He Saved My Life

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After her date with Joshua, Rita was so happy again, something that she never felt in a long time, not even with ex-husband. The next morning, she begin remember the day that she almost ended her own life.


June 18, 2017

After three more months of searching for Lincoln, Rita had lost all hope of ever finding him, she fell into a deep depression. She didn't ate or sleep that much or go anywhere. One day when her husband and her daughters went to see a movie, she was in her in her room crying.

Rita: *Crying* I'm sorry Lincoln, I'm sorry that did this to you, I failed as a mother, I guess you rather see me dead then to ever forgive me

In that moment, Rita grabbed a blade and slit her own wrists, having a slow and painful death but before she had final breathe and closed her eyes forever, she saw a silhouette of a person and the final thing she saw was his hand glowing gold.

Three to five hours later, Rita woke up to see that she had survived her suicide attempt and noticed that her wrists were healed, she turn around and saw Joshua reading a book and he noticed that Rita is awake.

Joshua: Oh hey, you're awake

Rita: You...saved my life

Joshua: Of course I did

Rita: Why?

Joshua: Lincoln-San still cares about you

Rita: Lincoln?! My baby is alive?!

Joshua: Of course he's in a temple trying to find his qi and inner peace

Rita: Why would he still care about me?

Joshua: Because you're his mother, even though you harmed him and made him feel unloved, he still cares about you

Rita: Thank you

Joshua: For what?

Rita: For saving my life and for taking care of my son

Joshua: No problem plus I grew fondly of him, well I better get it going, your family will be here any second now

Joshua left the room and headed to the front door, Rita went after him and when she opened the door she couldn't believe her own eyes.

Rita: You're.....a dragon?

Joshua: Yes, this is my true form, I'm not actually human but a wise dragon

In that moment Rita saw Joshua flying away into the night sky.

Rita: Goodbye my love, take care of Lincoln

End Of Flashback

Back in present day, Rita was grateful that Joshua saved her life from a fatal. If he didn't then she would've never seen Lincoln ever again.

Rita: Thank you Joshua

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