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I woke up my plate was gone papers are on my nightstand. A blanket wrapped around me. There was a present sitting on my nightstand too. Black and white striped paper, a white silk bow on top. A card leaned up against it "Our Daughter" scripted across it in my mom's handwriting.

I sat up and grabbed both, setting them in front of me. Grabbing the card envelope, I opened it easy, didn't want a paper cut. Once I got the card out I take a moment to admire it. It had several flowers, I didn't know what type they were, they were mainly in the corners, the background kinda matched the wrapping paper. "Happy 18th Birthday to my beautiful daughter." I knew my mom picked this card.

"Oh, how did we get to your 18th birthday already? I feel like it was just yesterday I was bringing you home, or taking you to kindergarten for the first time, teaching you to ride a bike and read a book. Now I'm teaching you how to drive, change a flat tire, how to save money, and not to mention apply for a job. You will always be my little girl, but now you are also my beautiful young lady. -Dad"

I felt tears fight to spill over. My dad may be corny but he really knew how to play the emotional card.

Wiping my eyes, glad I opened this in here. I carefully undid the ribbon, knowing I was going to keep it. I tore a small corner off of the paper and, stuck it inside the card along with the ribbon.

The rest of the paper came off with one rip, revealing a plain brown box. It opened easily enough. Inside was three things, and a note. The note was on a little purple index card. "You'll need these for college life." A little worried at what my father would think I needed bad enough for him to give it to me on my birthday.

I reached in blindly and pulled a small canister of mace. Nodding, I sat it down. Once again, I reached into the box, this time I pulled out a medium size picture frame. Looking at the picture inside, I saw that it was the first photo of my mom, dad and me when I came home. Yet again, my dad knew how to sneak punch you in the feelings.

I had to take a second to stare at the picture and appreciate my dad's sentiment. Collecting my emotions, I pressed on and grabbed the last item. It was a DVD set of a couple seasons of one of my many fandoms. It had multiple seasons in it.

I jumped up and ran out, didn't even pause to take my time on the stairs. I found my dad in his "office" it was really the storage room, but he hides in here and used the desk when mom was on a warpath.

This isn't a good sign on your birthday.

He had the door open so that was promising, right? I knocked as I stood in the doorway.

When he looked up, a smile spread over his face. Pride was clear to see, he motioned for me to come in. I moved in about two steps, there wasn't much room.

"I wanted to say thank you for all the wonderful gifts Dad. I'd hug you if I could get to you." I joked.

"It's alright, I wanted to warn you. Your mother is very emotional and something went wrong with one of your aunts. Currently, mom's in the kitchen losing her mind, I believe." My dad's face loses some of the happiness it had moments ago. "I tried to help her but that is not a good idea. I'd recommend you don't try that." He was completely serious.

"Well, thanks again. I'm going to hide in my room for as long as I can." I said as I backed up to the door. He nodded at me "that's my girl." His voice full of approval.

I quietly made my way through the house. Did even bother looking in the kitchen, also quite thankful I didn't go in there earlier, unknowingly. I should come up with a good excuse to not help.


When I got in my room, I found my research paper on my table. I grabbed it and my laptop, I sat on my bed and got comfy. Going note by note my dad made, I edited the original.

I was once again, engrossed in my work when my door exploded open. Lucy came in with her arms full.

"I don't which one of our mothers to curse, first. Oh, and happy birthday." The angry tone in her voice dulled that birthday wish. She dumped what she was carrying, onto my bed.

"Stop stalling with your paper, your mother sent me in with your dress and shoes." I jumped forward, moving everything off my lap. Desperately trying to get to my dress, that Lucy just left as a heap.

"Wait until you see everything they have done." She spoke before I could yell at her, I was hoping her horror would mean my delight. Sending a silent prayer that my party would be a decent success. I knew not to aim too high.

Play it safe.

I took my dress and hung it on the back of my bathroom door.

"Is it your bad or mine kind of bad?" Lucy gave me a devious smile and locked her lips with an invisible key. I went back to my bed once again grabbing my laptop, I was almost done.

"Why are you my friend??!" I yelled at her as I did the last finishing touches, I hit print.

"You're running out of time and you do not want to get on her bad side, birthday girl or not. Your mom's scary." My best friend shook, looking haunted by her memories.

Dramatic like her mother. I went into my bathroom once again, this time I stripped off my pajamas. Unzip the bag to reveal and very shiny, shimmery dress.

The top was white lace with a flower design, contrast it gave the bottom was stunning. The back of the top was sheer with a lace bit going down my spine It has all gold lace with an intricate design. It had a mermaid fit, so it was very snug on my waist and legs. My mom and I had picked this out for prom. I had told her I wanted to wear it today. I didn't even wait five seconds before I was struggling into it.

She was kind when she picked the shoes that go with my outfit today. Gold gladiator sandals, I also took it as a hint that I was going to be on my feet a lot today. I came out carrying my shoes, I sat on my bed.

