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Time has a funny way of moving on me, on the other hand, do not.

My birthday is tomorrow, and I'm still fuming about Satan. He has the good sense to stay away, I haven't seen any evidence of his intervening either. I hope it stays this way.

The only good thing that comes from this, is now every time I see David I laugh like a mad woman. Something about his face now strikes me funny, as mean as that sounds.  I no longer get gawked at school, either the cause went away or people got used to it.

Lucy's hair was still white, her mom hasn't said a word much to all our surprise. My parents aren't very fond of it either, but they are nice enough to wait till it just us and then lecture me about it.

Cause, you know it's my fault.

I snap back to the last bit of makeup school work I had. I was fortunate enough to talk all my teachers into giving me an extra credit project. I saved the worse for last.

A massive research paper on the different types of soil. Earth science has never really been an interest of mine. This was seriously one of the most boring topics ever. Making me want to bash my head against the keyboard of my laptop.

A door slamming shut somewhere in the house gave me, my first excuse to leave this researching behind. With a huff, I was up and out the door. I was halfway down the stairs when I first heard my mother humming. She was beyond excited to be throwing me a party. The memory of me bringing it up

One Week Earlier.

My mom and I have both played hookey, a rare occurrence, something we both cherish. We are one with the couch, amongst bowls off chips, popcorn, and boxes of our favorite candies, binging one of our show.

I knew this was all because she was worried that I would go off the deep again. She had noticed Cole's absence.

She has nothing to worry about. I thought to myself add I flung a piece of popcorn in my mouth. To distract my thoughts I  blurted the first thing that came to mind.

"I think I want a birthday party." My mom started coughing. Of course, I would blurt that out while she's eating.
Once the candy inducing near-death experience was over, my mom stared at me. It wasn't difficult to see where I got most of my features from. We have the same hair color, she takes special measures to keep it that way. I have her slender nose and her eyes. Minus the red and puffing that's occur when choking. A real smile was spread across her face.

"I didn't think you would want to celebrate it, but I will gladly throw you a party. What were you thinking?" My chest tightened a little. My own mom thought I wouldn't want a party for my 18th birthday. Quickly coming up with a defense and an idea.

"Well Mom, everybody wants to party when they turn 18, but I think I want to give you full control. This is more for you than me anyway. I only have Lucy you can invite. So we could do like a family thing, with Lucy, of course." As I spoke I watched tears form in her eyes, this time not from choking.

She just smiled and nodded at me and we went back to our show.


I almost regretted having said anything about a party. She has invited, not just the local family and friends but even some distance family.  I gave her too much time, too much notice. Now I was going to spend the day talking to people I hadn't seen in at least five years.


At least I will have Lucy with me. Our mothers collaborated, first time for everything, I guess. I was almost worried, my mom was going to let Sabrina help with the decorations.

Flashbacks of lace doilies pink frill and tulle bundles from the last party Lucy made me go to. They basically all looked like that, even for the holiday party. I shuddered as I rounded the corner. Sending a small prayer to whoever was listening, that I didn't see any pink.

I got maybe three steps into the kitchen before my mother cut me off. She grabbed both my shoulders and turned me around. I managed to get a quick glance of the kitchen, by craning my neck and looking around my mom's head.

Counting my blessings since I didn't see any pink. With a big sigh of relief, I let my mom push me out of the kitchen.

"No peeking." She said in a sing-song voice. She patted me on the butt as I was deposited in the living room, left to my own devices.

Eyeing the movie collection, I shake my head, giving in to the lazy voice in my head. I opted to plop on the couch and stream, binge, procrastinate, whatever you want to call it. My mom poked her head in, halfway through the second episode.

"Don't you have something else you could be doing?" Her tone was flat, and she was just staring at me. I couldn't tell if she was telling me to go do my school work, or if she wanted me out of this room too. 

"Yeah, I have that project to finish." I paused my show. Anticipating her telling me to get to it. A scowl appeared on her face and she let out an exasperated sigh, throwing her head back, slouching her shoulders forward. She turned and went back into the kitchen.

"That project better be finished by your party or you don't get your gifts until it is."

My mother did not negotiate with terrorists.

No matter how unfair I thought things were. I didn't even bother getting angry, it won't do me any good, and she will just tell my dad. Somehow he has a ways off conveying his disappointment without saying so. Basically he's a bummer to have to be the mediator.

Turning off everything and going to my room.  I once again, sat down with my laptop, this time I had my notebook and all my scattered notes.

Feeling grateful, that all I had to do was type up my paper. You know, all 8 required minimum pages about dirt.   If I didn't slack off, due to what I was quickly realizing wasn't that big of a deal.

Sure, I really cared about David, but come on, it was going to end anyway once we got to college. Once that thought occurred to me, I felt much better about everything. 

Focusing on my research with what felt like one side of my brain, I let the other side continue its self-healing journey. Pride was still not budging on the whole Satan front. He made me look like a complete idiot, for kicks. I'm sure he wasn't the only one who enjoyed that show.

My fingers were slapping the keys. I was ignoring the small rational voice that had to urge me to terms earlier. Couldn't give her two victories, not yet.

Putting all my focus on my paper. I worked until I ran of out material to write about. I started making graphs to add in. When that time-consuming object was complete, I hopped into the next.  Putting the graphs in their belonging sections. A little editing later I was done. It was 12 pages not counting my sources page. I wasn't sure if he would want those but I had them ready.

I looked at the time, it was almost eleven. I made the regretful decision to move. Every muscle in my back, neck, and shoulders screamed in protest of being in my hunch position for so long.

I gingerly laid back and stretch my legs out. Holding my laptop on my stomach, watching it teeter as I moved. I quickly hit the print button, then enter. I gently place my laptop on the floor and finished stretching my body out.

I'm not entirely sure how long it was when a soft knock came from my door.

"Come in!" I called, sitting up. My dad came in my papers in one hand, a plate in the other.

"Your mother made this for you, and I read your paper. I add my own touches. With sticky notes." He added the last part when he saw my horrified face. "I really like the way you utilize the graphs." He smiled as he came across the room sitting both things done on my bed.  He perched on the edge of my bed.  I will always be his little girl but he's awkward now that I'm all grown up.

Forgetting all that and I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him. I almost knocked us off the bed. It has been too long since I've hugged my dad, I will admit. I let go as quickly as I attacked, knowing how he typically is.

"Thanks, kiddo, enjoy your food and get some rest. You are in for it tomorrow." He sounded truly grim saying the last part. My elation of the moment died. He left me with a plate of food and my paper and some crushed feelings.

I ate my food and passed out with my paper in my hands, I know I did. 

Part one of a double post frenzy!!!! I wonder how this party is going to turn out. I know I wouldn't trust Lucy's mom to decorate anything for me.

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