves every once in a while. I think I'm alright." He smiles and cups my cheek.

"I'm going with Finnick when the wire is ready," He says and I nod.

"I knew you would," I say. "You're faster than me, so it makes sense, even though I don't want to seperate. I'd just slow you down." Finnick walks up with the spool and nudges Peeta.

"We'd better go," He says. Peeta kisses my cheek.

"See you at midnight," He says.

"Midnight," I reply, watching as he and Finnick travel down the hill. Johanna sits down next to me.

"We'd better get out of here soon," She says. "Volts says we shouldn't be anywhere near here when it blows." I nod and she holds out a hand to help me up. I stand, uneasy on my legs. The prosthetic no longer responds correctly and I know it needs some kind or repairs to it. I hurt a lot more than I'd tell Peeta, the stump ending my leg burning like it may have sand and God knows what else stuck between it and the fake leg. I lean against the tree a moment before following her a little bit.

But something happens. The wire suddenly springs back and Johanna pushes me to the ground.

"This is gonna hurt, Brainless," She says, pulling out her knife, "but theres been a change if plans." Before I can push her of, she slices into my arm, making me scream. "Shut up! Shut up! The others can't find you." She starts digging in the wound and I feel her remove something. It must be my traker.

"Why?" I asks but she puts her bloody hand over my mouth. She continues to wipe blood on my face and neck.

"Stay here," Johanna says. "Stay quiet and Still. I'll explain later." She gets up and runs off, into the dark.

When I'm sure I hear her footsteps disappear,  I get up and go for the wire. I know that I need to try and end this now, before she comes back. I pick up my bow and wrap the wire around an arrow. I stand up with the last of my strength, bleeding heavily. I pull back my bow, hearing the storm rolling in. I let it go, aiming at a star in the sky that just doesn't look right.

Theres an explosion that throws me back on ground as the sky begins falling in. I feel my consciousness slipping away and know that Ive done my best. My only thought is for Peeta's forgiveness as the waking world slips away.


I wake up in a dark room.  My wounds are bandaged and I'm on some kind of cot. My hurt leg is gone, but I'm still covered in dirt. I sit up, and notice I'm not alone.

"You are such a moron!" Johanna says. "We were gonna get out! You screwed us all over shooting that arrow."

"She didn't know," A small voice says in the corner and as my eyes ajust, I realize its Annie Cresta, huddled in the corner, a tattered green dress hanging on her frame. "No one told her or Peeta." Johanna just scoffs.

"What happened?" I ask and she leans against the wall, rolling her eyes.

"We had an alliance and we were going to escape to District 13," She says. "To the rebels. I cut out your tracker so they wouldn't find you, but you sent a flare straight over us. We were captured."

"Peeta and Finnick got out," Annie points out, standing up and coming to sit beside me. "Beete too. They're probably looking for us. They'll be here soon."

"Oh come on!" Johanna says. "We are in no position to be attacking the Capital. They don't even know where we are being held."

"Oh my God," I say. "This can't, I can't be here."

"Well, we are, so tough shit preggers," Johanna says.

"What are they gonna do to us?" I ask.

"Probably try to get us to talk," Johanna says. "Torture us. Who knows really."

"I do," an eerie voice says, coming into the light. "My, my, Miss Mason, you think so little of us. We aren't the ones attacking you."

"No," I say. "You just starve us and force our children to fight."

"Our children?" Snow says, sounding very intrigued as he comes into the light. "Oh yes, Peeta's daughter. The one sleeping in your ignorant womb. Well, we will certainly see to it that there is a use for her."

"I won't let you touch her," I say.

"I don't need to," he says. "But we'll definately have a lot of fun. After all, you will definately see what kind of song we can make a Mockingjay sing!" He starts laughing and walks away.

My heart clenches as the door slams shut, sealing my fate, and that of my daughter.

End of Book Two
Nightingale to come as soon as possible. Buckle up dear readers. I'm excited for this one.

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