Chapter 14

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None of us quite knew how to react. First of all, we weren't even entirely sure what her powers were. But, currently, I had one thing in mind. And it was making sure she didn't set me on fire. I kept jumping back and trying my hardest to get away, but she seemed hellbent on harming me.

Bucky was the first to come to my aid, tackling (Y/N) to the ground while she wasn't paying attention to the other Avengers. Pulling her arms back, he kept his grip tight on her. Meanwhile, I pulled myself up to my feet, attempting to think through the situation.

"Okay, she has powers. What are they, exactly?" Steve Rogers asked over the coms, though no one could answer. We were still unsure.

"Fire powers and abilities to shift the dirt. Does anyone else have ridiculous questions that I don't know the answers to?" Tony commented in a snarky tone of voice.

Glancing over, I noticed Natasha run after (M/N), the two of them getting into a personal fight. It was very clear, due to how anger fueled their actions were, that they more than hated one another. I guess there's still a lot that none of us really know.

"Parker! Now!" Bucky screamed as I nodded, tethering (Y/N)'s wrists together with my webbing. But this only seemed to enrage her even more. A scream escaped her lungs, which caused my eyes to widen, and a large burst of flames exited her body.

Falcon and Captain America were quick to go after (M/N), deciding Natasha may need a bit help. Wanda and Vision had ran into the tower, going in for the sole purpose of finding (Y/N)'s father, who they believed had transformed her into this.

"Stark, something is at the landing near the top of the tower. Get your ass up there and investigate," Natasha commanded, causing my eyes to drift up towards the top of the tower. I suddenly realized that was rather dumb of me, because that took my attention off of (Y/N).

I felt a large invisible force shove me, causing my body to collide with the concrete. While beginning to get back up, I was pushed again, wincing as my body was forced against the pavement. And my suit is literally just constructed of spandex and wires, so it hurt like hell.

"It's like she's manipulating the air!" Bucky shouted over the coms, making me nod and roll over. I was hit with another strong wave of air, which managed to knock the oxygen out of my lungs and force me flat on my back. My skull was quick to collide with the concrete, and I'm fairly sure I had a concussion at that point.

"(Y/N)!" Bucky yelled, taking her attention off of me and towards the other Avenger. This gave me time to stand up and pull myself together.

"I think she's like the Avatar, Mr. Stark," I stated, webbing her ankles together while she was concerning herself with Bucky. She looked back at me with absolute hatred.

"Peter! Stop! Please!" (Y/N) screamed. She attempted to thrash against the webbing, but she couldn't. When she noticed that she couldn't, her eyes shifted and she looked afraid. My heart ached in my chest.

"Peter, what the hell is the 'Avatar'?" Tony responded as I kept my eyes locked on (Y/N) and her sympathetic expression.

"Basically, the Avatar is someone who can bend and control the four elements. It's from a cartoon," I explained, only hearing him sigh in response.

"Shit. Nat, we've got issues on the roof. It's Barton. And it looks like he's one of their puppets now, too," Tony spoke up once he'd reached the top of the tower and found out who was up there.

"Knock him out and get him to the car. Barnes and Parker, when you get (Y/N), take the car and go back to base. Leave us here with (M/N)," Natasha explained as Bucky and I nodded to one another.

  Bucky was quick to scoop up (Y/N)'s body, but dropped her back to the ground only moments after. My eyes widened at first, but then I realized that the ground beneath his feet had changed, causing him to fall. Next, she ignited the webbing, causing it to melt off her wrists. Then she worked on her ankles. Pushing herself off the ground, she rose to her feet and met my gaze.

"Okay, we have earth, air, and fire, but we've not seen her use water," Steve pointed out to the rest of the group.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Steve, should we get her close to a body of water so that way she can have another advantage over us? She's kicking our asses right now," Bucky's sarcastic voice remarked, making Steve exhale a breathy laugh.

  Meanwhile, (Y/N) knocked me off my feet once more with a burst of air. I slid against the asphalt, gritting my teeth in pain. I actually managed to get up this time, turning my attention back towards her. Her white eyes were narrowed as she glared at me.

"You don't want to fight me, Peter... I know you don't..." Her voice carried in the wind, the empty look in her eyes making my heart sink even more. I mean, she was right. Of course I didn't want to fight her.

  Bucky stood behind her, but she didn't notice him. She was focused on me. He motioned for me for get closer to her. I was hesitant, but I did so.

"What other choice do I have, (Y/N)? This isn't you," I explained to her, continuing to step closer, like Bucky was asking.

"But this is, Peter. This is me. This is what I was meant to be. What I was supposed to be," She breathed out, words soft and careful.

  Bucky held his hand up, expressing that I could stop. And I did. I was probably only about four feet away from her. Bucky's eyes were full of sympathy as I examined him closely. He raised his metal arm, and suddenly the plan began making sense.

