Chapter 13

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• • • Peter's POV • • •

"Look, I know it sounds awful, but we need to bring him," Natasha growled as Tony shook his head.

"Absolutely not. We have no idea what his motives are and what he could possibly do to us. He's unstable and could quickly tear us apart," Tony argued, staring at Natasha with anger and disagreement.

"He could also save us. Or save (Y/N), rather," Sam input, though he seemed rather reluctant to say anything at all.

"And I'm tired of treating him like a dog. I trust him. And if Natasha wants to bring him, then I think we should trust her judgement of him," Steve expressed as I silently observed this conversation.

"And what if it doesn't work? What if he's more of a burden than any help?" Wanda asked, looking at Steve.

"Then I'll deal with it," Steve promised as Natasha looked over to me.

  Everyone shifted their attention to the man sitting on the other side of the table. He had handcuffs around his wrists, but he wasn't even attempting to fight his way out of them. His dark ratty hair was down to his shoulders and he stared at all of us with his dark and sunken eyes.

Bucky had been out helping us with the shadow people, but he had a bit of an episode. He attacked Sam and almost killed Steve, all while apologizing and being aware. However, he had no control over his actions. He had been crying in pain as well, explaining later that his head felt like it was collapsing in on itself. Either way, Bucky was not stable. And Steve was furious with Mr. Stark for putting his harmed friend in handcuffs opposed to in the hospital wing.

"Well, Barnes? Will you help us or not?" Tony seethed in an aggressive tone. Steve gave him a nasty look as the chained-up male exhaled a deep breath, looking between the two arguing men.

"I'm not sure. You guys said you have no idea what they're even doing to the poor girl. If they are messing with her memories and mental state, there's a chance that I could be of help. Otherwise, well, Miss Maximoff would be correct; bringing me would be counterproductive," Bucky whispered in a weak tone, his voice small and afraid.

"Well, he's honest. I'll give him that," Bruce muttered quietly, his eyes darting over to Tony.

Mr. Stark was definitely not convinced. Not that Bucky did much to defend his case. But he was afraid. And, to be fair, he had every right to be. Hydra has messed him up, and some parts of him would never be the same again. Deep down, however, Bucky was still a human being. And he cared for us.

"It's worth it. He's coming," Natasha hissed to Tony as I observed Bucky a bit closer.

He stared right back at me, but it felt as if I was looking at broken glass. He was broken. Shattered, even. Possibly to a point beyond repair. He'd been thrown around, beaten down, abused beyond any of our understanding; yet here he was. He still had his heart in the right place. It was just a fight for control within him.

It hurt to imagine someone doing this to (Y/N), which was what Bucky had implied. And I really hoped he was wrong.

After Natasha's exclamation, everyone set out to get ready. Steve was quick to free Bucky, helping him to his feet and beginning to lead him to the armory. Meanwhile, I followed Mr. Stark, the two of us going to get suited up in the place where he kept our equipment.

  Personally, I liked the thought of Bucky coming with us. That way, if anything too terrible had happened to her, we'd have someone who kind of knew what he was doing. And I definitely knew it made Natasha feel better, even if there was the imminent threat of Barnes turning on us and killing off all of the Avengers. Then again, there were more of us than there were of him. I'm sure Steve and Sam would be able to handle him.

Tony and I hurried up, suiting up quickly and then heading out to the yard. Natasha, Sam, Steve, and Bucky were all inside of one helicopter. Tony was going to fly there, meanwhile Wanda, Vision, and myself drove. Wanda called driving, which resulted in us going excessively fast. But, honestly, I wasn't complaining.

The car ride was silent. Occasionally, the two of them would start up a small conversation, but it seemed to always die off rather quickly. Probably because I was present. But I was hardly paying attention to them. Instead, I found myself looking out the window and coming up with many horrible ideas as to what (M/N) could have done to (Y/N).

On top of that, I had gotten absolutely no sleep last night. I spent the whole night worrying and pacing my bedroom. I could somehow sense that they were doing something horrible to her, though I didn't want that to be true. But my sixth sense practically screamed that she was being tortured and tormented. And just that thought alone made me feel sick.

"We're here," Vision announced from the passenger seat as soon as we pulled in to the parking lot of the old Avengers Tower. The three of us got out of the car, finding ourselves staring up at the building.

  Tony landed next to me, flipping up the front of his mask to expose his face to us. The helicopter was on the opposite end of the parking lot, the four individuals having already evacuated it and running towards us. Once we were all together, everyone turned their attention towards Natasha.

"Where exactly are we supposed to go?" Tony asked, his mask folding back down as he began scanning the building. But he didn't have to.

