Chapter 10

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I'd like to say I took that news well. Although, how could I? Peter basically just explained that these people wanted to kidnap me. These are the people who have been after me since I was little. And I panic easily.

I went back to observing the group, Peter at my side.

  The woman intrigued me. It was as if she wasn't even attempting to hide herself. That was the strangest thing about this scene. It was vividly clear that all of this was bad, but the fact that she was standing out intentionally was the weirdest. And probably the worst.

"Who is that woman?" I asked, tilting my head over so I could see Peter. He'd put the mask on, fulling turning him into Spider-Man.

He was silent.

"Peter?" I mumbled, resulting in him shaking his head.

"Okay. I'm going to go down there as soon as Tony gets the Avengers out here. Clint is going to take you far away from here and make sure you're safe. Got it?" He spoke as I shook my head.

"Peter, what's going on? What are you not telling me?" I whispered-yelled in a demanding tone of voice. He only sighed, looking down in defeat.

"I'm already telling you a lot more than you're supposed to know," He insisted as I laughed and shook my head.

"This is my life, Peter. I never asked the Avengers to meddle around in it," I stated sternly as he pulled the mask back off. He glared at me sternly with his amber eyes before extending one of his arms so his hand could caress my cheek. His hands were covered in his suit, making his touch really soft.

"I know. But, believe me, we need to..." He breathed out as I slowly nodded. As much as I didn't want to admit it, he was right. This group, The Awaken, has been hunting my mother and I my whole life.

"What do they want from me, Peter...?" I whispered in a sad tone of voice. He closed his eyes and sighed.

"I'll take it from here, Mr. Parker," A voice boomed over the rooftop, making the two of us jump. And Peter instinctively removed his hand from my skin. The two of us looked over at the owner of the voice, seeing my mother standing there.

"N-Natasha...?" Peter asked, his entire face red with embarrassment. My mom nodded, resulting in Peter pulling his mask back on and swinging up to a small air duct in the area, going back to watching the group of individuals who were conversing in the yard, a few of them attempting to get in through windows. The woman was looking at the roof. Focusing her attention on us.

"I owe you an explanation," She stated as I rolled my eyes.

"A little past due, don't you think?" I asked as she let out a small laugh. Her attention began slipping into looking at the scenery on the roof. Then her bright eyes found Peter. She immediately looked back to me.

"I see you were trying to get Mr. Parker to answer to you with some mental manipulation, huh?" She asked with a slightly wider smile. I shook my head at her.

"It's called desperation. But I can see how you'd get the two confused. After all, you were created to have no emotions..." I grumbled under my breath, creating thick tension.

I didn't have the guts to look back at my mother. I knew I would either cry or profusely apologize. Or worse, I'd do both. Instead, I placed my attention on the woman who was shrouded in all black. She held herself in a manner that showed she was most likely the leader, or someone of power.

Peter watched from afar, all of his expressions shielded by his mask. His attention kept shifting between the shadow-like people out in the yard and my mom and I.

"She's your mother," My mom stated firmly in her work voice, making it extra edgy and unfriendly. But that sentence made my head shoot straight up to look at her.

She was crying. Probably because the one thing she loves with her entire heart is finally verbally attacking her. And it hurts her.

"What?" I asked, my mind not concerned with everything else taking place. There was no way.

"She is your birth mother," My mom added with a slow nod.

  I took a moment to process all of this information. I've been asking her about my birth mom for a while now. And suddenly she shows up looking for me? And apparently she's been looking for me for my entire life?

"And she wants you back, (Y/N)," She concluded as I looked back over the side of the building. The woman, my birth mother, (M/N), was glaring up at us.

"Natasha!" (M/N) shouted as I looked back over at my mom. Um, my mom, being Natasha. That was still a bit confusing.

  However, things were beginning to make more sense. This is why I was kept on a highly secure watch twenty-four hours a day. Because this lady could get away with kidnapping me. Why? Because I'm so curious I would've willingly gone with her.

Natasha looked back to me with gloomy eyes.

"I know you're probably pissed right now, but understand that we want what's best for you. You cannot go with her," Natasha begged as I looked back at Peter, who was now standing right beside me.

"Yeah... I mean, you're the Avengers. You're the good guys, right?" I reluctantly whispered as she weakly smiled.

