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The first thing I noticed was that it was unbearably hot. My mouth went dry, my lips started cracking.  I instantly felt weak, as my feet touched the floor I almost buckled. Cole caught me and steered me towards a chair. He went and sat at the other table. A man appeared beside me. 

Stars began to dance across my line of vision. Sweat was already pouring off me in an unattractive manner. I held on to the table edge in fear I would fall out of my chair if I didn't.  The man beside me, finally acknowledged I was there and extended his hand out. I know he's talking to me but for the life of me, all I hear is jumbled words running together.

I shook his hand and went back to concentrating on breathing. There was an abrupt, unearthly screeching coming from somewhere not too far away. Followed by a loud boom, a wisp of an old man came through the little door that was to the left of me. A bailiff if that's what you want to call him shouted.

"All rise for Judge Samson the Ancient." His gravelly voice cut through the room. Everyone stood, my lawyer, yanked me out of my seat.

Oh god, don't pass out. Don't they usually say something different for the judge?

Out of the corner of my eye, I managed a glimpse of Cole shaking his head. He lifted his finger to his lips quickly and away just as fast. The room started to sway as my body temperature continued to rise.

A skeleton wearing taunt skin sat in the judge's chair. His long fingers brushed at few remaining strands of hair, at the top of his head.  His leather-like face held boredom and annoyance.  That's what you want, an annoyed judge. I closed my eyes, waiting until the room stopped spinning. I would really love to appear like a strong, independent woman, not a piece of sausage frying up in a pan. just a sizzling and sweating till I drop. Mostly in a manner that would disgrace my mother. Forcing air in and out of my lungs and praying to whoever would listen that I wouldn't have to strip in the middle of the courtroom, just to endure it. 

Cole coughed three times, each time he smacked the table. Seconds after the final smack I could breathe just a little easier. The small surplus of oxygen allowed my brain to calm down and focus. I wasn't aware that Cole's lawyer had been steady talking this whole time. Going on about how The king of hell needs a bride and I was the first girl the king had even been keen too. I started to get a bad sinking feeling in my stomach. 

I don't trust this. 

 As I probably shouldn't. It was Cole. 

I tried to face the judge and pretend that I was sitting in a small pool of my own sweat. I looked confident. 

"In exchange for her hand, the king has offered to bring her here and give her whatever she could possibly want. All it will cost her is her soul, which might I add she's already given that up." There were murmurs from all through the courtroom. alerting me to the fact that there were other people watching our case.  Suddenly things shifted into place. 

This would decide the future for these people. 

I let out a soft startled gasp. I thought of these demons as people. My right lobe gives a small smack to my left lobe. That's because they are. They are your people.  I knew without having to look at Cole that he his ear to ear smile. He has won. 

The judge looked almost completely insulted. 

"You woke me for this?!" He thunders in disbelief. "Do you know who I am?" He boomed again. "This is why you have usurpers Cole." He sneered the King's name making me grit my teeth to stop from lashing out. "You treat all our ancient customs as child's play. You make a mockery of Hell. I will not be preceding over this." With that grumpy grandpa banged a bone gavel and hobbled his way out the room. 

The room filled with more murmurs and gossip. Suddenly laughter cut through it all. Honest to god, the best punchline ever received laughter. That deep from the belly, eyes watering kind. All eyes in the room searched for the source of the sound, they all landed on the king. 

he was bent over his own knees, holding his sides. He made several attempts to gather his wits. Once he finally recovered, he snapped his fingers. 

He stood up, straighten the suit- I didn't see him change into it earlier when I was dying of heat stroke- a smile I knew nothing good came from plastered to his face. The courtroom audience was holding their breath just waiting for whatever was about to unfold. 

There was an earth retching scream soon replaced the silence. Grumpy Grandpa came into view looking like he was being dragged by an unseen force. 

Boy, was he fighting, his hands now looked like claws, and they were digging at the floor. He was trying to stop himself from being dragged further, while on his belly. His horns were apparent, I looked at something else as quickly as I could. He just kept screaming, shouting, kicking and thrashing his way until he was sitting in front of Cole.   

Cole gave him just enough leeway so that Samson was kneeling in front of him. 

"Well Samson, old buddy. I'm going to use you as an example for my usurpers." Before anyone had the time to respond, Cole placed his hand on Samson's forehead and the old man turned into dust.

Slowly, and what I assume was painfully too. Just going by looks. The courtroom erupted people jumping to their feet and rushing to help Samson but none could get to close. Once Grumpy Grandpa was no more I heard a snap. 

I landed on my bed a moment later, more confused than anything. 

What just happened? 

There was a knock on my bedroom door. 

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