Chapter 11

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  Captain America stood tall, his eyes narrowed down on the woman who I'd just discovered is my birth mom. Next to him stood Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and they both looked just as angered as they stared out at the group of people dressed in all black. Wanda and Vision were conversing about the strategy they'd all come up with, which made me rather nervous. Clint stood off to the side with Thor, the two of them not speaking.

"Well I'll be damned. Never thought I'd see the day Nat ever let anyone touch you, let alone carry you," Captain America said as I weakly smiled, feeling Peter carefully set me down on my feet.

"Yeah, neither did I," I stated, resulting in him giving me a kindhearted smile.

  Glancing over at Peter, I remembered that I still had his mask in my possession. I grabbed it out of my hoodie pocket, handing it over to him. He pulled it on over his head, where it automatically adjusted to his head size and looked like it was a part of the suit.

"Hey, stop judging my parenting and come help, Rogers," My mom stated, waving Captain America and Spider-Man over to the rest of the group.

  When they ran off and joined the Avengers huddle, I heard Spider-Man spatting out random facts that I was impressed he'd picked up on. Something about them hiding up in the trees and possibly being in secret tunnels beneath the base. I peered out into the yard when none of the Avengers were paying too much attention, my curiosity getting the best of me.

  I ducked back behind a bush, hoping none of them would spot me. I glanced out into the yard, discovering that (M/N) wasn't there anymore. That seemed odd. I was tempted to go and investigate. But I knew better.

  Instead, I joined up with the Avengers, looking between each member, wanting to ensure they had a good plan.

"Okay. That's doable," Wanda decided, making the others nod. Spider-Man looked over at me.

"And where should Clint take (Y/N)? The HQ is compromised. She can't stay here," Spider-Man input, making Captain America and Ironman look between one another.

"I can get the two of them on a plane to anywhere," Ironman piped up, the group beginning to work out a plan.

"Yeah. That'd be good. But where?" Captain America asked, but Ironman already seemed to be a few steps ahead.

"I know a place. Nashville, Tennessee. When you get there, go find Harley. He lives more on the outside of town. And stay with him," Ironman spoke as Clint nodded.

"Okay. We'll get going. You guys handle this disaster," Clint commented as the remainder of the group nodded. Clint grabbed my wrist, beginning to pull me off towards the exit.

  My eyes went to Spider-Man. And my entire being worried about him. Before I knew Peter was Spider-Man, I wouldn't have thought twice. But now that I knew, I couldn't stop feeling intense anxiety at the thought of him getting injured. There was something that I felt I had to do before I left.

"Can I talk to Peter before we go?" I asked, my eyes glancing between my mother and Tony. They looked to one another, and then my mom nodded.

"Sure. But make it quick. Everyone else, let's kick some ass," My mom spoke with a weak grin, all the Avengers heading out to the yard and beginning to ambush these people.

  I dashed to Peter, pulling up the bottom of his mask, exposing his nose down. And I quickly pushed a kiss to his lips. He almost instantly kissed me back.

"Please don't get killed..." I breathed out as soon as I reeled away from his lips. He instantly smiled.

"I'll try not to," He breathed out as I smiled back. He pressed another peck to my lips before Ironman cleared his throat.

  Tony and Clint were still here. The front of Tony's mask was flipped up, and his eyes were wide, but I was able to see that he was fighting back a smile. Clint seemed completely shocked, his eyes wide and mouth agape. But I didn't care. My insides felt like they were all twisted up. And I couldn't stop smiling.

  I turned back to Peter, fixing his mask back over his face. I gave him another sincere smile before nodding to Clint. The two of us then made our way out to the car that Tony had picked for us to take. We were instantly speeding off to the Avengers' private airport, which was an air strip only a few minutes away and only accessible through the property.

"So, you and Peter Parker?" Clint asked as my cheeks went red and I rolled my eyes.

"Wow, how'd you figure that one out?" I sarcastically commented. Clint grinned over at me and shrugged.

"I think it was just a lucky guess," He stated as I rolled my eyes at him. Again.

"Well, keep your guessing to yourself, because if my mom finds out, she might kill Peter," I replied to him, but he only shook his head.

"No. She will most definitely kill Peter if she finds out. Don't kid yourself," Clint responded in a sarcastic tone of voice.

  We made it to the airport, having small talk the whole way there. It was comfortable. And, since Clint is already a parent, he's extremely reasonable when it comes to dealing with me. Just add him onto the list of Avengers who act like my father figure.

  The two of us hopped out of the car once we'd arrived, beginning to run for our designated plane. It was prepared to leave as soon as we got on. Then I'd be in Tennessee.

"It was a good plan," A steady voice stated from behind us, making the two of us freeze and slowly turn around.

"Only, you seem to have forgotten one tiny detail, Hawkeye. You know what it was?" The woman asked, stepping into view.

  It was my birth mother: (M/N).

"No. But I'm sure you're going to tell me," Clint replied as she nodded.

"I'm always one step ahead of you..." She breathed out, the wind carrying her hushed words over to us.

  As soon as she said that, I felt a sharp pain in the back of my neck, making me gasp in pain. My eyes widened as I instinctively placed my hand over the back of my neck. I carefully removed the object that was stuck there, analyzing it. It was a small silver dart with a needle in the end. I blinked a couple of times, knowing what this meant.

"Stark! Things are not going as planned!" Clint yelled into his earpiece. He grunted next, giving me the inference that the same thing happened to him that had happened to me.

  My vision began going blurry, everything beginning to wobble and warp as whatever drug was injected into me began working. I stared at the ground, knowing for a fact that I was about to pass out.

"What's happening, Barton?!" Stark's voice yelled from over Clint's ear-radio. It was so loud that I could hear it.

"Barton?" My mom's crisp voice spat next.

  I dropped down to the floor, sitting down so I wouldn't collapse on my own. Breathing heavily, I leaned against the side of our car and struggled to keep my eyes open.

"We... We're down..." Clint whispered, but the yelling from the intercom system didn't stop. In fact, it only got louder.

  But I was to the point that words weren't making sense to me. It's like when my mom wakes me up extremely early in the morning and tells me something, then leaves. And I'll have no clue what she had said. It's like she wasn't even speaking English.

  Clint slipped into unconsciousness next to me. His body collided with the pavement and he was out almost immediately. I blinked quickly, my eyes finding (M/N) standing over me.

  And I quickly followed Clint's lead. I blacked out cold.

  The last sound audible to me was the sound of my birth mom lowly laughing.

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