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"What do you mean you did that?! I mocked. Luther had the sense to leave the room, once he corrected the tray.

"I caused him to leave?" His confusion sounded genuine. My brain was scrambling to piece itself back together, so I could process what he was saying.

My heart went arctic, dipped in liquid Nitrogen. Then it shattered, imploded is more correct. The pain I felt, must have been appeared on my face. Cole stared and tried to reach out to me.

I became furious. What was left of my heart pumped hot rage instead of blood. Boiling my body as it went.

"What?!" Rushed out my mouth, as my brain caught up.

"How?!" Still struggling to get a grasp.

"Why?" That's the question I settled on. I repeated it until I annoyed myself. I watched Cole's patience grew thin, it was very apparent on his face.

He stood up, snapped his fingers. Tired of my badgering and crying.

All were instantly moved to his Hell office, yes including the food. I wiped my eyes and glared at him.

He decided to get a plate and take his time.

I swear to God. That earned me a dirty look.

Sitting in his seat, he spread his hands out, gesturing to the boring ass chair on the opposite side of his desk. 

One sigh and eye roll later I was fidgeting to get comfortable in this chair.

"I know it's Hell but do the chairs have to be so uncomfortable?" I asked, only half joking.

"Yes." He clipped the word. "Now shut up." Yup, he was tired of me. I couldn't keep the grimace off my face.

"Since you want to be an annoying little girl." He gave me a pointed look. "I will explain all this, just once." He held up his hand. "Please hold all questions until the end." He leaned back in his chair, appearing relaxed.

"It's all starts with David's mother, she was a very ambitious woman. She's made a deal, with a lowly crossroads demon, for her and her children to have a good life." He shrugged as if to say that he didn't get it. "I'm not sure how much you know about those deals, but they come with an expiration date." I opened my mouth to speak, but he held up his hand once again

"She passed away in a grim manner, I won't go further into that." He clenched his chest while puckering out his bottom lip.

Asshole. He flashed me his trademark smile.

"Anyway, she left behind a substantial amount of money and a doting husband, with a small child. Sad how he doesn't even remember her." The last part sounded genuine.

"As a general rule, we mess with the 1%-ers, but when they are a product of deals and tidings, I, like to take a personal interest." He paused to let his words sink in.

"How did she find one of those?" I want sure if I should be concerned our not about how casually I spoke about demons. My mind skipping to the next question.

"Why do you care about rich people? Why bother when human affairs at all?" My voice broke slightly, my emotions fraying.

Cole's face twitch, I shifted in my seat.
I'm sorry. I knew when to not push it.

"To sum things up, and get to the part you care about. I used one of David's," he pauses and appears to be gathering his thoughts." How do I put this nicely, hidden weaknesses against him." He had an odd look on his face, one I was beginning to associate with him being uncomfortable.

"I knew of you but from David's perceptive, it didn't seem to be a serious relationship. I'm sorry that I indirectly hurt you." Genuine emotions came through his tone, so strong I felt my heart stir and tears form in my eyes.

"I'll answer your questions now, and I will be as honest as I can be." One of his shoulders lifted, his head leaning to one side to meet it. He leaned back in his chair nonchalance clear to see. "I'll start with the ones you already asked; I would assume she found one at a crossroad intersection." His face split into a smile, he slapped the desk in front of him.

"Oh, you smart ass!" I had to practically shout over his laughter. He calmed down quickly, struggling for only a second to keep his face right, as I continue to glare at him.

"I'm not sure how anyone finds them if I'm honest." Dismissing the question with a wave of his hand.

"As for why we mess with the 1%, they are rich, they think that money can get them out of anything. Also, it prepares them a bit for when they get here." He leaned slightly forward and pressed a small button on his desk. Crossing my arms, I shifted towards the door and waited for "Nessa" to show.

Instead, a large white sheet fell from the ceiling, the plastic at the bottom made a loud clatter. I almost fell off my seat again from the scare it gave me.

"Did you get rid of Nessa?" I couldn't hide the hopeful hint to my tone.

With a chuckle, "No. Are you done asking me questions now?" I shook my head as a reply. Not trusting myself to not act like a sullen child and stick my tongue out at him.

I also knew my moment of getting answers was fading and I still needed a lot of answers.

I checked my emotions, and I pressed on.

"What did you do to lure him away?" I had adjusted, now I'm facing him directly, I knew when he caught the quiver in my voice. I had to know why he left even if I didn't care, anyway.

Mentally I grabbed that pin-less grenade, and tossed it in the box I was shoving everything else in.

I watched Satan shift in his seat, clearly uncomfortable. He glanced down at his desk, used his thumbnail to scrape at something I couldn't see.

"I may have done a double whammy to him," Satan muttered to the table, I almost didn't hear him.


"What do you mean?" I struggled to keep my patience, my tone light.

He continued to work on his desk. "I arranged for him to be catfished and a massive scam, that he traveled across the country for just him to end up stranded. His own father laughed at him." Anger started to bubble to the surface. 

"I thought it would be entertaining, but I realized that I was wrecking your life and prior to my intervention, we were never supposed to meet." His remorse was almost palpable around him.  "But I had to fix what I caused."

I'm not sure why him saying that triggered me.

"I don't need you to fix me! I shouted I jumped out of my seat. I have had enough. "Send me home, and don't bother me anymore," I spoke in an emotionless voice. Cole gave me a sad nod, and slowly bend his elbow, so I could see his hand.


I was standing in my room, my backpack sitting on the floor in front of me.

Blindly sitting down on the edge of my bed, I started crying into my hands. The grenade finally went off, blowing the lid to my Pandora's box wide off. 

It was all for some hellish game. I thought on repeat until I couldn't catch my breath between gut clutching sobs.

This was so much more than before. Laying sideways on m my bed, I didn't bother to take my shoes off as I curled up in a ball.

I wish he never told me.

I struggled to remember I had brought the topic of David up. I blamed myself and berated all involved until sleep finally took over.

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