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Eventually I crawled out of my bed, much to my body's dismay. As soon as I stood, my muscles started screaming.

"Ugh" I groan, I reach for my phone. Turning on my music and double checking for towels -a new habit, I've formed- I hit the shower.

I must've hit Lucy's playlist, heavy guitar and drum riffs fill my bathroom, along with a male's gruff voice. Sometime he sings, sometimes he yells. 

I relaxed, enjoying the stream of hot water, plummeling the tension in my muscles.

The events of last night replaying, my thoughts danced and landed on my deal.

Absentmindedly washing my hair, I decided I need more time, than whatever he had to offer. There has to be a way to barter for more time, right?

I held onto the small hope, I had forming. Convincing myself that I could get more time, I mean he did offer me my soul, or a date.

Dating the King of Hell doesn't seem that thrilling, not in comparison to having my soul back.


This is why I need more time.

I had finished showering. I was getting dress and ready for my day, when my phone started ringing. I had to rush through my room, just to miss the call anyway. 

Pacing my room, I called back Lucy. 

"Come unlock your front door," was all she said before the call was disconnected. She didn't sound very happy, either.

With a sigh I raced down to the door. Lucy pushed past me and stomped up the stairs and into my room. I quietly followed her.

I didn't get very far into my room, before she started in on me.

"Why is it that I'm just finding out?" Talk about confusing, I'm at a lost for what she is talking about.

"Oh don't play dumb," she crossed her arms. Her face was contorting in anger, the white hair added a whole level of crazy to her. I inched back, not quite trusting her to not smack me.

I spread my hands, trying to convey I had no idea what she was talking about. Then my brain clicked back into place.

"Who told you and what did they tell you?" I tried to keep my voice calm, this wasn't the first time I've dealt with her.

"Everyone knows, it's all over social media." I felt like I've been punched in the stomanch.

"Someone saw you two making out on the balcony, so now the whole school knows you two are dating." I'm not sure if it was the words she said or the factual tone she used, but I found it beyond funny.

My giggles turned into full belly laughs. I couldn't stop once I started, Lucy's face didn't help. She just continued to give me the stink eye. 

I moved around my room and grabbed my phone. Knowing exactly who to text, he had to hear this.

"The entire school thinks we are dating. Lucy is here. She's super pissed, I can't stop laughing. Help."  I hit send and sat on my bed and stared at the floor. Doing my best to calm down.

Its just so ridiculous.

I heard Lucy's let out a startled gasp, so I knew he must be here.

"Hey babe." Was all he said.

"That doesn't help," I jumped up, yelling. "You shouldn't play into this rumor." I put my hands on my hips and gave him my best bossy expression.

His mischievous smile stretched up to his eyes, the glint in his eye was all too familiar by now.

"No!" I shout. "Lucy nothing is going on between us, we weren't making out on the balcony."

"Oh that, that was just a glamour so the guest wouldn't see us talking and then get nosey, and hear about our deal." His long-winded explaination actually made some sense.

"But why us making out? Why not us fighting, like we were? That would have made more sense." His smile stayed in place and he nodded his head and raised his eyebrow at me.

I couldn't stop myself from reaching out and smacking his arm.

With an overdramatic sigh, I faced Lucy once again. "And you," I marched up to her. "It's all your fault he's even in our lives, so don't come in here all mad because you've been keeping yourself out of the loop.  We've been pretending to be together ever since David got back." She tried to cut me off, I didn't let her. "I'm surprised it took this long for you to find out." I caught Cole nodding his head in agreement.

"You're not helping." I said, more like whined, repoachfully.

Having grown tired of both of them and this topic, I decided to go to the issue, that was front and center in my mind.

"I need more time," I turned to look at Cole. You know why, I can't make up my mind yet. 

"We can s-"

"More time for what?" Lucy interrupted, refusing to be left out.

"We can sche-"  Cole tried once again to say something, his tone barely flatter.

"Seriously, more time for what?" She interrupted him once more to demand answers.

"That's it." Cole's tone was dark, he didn't move just looked at Lucy, who surprising me, didn't flinch away.

Someone grew a spine.

Cole chuckled and Lucy bristled, but she didn't speak again, despite looking like she was trying.

She clapped her hands to her throats, then her mouth. When Cole booped her nose, she tried to take a chunk of his finger.

"Aw," he cooed. "Don't be like that, if you would have shut up and let me talk,"he gestured to her. "This wouldn't have happened."

He turned his attention back on me and I did not miss the way his eyes went up and down my body before landing on my eyes.

"We can make this official and go to court, if you're sure you want more time." His tone almost seemed like he didn't want this.

"You guys have court?" I asked astounded.

"Yeah, we observed how well it worked for you guys, you know as it tends to be long and tedious events. Perfect for tortment of a lesser damned soul." He spoke like this all should be obvious. Well my good sir, it is not.

Leaning forward again, he booped Lucy's nose. Before she could even open her mouth, he gave her a stern look.

"I'll have my people get in touch with you." With a wink, he disappeared.

"I hate him!" Lucy spat, venomously.

I couldn't help but laugh at her now, she was sulking like a spoiled child.

"You're too much," I said lovingly as I gave her a hug. She hugged me back, "That's not going to get you out of trouble," she muttered in my ear.

"Explain everything, I've missed," she said as she sat down on my bed.

So that's what I did. I spilled everything and talking to her, made it more clear that I didn't have the slightest idea what I was going to do.

She decided the best course of action, was to park ourselves in front of the TV, and gorge ourselves on snack foods.

Hours later, after she left with promises of us getting together again, and we will get back to who we were. I bid my parents a goodnight and went to my room. 

A note was left on my pillow, thinking it's from Lucy I let it wait a few as I got ready for bed. 

I got to my bed and picked up the card.

It was about the size of an index card, letting me know I had Hell court. At least they were giving me a lawyer.

I put the card on my nightstand and went to sleep.

Hey guys!! Hope all is well :)
The end of this story is near!!!! I know, I know you don't want it to end either, but it has to so I can write another ;) hope you enjoy the little thing I made for their court summoning, I feel like it adds a bit more to the story. 

Don't forget to vote comment and share!!

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