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Review of Milania: Queen of the phantoms by QueenofQeciverse

This book takes you through the journey of Milania: Queen of the phantoms. A pessimistic young girl on a journey, a girl who no one believes would submerge heroic. If you're interested in Greek gods, demi gods and titans, this is a thrilling fantasy for you.


Your cover is really beautiful, it has that fantasy theme to it, but it could be better. I love the fonts, how bold it is. But I envisioned Milania to be- you know, one of those strong women figures, rather than looking like a damsel waiting for her knight in shining armor.


Title is nice, I don't think there could have been a better fit.

Your blurb is well detailed, telling the readers the story in am entrancing manner. But I believe more can be done to spice it up, this would call fantasy readers, but for people who are still foreign to it, you will want to put it in a way to draw them.


Your punctuation and grammer were superb, it was really nice and pleasing to the eyes. I don't really have much to say on this- that's kind of a first for me in a really long time. I usually have a lot to say on this part in books.

Your periods, commas, were found in places they should be and were not missing in the places they shouldn't be. I hardly spotted any misspellings and grammatical error, so good job on this.


This was also beautifully done. You gave your readers an almost clear image of your characters and their surroundings, your style of writing also helped your readers to understand and flow with your characters emotions and reactions to certain things.


This was nicely done, I have to admit at first, the strange names I was seeing was kinda confusing and hard to grab, but going further I was able to grab things. I like the personalities you have given your characters, especially Milania, I love her character. From the moment she said

"Suck my dick and find out."

That really threw me in fits of laughter. Your others characters were nice too, Naomi and her crush on Luca was so relatable, I get like that, whenever my crush is around, I start imagining us married with five kids, more if we don't use condom or menopause hasn't attacked 😂😂 sorry about that.

Anyways, amazing job on this, your cast is nice.


This was a really interesting read, your book is good enough to get me interested in fantasy which I rarely read. The whole plot and characters are amazing. It's really good that your proofread your work before publishing to enable a smooth read and avoid confusion. If you were a boy I would give you a kiss for your punctuations, but since you aren't, I would give the kiss to your brother.

Good job, keep up the good work.


This review was to help you and nothing more, wishing you the best.

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