  Carefully, she reached out and pushed my hair back with a weak smile present on her lips. I met her eyes, watching silent tears roll down her cheeks. Everything about her seemed anxious, from her eyes to her stance. Finally, she let her arm fall. I offered her a sad smile, being able to see how shaken up she was. And I opened my arms weakly, the two of us sharing a hug.

We broke apart upon hearing thrusters land on the rooftop next to us. There stood Ironman, dressed out for the battle that was about to take place. He looked between the three of us before glancing down at the yard, his eyes focusing on (M/N).

"Sorry, we're a little late due to the fact that it was two in the morning and every sensible person was asleep," Ironman spoke, looking directly at Spider-Man.

"This was literally your idea," Spider-Man growled at Ironman, who only seemed to shrug his shoulders in response.

"Where's Clint?" Mom asked, giving Ironman an annoyed look.

"Um, on the ground? He can't really fly, Nat. And, unlike you, he doesn't really have great agility," Ironman stated, making me roll my eyes.

"Then we need on the ground, huh?" Natasha spoke up, making Ironman nod.

"Stark, you take me. I trust Mr. Parker enough to take (Y/N)," Natasha spoke with a weak smile. I looked over at Spider-Man, who was now extremely close to me, standing at my side.

"Alright," Ironman spoke, his tone a little hesitant. Yet, he scooped up my mother and escorted her down to the front of the building.

That left Peter and myself.

"Look, (Y/N), I-I'm sorry..." He spoke gently as I turned to him and pulled his mask off. His rich brown eyes were full of sorrow and regret.

"I know you wanted to tell me. And I was beginning to get a bit suspicious that you were Spider-Man. But I just thought... I thought you would've told me," I muttered with a small shrug, looking down at my feet and finding myself unable to meet his eyes.

  Silence followed my claim. It loomed around the two of us for a moment, but Peter grabbing onto my hand forced the two of us to make eye contact again. Then a sigh of defeat escaped his lips.

"I wanted to tell you. But Mr. Stark insisted that I didn't. Apparently your mother didn't want you to know. She was worried about you and scared that I might put you in danger," Peter breathed as I arched an eyebrow.

"That doesn't even make sense. I know every other Avenger's identity. Why was yours any different?" I asked him, tilting my head a small bit as he looked down.

"Because... Because I'm a kid your age... And they didn't want—"

"They didn't want us to form a relationship," I mumbled so quietly, knowing my cheeks were reddened. He nodded, his cheeks pink as well.

"They didn't even want us to be friends... Tony convinced your mom that you needed a friend. But she was so paranoid that I was one of them," Peter added, gesturing down to the people who were in the yard.

  Sam, Bucky, and Steve were all out in the yard, beginning to attack them and try and get them out of here. Thor was with them, seeming to just want to keep them away from the building itself.

"Of course she was..." I whispered so softly.

"But they shouldn't have been worrying about all of that. After all, you still like MJ," I pointed out to him with a small shrug. His entire face went red.

"I already told you... I don't like MJ," He barely spoke above a whisper, the two of us standing so close and neither of us knowing what to say.


"I don't like MJ, (Y/N). And I don't like Liz Allen. I... I know what I want. For the first time ever, I know what I want. And, for the first time ever, it's something impossible..." He muttered, finding himself unable to hold eye contact anymore.

  I knew. I knew what he wanted. And I suddenly felt my heart aching in my chest. Because, he was right, it was something impossible.

"I know what you want..." I breathed out so softly, his amber eyes quick to meet mine once more. And, suddenly, the eye contact couldn't be broken. Because this was so important. It felt important.

"I want it, too..." I explained in a hushed tone of voice, watching a weak smile appear on his lips. I gently smiled back, squeezing his hand tightly. It felt nice holding onto him, like an anchor.

  The two of us were quiet, just softly smiling at one another. Carefully, we leaned closer towards one another. I watched his eyes flicker shut, and so I did the same. I felt our noses touch, causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach. And then—

"(Y/N)! Peter! Let's go!" Tony screamed from the front of the building, causing the two of us to turn towards Tony's voice. We looked back at one another, cheeks red and hearts racing.

"So... So um..." He stumbled over his words, not entirely sure what to say. I just smiled at him, tightening my hold on his hand.

"Life's no fun without a little risk, huh?" I asked him with a weak smile. This statement caused a grin to spread onto his lips as well.

"Yeah..." He breathed.

He pressed a quick kiss to my cheek before swiftly scooping me up into his arms and carrying me safely to the ground. There, all the Avengers stood.

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