(M/N) exited the building, her eyes moving quickly as she looked between all of us. But her gaze settled on Natasha. A sickening grin appeared on her lips.

"You know, Nat, when we first met all those years ago, I thought you were the only person who was unpredictable. But, right about now, I'm starting to suspect your every move," Her voice boomed, all of us glaring at her.

"Three more people in the building," Tony's voice spoke through our earpieces, informing us of what we were dealing with.

It could've been (Y/N) and Clint, but then who was the third person? Could it have been (Y/N)'s father?

"Where is she?" Natasha yelled, taking a few steps forwards with her eyes locked on the woman. Natasha Romanoff was a scary woman, yet I've never seen her look more terrifying than she did in this moment.

"Who? My daughter?" (M/N) snapped, her voice venomous and hostile.

"Yes," Natasha snarled angrily, her eyes darkening.

"Oh, she's with her father. He's been working on some chemical mixture for her body," (M/N) spoke with a smirk. I felt my heart drop.

"You're conducting chemical tests on your own daughter? Even I know that's an awful idea," Tony growled, anger built up in his voice.

"Oh, we've already done testing. Now, we're performing the purpose of the concoction. Although, it seems you brought Mr. Barnes to walk her through the side-effects. But, good luck with that," (M/N) hissed with an evil laugh.

"You bitch," Natasha snarled, death glaring the female.

  Natasha was far beyond pissed off. I've heard Mr. Stark refer to this as her 'Mama Bear' side. And, honestly, it was pretty scary.

"(Y/N) talked to me. Of course, she didn't know she was. She was asleep. But I must ask, which one of you is named Peter?" She spoke as I felt my heart stop. Suddenly, it was difficult to intake oxygen.

  She's looking for me. At least, she was. And I wasn't there for her. Whether she knew it or not, she had been asking for me. I felt my heart completely shatter within my rib cage.

"Don't answer that," Tony announced to the group, not wanting to make it obvious who I was. I glanced around nervously, seeing everyone refusing to look away from (M/N).

"Oh, c'mon. I just figured that maybe Peter would like to see her," (M/N) stated as I felt my heart flip.

"Peter. Don't," Steve stated next, but my heart violently leap. I needed to see her. I missed her. Maybe this woman wasn't lying. Maybe I could actually find her...

"I'm sorry, guys..." I breathed out, knowing I was more than likely going to regret this.

"Peter. Don't you dare," Tony boomed, but I shook my head and stepped forwards anyways.

  (M/N) smiled wickedly, her eyes snared on me. It was a curious glare at first, but it slowly became something much more evil.

"Perfect. I have her here for you, Spider-Boy," She stated.

  Just like that, (Y/N) walked out of the front door. Her familiar (H/C) hair seemed brushed and clean, as if no one had taken her. As if she hadn't been kidnapped. She ran up to (M/N), wrapping her in a hug, causing the wicked woman to laugh. My eyes widened.

"Yeah, you definitely screwed up her mind if she could treat a psychopath like you like a mother," Bucky growled, resulting in the two of them to turn their attention towards all of us.

  Everyone froze when (Y/N) turned to us and death glared all of us with her milky white eyes. I felt sick. Her eyes, aside from being the wrong color, also seemed glazed over. No emotion was kept there. She appeared to be stuck, not in control of her own body.

"Well, James, I'd like to see you try to fix her," (M/N) stated as (Y/N) began stepping closer to us. I began absentmindedly taking steps in her direction as well.

  We stood about ten feet from one another before we stopped. I was concerned, but I also didn't want to get too close. They had done something to her, and I wasn't quite sure what it was.

"Spider-Man...?" She asked, her voice soft and confused as her pupils dialed at a rapid rate, quickly going from small to large. This caused confusion to ignite within me.

"Yes," I breathed out, unsure what she was going to say.

  We kept walking, the two of us finally only standing a foot apart. The Avengers and (M/N) were all silent, all of them watching our interaction rather closely. None of them knew what was about to happen. Sure, we all had ideas, but none of us knew.

  Carefully, she extended a hand towards me. Her eyes looked at me intently, conveying that she wanted me to grab onto her. But I wasn't sure if that was the best idea.

"Take my hand..." Her cold voice seethed. And it was in a far from friendly tone.

"No..." I mumbled, taking a step back. But apparently that was the wrong answer.

If I'm being completely honest, I don't really know exactly what happened next. The ground beneath my feet split apart, making me jump back out of that spot. Glancing over, (M/N) was grinning so widely as the remainder of the Avengers looked mortified.

I quickly shifted my attention back towards (Y/N), a plume of flames escaping her palm and nearly hitting me. I flipped out of the way, watching with horror.

"She has powers..."

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