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As soon as the sweet lull of sleep grabbed ahold of me, I knew I wasn't going to be enjoying it.

I was correct, naturally.

I didn't even want to open my eyes, part of me was hoping it was Cole. I had this nagging feeling it wasn't though. I was not prepared for that type of disappointment just yet. I steeled my nerves anf faced what was waiting for me.

It was just a guy, a nervous guy. He was fidgeting with everything he touched.

He stood up, haphazordly. He shuffled over to me, wiping the sweat from his forehead and into his greasy combed over hair. The spots on his scalp stood out even from across the room, I tried to not stare. Being polite and all that jazz.

His odor reached me before he did. Ripe and pungent, it bombarded my nose. To the point my eyes watered.

He didn't stay close long, reaching out his hand, then waiting for me to grasp and shake it. I did, quickly. Backing uo quickly from me he sat back down at his shoddy desk. He scratched his thin light brown moustache as he sorted through a stack of papers.

"So, you're Addison? Your case is against....." His pause lasted for more than a few heartbeats. Then he just looked at me and stared.

"We're going up against Satan? I'm just a low level lawyer." Panic laced his voice. I watched as his foot began to tap, and he started throwing papers around his desk.

Suddenly he took a deep breath visibly calming.

"Can you take a seat over there and let me read over your case more." With a huff, I went where he waved to. I was already ticked off, how are you going to bring me here and not be ready?

I took a seat, attempting to get as comfortable as possible. I leaned my head against the wall and closed my eyes. Trying to get some actual rest, if I was lucky.

I wasn't.

"That's one of the cons here, no rest for the wicked." A voice I instantly recognize interrupts my sleepy brain. I played it cool though, I barely peeked open an eye.

I was correct the King of Hell sat beside me, more like in front of me. His usual cat who ate the canary smile in place. He was louging casually in his seat, not a care in the world.

"I just came to make sure you wanted more time." He was almost purring at me.

The sound of hyperventilating interrupt our conversation. My poor lawyer looks like he was having a panic attack at the mere sight of Cole.

Cole took one sidelong glance at him and the demon lawyer disappeared from the room.

"As I was saying, are you sure you need more time?" I meet his eyes when he asked this time, bad idea.

I almost gave in.

Until a small part of me, demanded that not only I come to a decision but I be wooed, courted if you will. He wants me to be the Queen of Hell, he's going to have to earn it.

"I don't need more time, I know what I want," Cole leaned closer to me, looking positive he knew my answer. "I want to go to court, I need a better deal."

I wish I could have taken a photo of the shocked look on his face. His eyes were bulging just a tad, his jaw was on his chest. Even once he collected himself, his face kept a bewildered hint.

He stood up, straighten his jacket. Took my hand, lifted it to his mouth and placed a light kiss on it. Then he was gone, leaving me alone in this sweat smelling office. After what felt like a half hour, everything just disappeared.

Then just stayed black, I knew I was sleeping again. No dreams arrived though.

I'm not sure how long I stayed like this. All I do know is that it does not make for a rested night's sleep.

School dragged by to the point I forgot what happened as it was happening. No learning was done by me today. I could not wait to go home. Thankfully Lucy had something to do with her mom, so she just dropped me off. Allowing me to take a nap, as soon as I got into my room.

Homework and everything else could wait. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow. I was almost surprised when I felt that I was actually going to dream, and not be pulled to Hell.

Who knows, I was just thankful for some sleep.

It was peaceful, I woke up relaxed and more resolved to my decision. I tried to remember what homework I had, but for the life of me, I could not recall anything.

I pondered if I should call Lucy and ask about homework, or I could just watch TV. Ignore all my problems for a little while longer. That sounds like a wonderful idea.

After a quick peek outside, I confirmed I was home alone, allowing me to go true teenager form. I put on my favorite pair of binge watching shorts and hoodie. Gathering all my favorite snacks. I made myself comfortable and settled in on the couch. I had just started my favorite show about brothers when my phone started to ring.

I didn't recognize the song. Yes, I was one of those people who assigned certain songs to people. I paused my show, and raced to my bedroom.

I still missed the call, it was an unsaved number. I was still trying to place the song, it was just an instructmental but it was familiar. I know I have heard it before, it replays in my mind as I call back.

Whoever it is. I was even more annoyed now. First my show, then the ear worm that's currently ripping its way through to my brain. The phone just trilled and trilled. I was sure no one was going to anwer. Just as I was about to hit the end button, I heard a distant small "hello".

"Hello," I raced to put the phone to my ear again.

"Miss Rochester, your court date has been arranged. You also have a new lawyer, who will be in contact with you soon." A rather bored voice responded.

Click. The call was ended.

Well I hope this lawyer is better than the last.

I shuffled back out to the living room, getting comfortable once again.

I had just hit play on my show when someone knocked on my door.

If I don't answer, they will go away right?

If only I was that lucky.

Cole appeared on the couch beside me. Startling me to the point of a small yelp, and flying backwards further into the couch.

Exaggerating disappointment on his face. "You ought to be use to me just popping up by now," he gave me a stern look. "I heard you planning on ignoring me," He glanced at the tv. "I can see why, though."

His mood shifted, he was starting to look uncomfortable.

"We need to talk." Was all he said but I felt like he dropped the biggest of bombs. Dread filled my heart and I lost the capability for breathing.

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