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She's a bird, locked in a cage, waiting to be set free. Her unbreakable spirt dims by the day and her true love is nearly as restricted as she to save her.

Katniss is under control of the Capital, facing intense tourture every day and not being able to say anything to stop it. She's never felt more crippled than she does now, despizing the way that President Snow brags that he "clipped her wings." She prays everyday that somehow, someway, Peeta will make his way back to her like he promised what seems like years before.

Peeta sits in District 13 with the rest of the Refugees, fighting through the red tape and diplomacy that surrounds the the battle ready district. He can't understand why no one has concerns about a pregnant woman being held in the way she is. The videos appearing from the Capital show something's wrong. Katniss would never say those things unless under duress.  Othing will stand in his way of Katniss and his daughter.

The final book of the Under The Stars Role reversed story.

Coming Soon

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