A New Love

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It's been five months since Rita and Lynn Sr divorced each other, Rita has been doing great since she divorced Lynn, four of her daughters are now in college, the other five are in middle school and Lincoln is now a young man and married his sweetheart from China and has two children.

Rita: *Sigh* I feel more relaxed, now that Lynn and his daughter are out of our lives forever, Lincoln has forgiven us and everything is back to normal

Rita remember the day that she saw Lincoln's kung fu master Joshua Lee that she fell in love with him in secret, she decided to go and find him. Rita hopped into her new van and drove to find at the kung fu temple but when she got to park, she saw Lincoln training with his master Joshua.

Rita's Inner Thoughts: Looks like it's my lucky day

Joshua: Well done Lincoln-San, looks like the student becomes the master

Lincoln: Thank you master Joshua or should I call my father

Joshua: Of course my son

Lincoln: See you tomorrow

Joshua: See you son

Rita: Hello Mr. Lee it's an honor to meet you

Joshua: Umm.....who are you?

Rita: I'm Rita Loud, Lincoln's mother

Joshua: Oh yeah I remember, sorry for the harsh words I said before

Rita: It's alright it's all in the past, I know we'll started the left foot but we can start a new

Joshua: Sure you wanna come to my house for some tea and cookies

Rita: Sure

Rita and Joshua both walked to his house, Rita was sitting in the living room, while Joshua was making tea and brought cookies.

Joshua: Here you go

Rita: Thanks

Rita and Joshua began to talk about their lives and formers partners, but then they noticed that ran out of tea, Joshua was going back to the kitchen to make more but Rita insisted that she should make it, they both began to insist about making the tea but they both tripped and landed on each other.

Rita: Joshua

Joshua: Yeah

Rita: I want to tell the truth I came to see you to tell you that I love you

Joshua: Huh?

Rita: Ever since I saw you for the first time, I fell in love and you've been on my mind for years

Joshua: I....I.....I love you too

Rita: Oh Joshua you made the happiest woman on earth I love you

Joshua: How about we go to dinner tomorrow night?

Rita: Yes

Rita felt more in love with Joshua unlike Lynn Loud Sr, Joshua is a really nice guy who is honest and doesn't believe in superstitions like Lynn Sr. The next day Lincoln and Emiko went to see Rita and noticed something new in her.

Lincoln: Hi mom wow you look nice today what's the occasion?

Rita: Oh hi Lincoln I didn't see you and Emiko coming I have a date tonight and I have to look beautiful

Emiko: Well we're very glad for you Rita

Rita: Thanks Emiko

The night began and Rita is getting ready for her date and drove to the Italian restaurant. Meanwhile at the restaurant Joshua was sitting at a table waiting for Rita but then he saw Rita like he never did before.

Joshua: Wow Rita you look beautiful

Rita: *Blushes* Thanks Joshua

Waiter: Ah Mr. Jones it is so good to see you, I'll bring the appetizers for the two of you

Rita: Jones?

Joshua: That's My last name Joshua Lee Jones

Rita: Wow

Rita and Joshua began to enjoy their dinner date, everything went great until Lynn Sr came.

Rita: Lynn what do you want?

Lynn Sr: I came to get you back

Rita: I don't want you in my life

Lynn Sr: Rita I changed and I want our family back together

Rita: You and your daughter are the reason why the family fell apart

Joshua: Lynn, Rita does not want you anymore get out

Lynn Sr: You

Joshua: That's right me

Lynn Sr: You're trying to steal my wife

Joshua: She's no longer your wife, leave her alone, be gone before I do something that we'll both regret

Lynn Sr left defeated and heart broken.

Rita: *Kisses Joshua* I love you

Joshua: I love you too

Rita and Joshua left the restaurant and went for a walk at the park.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Rita: I love Joshua you made me so happy

Joshua: I love you too Rita with all my heart

Rita and Joshua kisses in the light of the lake knowing that they're now meant to be.

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