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Cole watched my face intently. My assumption is my face must be priceless. All my focus was on pushing air in and out of my lungs, at this point. I wanted to steady my heart rate. Working under the assumption he could hear it beating.

Why was I reacting this way?

The man just wants to talk, calm down. I chastised myself.

He's gonna leave, you know it's what they do with you. The cruel thought seared it's way through my brain and into my heart. Tears welled in my eyes, I struggle to hold them in.

Cole's face softens and he scoots closer. "I'm not going anywhere," he says as he wipes away the tear that escaped. His touch gentle matching his tone.

"I'm sorry Addie, I didn't word that quite right. I would like to talk to you about us." My heart pounded against it's confines, my ribs begin to ache.

"I have done some thinking, and I agree with you." Confused, I just nodded urging him to continue. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer, I laid my head on his shoulder. He was warm and smelled good, there was just a tinge of smoke. Oddly enough I found that comforting.

"I would like to ask you out on a date, it'll have to wait until after our court date." Well that put me on the spot.

"I'd like that." My voice broke slightly as I answered, doing so quickly before I had the chance to over think.

"I'd also like to take you on a tour of Hell, let you see what your future could hold." He added hastily. That didn't sound as appealing, but I wasn't going to turn it down.

"Really? That's a date to you." I joked. Pushing a bit further, "We should go to a movie or to an amusement park."

With a hint of a smirk, "You don't think we have those things in Hell?" Disappointment laced his words.

"I'm going to change your perspective of Hell." He said giving me the lightest of squeezes.  He relaxed and pulled us further into the couch, giving me the idea he was staying awhile. Which was confirmed when he unpaused my show.

"I have a weird question for you." I said bracing myself for this conversation.

"Shoot," He repaused the show.

" you think Lucy is ignoring me?" I took one look at his confused face and spilled the beans. Recalling all the missed and unreturned phone calls. The ditching me at school, how our moms has to force her to be a part of my birthday. The slight falling out her and I had. He shifted in his seat uncomfortably.

"I may have a theory but it's nothing more than that." He didn't appear to want to share that theory but I wasn't having that.

"So what is it?" I pried.

"It's me." His statement was met by a blank stare.

"She doesn't like me even though it's her fault, not really but she doesn't know that, that I'm here." His words made sense but didn't shock me none the less. How was I suppose to fix things if I continued down the path on currently on?

"Don't worry, I'll handle things with her." Squinting my eyes, I gave him the look of "Don't mess it up for me".

"Trust me, my Queen." He whispered as he placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

As sweet as that was, I couldn't let him hear me mentally go awe. So I went with snarky instead.

"I'm not your queen." I added extra attitude to that statement.

"Not yet." He said with such finality, that was the end to that. Didn't help he turned the show back on.

We sat like that, content. My brain started making notes and comparisons. I tried my best to focus on the show and not him. Knowing damn well he was spying on my every thought. 

The front door opened, the closed. My mom walked into our view, hands on her hips and disapproval all over her face. 

"Addison, Cole, can you tell just it is that you think yoy are doing?"

"We were just-" Cole tried to jump in to the rescue but to no avail. My mother cut him right off.

"You think you can just skip school, and binge watch my shows without me?" Her facade almost cracked, but she held through.

"I skipped school? I totally thought it was Sunday. I thought it was strange you weren't home."

My phone ringing that same ear worm inducing tone interrupted us all. I shot Cole a look, he gave nothing away.

"Saved by the bell," Jumping up I ran to my room once again.

"Hello?" I huffed into the phone, only slightly winded from my run over.

Am I getting out of shape? 

From the living room Cole snickered but tried to cover it with a coughing fit.

"Please wait." The voice from earlier said. How are you going to call me and then place me on hold?

"It's hell love, we do that type of thing."  Cole interrupted my thoughts causing me to jump.

Don't do that!  I mentally chastised him. Peering around him to see if my mother was still waiting for me or not. Thankfully she moved on, she's probably sulking in her room.

"Miss Rochester, we just wanted to inform you, your case is turning into a settlement suit now, Samson is awake and will be waiting-" the phone was taken from me at this point.

"Who woke him up?" He demanded and in that moment, Cole was gone. In his wake was the King.

"No, that will not do." He paced around my room.  His face changing from stern to disappointment. "Yes, I know Cynthia once he's awake, he's gotta rule, alright that could work. I'll see what I can do." He ended the call, turned to me with a meek sort of smile on his face.

"Want to go to court now? Get this over with." He rubbed his foot on the floor, looking quite uncomfortable. If he was uncomfortable what was in store for us.

Summoning up what little courage I had, I agreed.

"Let's go." I offered him my hand, this way he couldn't just drop me anywhere in Hell.

"What about your mom?" Oh right, silly me.

"I'll go deal with her, tell her we're going out to eat." I hustled out of my room, I was smart this time and took my time on the stairs. All but sprinted to my parents room. I gently knocked and waited.

Mom yanked the door open, hurt written all over her face still. She's been hanging out with Lucy's mom too much. She was becoming more and more dramatic. With a heavy sigh she let me into her room. 

I waited until her back was turned to roll my eyes.

"Mom, I didn't play hookey with Cole." I was close to whining.

"He just came over to check on me and maybe go out to dinner." She had sat on her bed and gave me the displeased mom look.

"What? He had been here all of like five minutes when you came home." That reply only made her angry.

Time for a different tactic.

"I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, but I wasn't doing what you think I was. Don't be angry with me." I added the most sincere look I could muster. My mom soften just a bit, but it was enough.

"Fine go to dinner but you owe me and you better go to school tomorrow." I raced over and hugged her. She chuckled and told me not to let dad find out. I was gone without much more.

I didn't realize I was hoping she'd say no and I wouldn't have to go to Hell court.  Walking normally I went up to my room, where Cole was sitting on my bed waiting. He wasn't looking too happy about this either.

Once again I offered him my hand.

"Let's go." He said as he took it.

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