Chapter 12

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• • • Peter's POV • • •

I felt frozen as soon as static from Clint's mic picked up on my ear-radio. I knew that none of this was going to end well, but I figured that for myself, not (Y/N). My heart was hammering within my chest.

  I whipped my body around, webbing two of the foot-soldiers together. They struggled in a back-to-back position until Thor finally killed the two off.

  The line was silent, just about all of us panicking. And I imagine Natasha and I were in the worst condition. I found myself just trying to keep calm, but I could feel my hands trembling.

  I began shooting webs at the shadow people who were climbing up the side of the facility, pulling them back down. Once they hit the ground, Vision and Wanda were to deal with them.

"Parker," Natasha's voice was the first one over the intercom since Clint.

"Yeah?" I answered, my voice very unstable and shaky. I found myself running out of distractions, and instead being forced to contemplate what could've really happened to (Y/N) and Clint.

"You're taking me up to the private airport. The others can handle this themselves," Natasha promised as I nodded, still panting.

"Alright," I breathed out.

  Natasha told me that she was taking a car and I could just meet her there. We followed through with that idea, the two of us meeting up at the airport where Clint and (Y/N) were supposed to be. Sure enough, their airplane was still here. Their car was still here as well. However, they were gone.

"Who could've done this...? They were all busy fighting us, weren't they...? How did one of them slip away...?" I whispered quietly, my tone full of worry and concern.

  Something caught my attention. I bent down and picked the item up off the floor, seeing that it was a dart of some sort. I brought it to Natasha's attention, then witnessing anger fill her eyes.

"Stark, give me (M/N)'s location," Natasha spat in a demanding tone of voice into her earpiece. Her eyes were dark and conveyed a serious expression.

  No. It was impossible. We were so careful. They couldn't take her away from me. I just discovered, for certain, that she likes me. It's not fair that they get to take her away from me right now.

"Her tracker went dead. She must've found it. I can't tell," Tony responded, resulting in Natasha letting out a long strand of swears. Finally, she took a deep breath, collected herself, and looked back to me.

"Someone else should've gone with them..." I mumbled, glancing over at Natasha. But she just shook her head.

"Even if someone else would've gone, they probably also would've gone missing. We know she wanted (Y/N), but I have no clue where Clint is," Natasha mumbled to me, exhaling another sigh and placing her head in her hands.

"You think (M/N) did this?" I muttered, wanting to make sure I was on the same page. Natasha gave me an annoyed glare.

"Of course she did..." Natasha breathed out. She was pissed. And it was obvious.

  The thought of someone kidnapping (Y/N) made my stomach churn. I felt absolutely sick. Why would anyone want to hurt her? But then I thought about what I knew. These were (Y/N)'s birth parents. Who knows if they actually wanted to hurt her. Maybe they just wanted her back.

"We have to find them," I told Natasha, my heart beating really fast. Anxiety coursed through my veins, making my hands tremble with fear. I was so beyond scared, because I had no idea what was happening to her.

  I took a glance back at the car, my eyes catching something that I hadn't seen before. Walking around, I found myself picking up an envelope that rested against the windshield. It was addressed to Natasha.

"Miss Natasha... This is for you..." I breathed, extending my hand for her to take the piece of parchment.

  She tore the envelope open, unfolding the piece of paper that had been inside, and her eyes quickly scanning over whatever had been written inside. More swearing exited her mouth after she finished reading it. My eyes widened, and I felt even more afraid. Her eyes went to me before she held out the paper for me to read.

  I took the paper carefully, handling it as if it was delicate, then beginning to read the cursive writing that had been scrawled onto the page in blue ink. 

  Take from me again, Nat, I dare you. You'll see what'll happen to the beloved thing that I cherished, you took, and then selfishly loved on your own. Come and see the me at the old Avengers Tower here in New York City. I'm sure my precious (Y/N) will be happy to see you.
   ~ (M/N) (L/N)

  Suddenly, it was difficult to breathe properly. I kept reading the words over and over again, wanting to make sure they wouldn't change. But I really wanted them to. I really wanted all of this to be different. I really wanted (Y/N) here.

"That was dated a few months ago. She's been planning all of this for a very long time. And she knows I'm going to go," Natasha told me as I looked up at her, carefully handing the page back to her.

"I want to go as well. So should all the other Avengers. That's our best chance of being successful in this mission," I boldly stated, which made Natasha nod.

"I agree," Natasha told me as I glanced around the empty airport, looking for any signs of anything. But there wasn't anything left behind to tell us where they went.

"Avengers, return to the HQ. We have our next mission, which is in dire need of discussion," Natasha spoke over the intercoms, making me intake a sharp breath. Because this was real. This was really happening.

"On our way," Steve stated as Natasha took a deep breath, her eyes carefully moving over towards me.

"Copy," She stated calmly, waving for me to follow her as we began walking back to her car.

  The two of us hopped into the vehicle. Once inside, I tugged my mask off, immediately feeling hot tears trek down my cheeks. Sorrow filled my chest.

• • • (Y/N)'s POV • • •

  It was very dark. And eerily quiet. My body was breathing, but in a very shallow and slow manner. Not only that, but my entire body ached. I felt far beyond tired, keeping me in a constant sleeping state. Finally, I forced my eyes open, knowing I needed to wake up.

  I was strapped down to a cot, which resulted in me almost instantly thrashing in a strong attempt to get out. However, it wasn't that simple. The restraints were too strong as I was far too weak.

  I looked up, suddenly breathing heavily and in short bursts. Hyperventilating is the correct term. My eyes flashed in just about every direction, panic fully settling over my being. But still, I couldn't do anything.

  After a few moments, I began calming down and taking in my surroundings. I couldn't move my head, but I was forced to stare at the large mirror that was stuck against the ceiling. The room was small, only containing my cot, a single chair, and a little cart full of medical tools and different vials of liquids. One looked like blood, meanwhile the other was a transparent light green.

  Only, that wasn't the most prominent issue. Rather, it was the fact that my (E/C) irises had turned milky white. And I could only stare in horror as my reflection looked less and less like me.

"She's awake," I finally heard a voice speak, making me inhale a quick breath of fear.

They were changing me.

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