Ignoring Lucy stunned face, she was going to catch flies, the way her jaw hung open.

There was a knock on the door. My mom didn't wait for an answer she just came in. She stopped when she saw me.

"You look so beautiful, I came to see if you needed help with your hair." The emotion was heavy in her voice. I could see her eyes water up, I wanted to comfort her. But I didn't want to wrinkle my dress, I knew she would fuss at me.

"That would be nice, I have no idea what to do with it." I got lucky my mom knew a little something about styling hair. She's tried to teach me a few times but I have yet to figure any out.

She got my desk chair and put it in the bathroom, she hummed to herself and she collected what she may need. Lucy took her chance and left, giving me an apologetic look as she slipped out the door.

I sat in the chair and took my hair down. Thankfully it didn't need washing or I knew she would have made me shower.

She started off by combing out any knots, soon she was on a roll. Both with spraying, then curling my hair and talking. First about how my aunt Louise was almost late because she's had a delayed during her layover.

Then it was the baker messed up the cake but thankfully it was a quick fix. They were several more problems, and some made me wonder if Lucy's mom hadn't rubbed off on her.

She finally finished pinning my hair up, I was just on the brink of sanity when she finally stopped talking. She leaned in close so we could see both of ourselves in the mirror. My hair was pinned to the side and coming down in waves of curls, some draping my shoulder. I could so many of my mother's features among my own.

She got all misty eyes again.

"You look stunning and so grown up." Her voice wobbled and broke slightly but she regained control smoothly. She placed a kiss on top of my head and back away.

"Now it's my turn to finish getting ready, our guests will be here soon."

She left my room and me to my own devices for my make up.

I'm in danger.

I was opening containers and hooking instructions would just pop out at me. I started feeling odd like someone was watching me. My eyes snapped top the mirror. A little yelp escaped me before I could fully register what was Lucy I saw standing in my doorway. The white hair gave her a creepy effect. She cackled and moved the chair it off her way to stand beside me.

"Sit down, I've come to save the day!" She was still chuckling to herself. I wanted to tell her off but I couldn't afford to have her leave too.

So I sat down, and I let her do whatever. I knew better than to talk to her, she needed me still and she never made you want to fill the air with noise. She didn't mind the quiet either, that's why we got along.

Following her gentle commands for things done faster than normal. I'm usually her practice dummy.

She let me look in the mirror, I was stunned. She gave me a light natural look, with a touch of gold around the eyes. I beamed at her and thanked her. The doorbell ringing signal we were due downstairs, or at least I was. Lucy still wasn't in her dress either, I'm not sure how my mom managed that one.

I went downstairs and met my mom and some relative I hadn't seen since I was four.

It had begun.

That continued for quite a while. I received so many hugs as my mom walked me around the living room. Once a sizeable group had gathered she lead us to the dining room.

Off course, my mother cleared that room out of its normal furniture, how I haven't the foggiest.

She had gold, white, and black lanterns hanging from the ceiling, she had two long takes up against the far side of the room. She had gotten large white poster board and put black stripes down them, being the backdrop for the black-clad tables. The was a sparkly square in the middle of each, I couldn't write read what they said, yet. In the corners hung beautiful big white flowers.

Making my way closer, I saw the left side was for gifts and cards, the card box wasn't even a box, it was a golden cage. The right side had all the food and drinks. Everything sat on golden serving trays and stands. The cake was black and white striped with a little flower on top. It sat in front of the sign. Something started to nag at me, I couldn't figure it out, so I plastered a big happy smile on my face. I didn't want my mother's feelings to get hurt.

It was a very pretty party, that she worked very hard on. I had to constantly remind myself of that.

For. Four. Hours.

That was before she even cut the cake.

Thankfully it seemed that most people were waiting for the cake before leaving. Not soon after, the house cleared.

I barely even saw Lucy during the party. My mom didn't let me stay too far from her the entire party. I was currently waiting to be dismissed, I was dying to put on sweatpants and lay in my bed.

Once the last guest left, my dad gave me a nod, I took that as my chance and high trailed out to my room. He and I had talked this through already, he was going to cover for me during clean up.

I grabbed a pair of comfortable pants and a tank top and rushed into my bathroom. Quickly changing, I hung my dress back up, before exiting.

I collapsed on my bed, I heard a piece of paper crinkle under me. Shifting around, I got it.

I r recognized the handwriting.

Happy Birthday.
See you soon.

Brushing it off, I put the paper my nightstand and curled up, for a nice long nap.

Sadly, it didn't stay that way.

As I find myself in the one place I didn't want to be.


Woo! That was a lot for a birthday. Honestly, I couldn't stop writing. Is anyone else curious as to what's going to happen Hell? Hope you enjoyed this double post!!!!

Also, I went on the interweb lol and found some images that kinda matched her dress and party theme.

The birthday girl's dress

The back of it. It is just gorgeous!

The birthday theme.

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