  It all happened so fast. He had hit her upside the head and she was knocked out. I needed to be close in order to catch her, which I did. Bucky picked her up, nodding for me to follow him, and then began sprinting for the car.

"We've got (Y/N)," I spoke over the com system, alerting the other Avengers of what we've just done.

"Great. You and Barnes take the car and get the hell out of here. Barton is already in the back seat," Tony yelled, obviously seeming to have preoccupied himself with aiding Natasha, Steve, and Sam with (M/N). She must've been pretty damn good if she could fend those four off by herself.

  We placed (Y/N)'s unconscious body in the backseat with Clint's. I scrambled into the passenger seat as Bucky placed himself behind the wheel. He took one glance my way, nodding to me before starting the vehicle.

  We sped off, Bucky taking a few occasional glances in the rear-view mirror to see if anyone was following us. Finally, he released a few swears, allowing me to know that we were being followed.

"Parker, you drive. I'll deal with these guys," Bucky spoke as my eyes widened.

"U-Um... Okay..." I breathed out. No, I'm in no means a good driver. In fact, I'm barely a driver at all. The only time I've driven on the road was with Mr. Stark and that didn't go too well. May only let me drive in parking lots, which was less of a disaster, but still a disaster nonetheless. And now I was supposed to drive while being chased and shot at?

  Bucky turned on cruise control, then proceeded to roll the window down and climb up onto the roof. I climbed into the driver's seat, beginning to steer us towards HQ. I heard gunshots, watching the people chasing us fall off their motorcycles and collide with the concrete.

  I gritted my teeth, determination on my face, which was still hiding beneath my mask. I managed to get us on the interstate, which should take us right to where we need to be. However, it was still quite the drive away. But I had bigger things to worry about.

  Eventually, I watched Bucky fall back onto the hood, making my eyes widen. He shook his head and crawled back up the windshield and to the top of the car. He went back to picking off enemies.

  I knew it was all over when the gunshots stopped and Bucky climbed back into the car through the passenger window. He exhaled a deep breath and rested his head against the headrest. Wind rushed in through the window, messing up his already disastrous hair.

"You alright?" I asked as he nodded slowly, panting and taking another glance through the rear-view mirror.

"Yeah... I think so..." He mumbled with a small smile. I smiled a bit, too. I was just beyond thrilled that we were still alive.

"This isn't over, y'know... She'll find a way to get what she wants... She always does..." (Y/N) quiet voice muttered from the backseat as I drove us through the gates of the HQ. Bucky and I were both shocked to hear her awake and acting so calm.

"Oh yeah? Then tell me, what is it that she wants so badly?" Bucky asked, looking back at the female with the white eyes.

"The termination of Natasha Romanoff..." (Y/N) mumbled as I parked the car out in front of the HQ. Bucky and I looked between one another in that moment.

"Well, she'll have to try a bit harder than what she just did," Bucky snarled, getting out of the car.

"I'll carry Barton if you can deal with her," Bucky stated as I nodded, the two of us opening the back doors.

  (Y/N) was on my side of the vehicle, looking at me with a form of disdain. To my surprise, she didn't try to run. Rather, she got out of the car and followed Bucky and I inside.

  Once we got inside, Clint was thrown onto the couch for the time being. Meanwhile Bucky and I tied (Y/N) up in one of the dining chairs, knowing we just needed to ensure that she didn't run away. I thought she might attempt to burn the ropes, but she didn't. She just sat quietly, looking down at her feet.

"Go get dressed, Kid. This could take a while," Bucky murmured as I gave him a rather confused look.

"What? Why is that?" I asked, the two of us leaving her in the dining room and walking back to the living room to deal with Clint.

  The two of us each draped one of his arms over our shoulders, dragging him down to the hospital wing. Once we made it inside, a nurse began hooking him up to an IV. We put restraints on him before leaving to go back to (Y/N).

"She's in a special kind of trance. It's rather uncommon. Nothing can snap her out of it except for one thing," Bucky explained as I arched an eyebrow.

"Okay. Then what is it? I'm sure we can get it," I insisted, being exceptionally stubborn. I was going to help her. I didn't care what it would take from me.

"That's the problem, Peter... No one knows what it is. Not (M/N). Not Natasha. Not Tony. Not even (Y/N). The last thing that (Y/N) thought of before being placed in this trance is the only thing that can bring her out of it," Bucky explained as I felt a tear escape my eye and instantly get dried up by my mask.

"Oh..." I mumbled quietly, really hoping that this information was untrue.

"Now, go get some rest, Kid. We'll deal with this in the morning," He explained to me. I nodded.

  This was going to take time, but I didn't care. I was going to fix her. I was going to bring the real her back. And I wasn't going to let anything happen to her ever again.

  I headed up to my guest bedroom, taking off  my suit and changing into black sweatpants and a dark grey t-shirt. Then I fell back on my bed, my mind trying to comprehend what could possible fix her.

  I didn't sleep much that night.

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