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His shed was really a house! I was floored. After a few moments of just standing in the doorway, catching flies. I got over my shock and decided I shouldn't really be all that surprised.
He's a very strange individual.

Well, he is Satan.

My brain silenced itself, it was too busy taking in the breathtaking detail of the foyer and the room attached. The intricate design in the molding on the walls was absolutely stunning. I couldn't imagine the amount of time that went into making them.

"I bet my house could fit in here" I didn't try to hide my amazement.

With a small smile, he moved to the double archway directly in front of me. Once again the detail in the design was flawless.

"My mother spent a long time, maybe even, her whole life, decorating this house." He spoke as I joined him. I noticed the grand staircase to my left, spiraling out of few.

"The parlor was always her favorite." He said softly, I wasn't entirely sure he said it to me.

"I can see why." I gingerly stepped into the parlor.

The cream puff color walls trimmed with a rich chocolate. The curtains were a shade darker than the walls. They were open showing that even the windows had an elegance to it.

There is one particular breath-taking, painting, place to my left, it matched the one in Cole's "office". This one was in much better condition.

All artwork was framed to match the splash of pale greens and...Pink?!

"I heard that." I threw a halfhearted glare his way. He shrugged at me and stuck his hands in his pockets.

"My mom likes flowers. Pink ones." He muttered, dejected.

He wasn't kidding, either. Aside from the gorgeously crafted furniture, that I didn't know the names of, there were flowers everywhere. As prints, in a vase, as painting, throw pillows you name it.

The Holy Grail was the flower lamps. I truly tried hard to hide my giggle.

I didn't.

"I've tried to get rid of these grandma couches." He abruptly says to no one.

I feel like at any moment, he's going to lay on one of these "grandma couches"-that I find gorgeous- and I will be asking him "how that makes him feel" a hundred times. While I doodle away on a yellow legal pad.

He shot me a dirty look. Well, that's what you get. Serves him right.

"I just worry my mother will return and kick my ass." He chuckled at his own, slightly confusing to others, joke. 

The air in the room turned slightly awkward. To save face, I went back to admiring the room.

I sat in the one green and cream printed armchair. I stared at the legs of the matching ottoman in front of me.

His mother really put a lot of effort into this house. It all coordinated and it was starting to make my head hurt. What was once beautiful, is now becoming overwhelming.

"Would you like to go to my version of a parlor?" As if on cue, I almost tripped I got up so fast.

"Yes, please." My toe hit the corner of the ottoman. Pain seared up to my ankle.

"Oh shit." Slipped out of my mouth, as I struggled to regain my balance. I somehow managed to not fall flat on my face.

"I'm good, lead the way." His shoulder shook with silent laughter, as he led me up the stairs.

I was no longer in the mood to admire the surrounding details When we got to the landing, he turned left. I glance to the right and saw a hallway with two doors.

"That's my bedroom, don't go in there." That's basically telling me to go in there.

"You really don't want to do that." He spoke directly into my ear. Scaring me to death, I jumped a mile high.

He was kind enough to step back before he started roaring with laughter. He opened the door to his right.

I glared at him as I went in. I stepped out of the Victorian era and into the modern.

His parlor was all flat walls, solid red, black framed art, black leather couches, and chair, pops of red throughout the pillows, a lampshade here and there. Also, a very large tv, with an equally large entertainment center.

"Very Satany" I gave him and the room an approving nod.

"That's it, my plan was to nerd out but now we're going to play twenty questions. I ask first!" He yelled as he touched his nose.

"No!!! There's no way I'm playing twenty questions!" I plopped onto the couch, knocking off a few pillows with my feet.

"Put on the fandom overlords!!" I mocked command.

"Okay bossy." My face still buried into the couch, I could hear him walk to the tv and entertainment center.

Once I heard the sounds of an actual tv program, I rolled over. Cole collapsed into a big comfy looking chair and a half.

Soon we were engulfed in our show. He started us with an oldie but goodie, but I didn't mind. I loved watching Spock, and the over-acting of the Captain.

My stomach rumbled and growled, some hours later. Cole clapped, at a scene to the show or, so I thought.

Two seconds later, a small, stout man appeared. Clad in a butler's outfit. His sudden appearance scared me so bad, I screamed and fell off the couch.

Cole's laughter roared through the room, as I rubbed my sore elbow while staring at the stranger.

A split-second later, I realized this stranger had horns. I avert my eyes.

Once Cole calmed down and wiped his eyes. He gestured, "This is Luther the Butler, he's gonna get you some food." He chuckled, once more.

"Sorry Madam, I didn't mean to scare you," Luther said and he tried to help me up. It was increasingly difficult to not check out his horns, they really stood out in his stock white hair.

Also, they were freaking BLUE!

Like ice, pale blue. I looked at the floor when he cleared his throat. I know he caught me staring. Cole's chuckles grew more hearty.

"Just get her chicken nuggets, and announce yourself next time, Luther." Dismissing Luther from the room, Cole dramatically stretched out the laughter cramps from his sides.

"Now that was entertaining!" He sounded like he was having way too much fun. He pressed play and focused back on the show.

A thought started to creeping, sneaking it's way to the surface. It was slow and tedious, causing my brain to go into meltdown mood. Unsure what could possibly be bugging me, I checked my phone.

Nothing, from anyone.

Probably because everyone thinks I'm still in school. Which is where I should be, instead of nerding out with the King of Hell.

But he's a giant dork. I was being petty now, didn't even care.

Luther coughed and announced himself, carrying a rather large tray. He went to place it on the table, it slipped and made a loud bang.

The same moment that thought broke through the ranks and slaughtered my poor brain.

Why did David leave? I was a little taken aback. It's been a few days since I've had that intrusive thought.

"Oh, that? I did that." My brain simply shut down.

Yup, that's how I'm capping this chapter off.

I have some imagines to go along with this chapter.

This is the closest, I could find of the foyer.

His mother's parlor. It's so girlie!!

And just for fun!

Cole's chair, that beast looks soooooooooo comfortable. I'm not looking into buying one myself.

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