Chapter 1

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Tilleykit followed all the other kits outside. The line of little kits trotted through the camp towards the fresh-kill pile. Tilleykit stayed close to her siblings Wirekit and Wrenkit. Lots of different coloured pelts flashed as the reached the fresh kill pile. The bundles of fur started collecting prey twice as big as them and taking them back to the nursery.

"Hey Tilleykit come get your fresh kill!" Her brother Wirekit snapped her back into reality.

"Sorry." She muttered and padded over to them, her little paws almost tripping her over. She was the smallest out of her littermates but she didn't want to say how hard everything was for her. She grabbed the smallest mouse and started trotting back to the nursery to catch up to her brothers.

"Oh, look here all the kits come, watch out or you'll trip them over!" A voice came from above her. She looked up to see violet eyes standing over her. The tan coloured pelt of Ackleypaw was looking at her. He was only 8 moons old but was already growing fast.

"Hey Ackleypaw!" Wrenkit and Wirekit jumped onto his paws, making an effort to try get the apprentice to the ground.

" me....Orchidpaw! Tulippaw help the kits are harassing me." Ackleypaw played, playfully trying to bat them away with his paws. Tilleykit saw Lunarkit, Elkkit, Unitedkit and Honeykit seated outside with their mothers Dragonflower, Valleycloud and Duskfeather. Tilleykit made a guess that Lindsaystream was on patrol because she wasn't anywhere in camp.

Lunarkit, Honeykit and Elkkit ran up to Ackleypaw and jumped onto his back. Ackleypaw pretended to fight them.

"No....i surrender." Ackleypaw called and fell to the ground. The kits got off him, seeing his stillness.

"Uhhh, did we kill him." Lunarkit asked cautiously and sniffed his head.

"Raaaaaaa." Ackleypaw jumped up. Tilleykit laughed.

"Let's get all you little mischievous kits into the nursery before you decide anything worse." Ackleypaw said with a smile, his purple eyes showing care and love in them. Tilleykit ran into the nursery and jumped onto her mothers bed and put her prey down. Elkkit, Lunarkit, Wirekit, Wrenkit, Honeykit and Unitedkit burst through into the nursery and started to play moss ball and catch-the-tail.

"Hey. Ombrékit, Colouredkit go over to see Tilleykit." Acaciaseed's voice came from the other side of the nursery.

"But we don't want to, we want to play, Tilleykit never wants to play, she's just boring." Tilleykit gritted her teeth at the word 'boring'. She didn't like getting called 'boring'.

"Maybe she'll want to play." Tilleykit immediately recognised the voice. She jumped down off her mothers bed, the mouse in her mouth and she ran outside and almost ran into Colouredkit.

"Sorry." Colouredkit muttered.

"Uh sorry." Tilleykit muffled against the fur of the mouse. Tilleykit padded slowly over to her mother Lindsaystream who was back from patrol. She placed the mouse down. "Mother i got you this mouse from the fresh kill pile. Here do you want it?" Tilleykit asked and pushed the tiny mouse forward with her muzzle.

"How nice of you. Tilleykit do you want to go—" Tilleykit cut her mother off.

"Why? I want to stay with you though." Tilleykit argued. "And Ackleypaw." She murmured the last words so her mother couldn't hear her.

"You can't always stay with me." Her hazel-lavender eyes showing sorrow. "I won't always be here you know, and when im....gone i won't be here to be with you. You know that."

"Yes but i want you to have this mouse. i always give you a mouse when you come back from patrol. Remember?" Tilleykit's brown pelt shook in frustration. "Remember we are some different clan to the other clans we use to share territory with, but we moved, our only problem we face is rat attacks which don't happen often so im not going to AuroraClan right away." Lindsaystream picked up the mouse headed into the nursery.

A bang hit the side of Tilleykit's chest. She recognised the familiar pelts of Colouredkit, Ombrékit, Simmerkit and Briarkit. The pure black pelt of Briarkit banged into Tilleykit, knocking her off balance. She fell to the ground with a little thud. "Oof." Dust sprayed her pelt as the 4 kits still kept playing. A soft paw prodded her. She looked up to see none other than the violet eyes of Ackleypaw. This time pairs of heather eyes were standing over her as well. She figured out that they were Cinderkit and Thymepaw. Tilleykit smiled weakly.

"Uhhh....hi." Butterflies formed in Tilleykits stomach. She had never liked talking to apprentices.

"Are you okay." Ackleypaw asked her, softly picking her up by the scruff and placing her down on her paws.

"Why wouldn't i be?" Tilleykit asked, maybe a bit to aggressively.

"We just thought you may be hurt from when Briarkit accidentally knocked you over." Thymepaw said confidently.

"Yeah." Cinderkit pretty much jump-scared her. Tilleykit jumped slightly.

"Well....thanks. im fine." Tilleykit thanked them. Ackleypaw nodded.

"Come on! Let's go get some fresh-kill!" Cinderkit nudged her. Tilleykit smiled and bounded after her, jumping over Moringabelly's tail and under Jackdawbright's black and blue paws. Cinderkit was already at the pile.

"I'm going to get myself and Grasskit some fresh-kill, who're you getting yours for?" Cinderkit asked her, tilting her little head sideways.

"Can you help me with something." Tilleykit asked her quietly.

"Yeah, what?"

"To get this dove into the elders den?" Tilleykit asked her.

"Okay." Cinderkit responded and helped her pick up the dove. A familiar scent washed over her again. She looked up to see Ackleypaw. She let go of the dove bird and looked at him.

"Need help?" He asked politely, seeming to always be in the right place at the right time. They nodded. "Okay, are we going to the elders den?" Ackleypaw padded forwards.

"Yes!" Tilleykit nodded eagerly and ran into the elders den. Sagethroat, Winterfall and Flashstrike were in the middle of a conversation. They stopped and looked at Ackleypaw and then at Tilleykit and Cinderkit.

"Come with our fresh-kill again Tilleykit, ehhh?" Sagethroat's tawny-teal eyes rested on Tilleykit's, he smiled softly.

Winterfall shook her pure white pelt and looked at the fresh-kill with her good eye.

"Like always, you can stay and listen to one of my favourite we love to tell young ones." Flashstrike gestured for them to sit down.

"Let's begin." Winterfall announced.

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